
Class: MST—Career Choices

Teachers: Mrs. Suzie Downs and Mrs. Kimberly Newman

Room: 506

Contact Info: ; ; 360-904-1176 (Mrs. Down’s cell); 971-570-4140 (Mrs. Newman’s cell)

Welcome to Career Choices! This summer you will explore a career opportunity that will stretch you as a person. The goals for this summer are:

  1. Develop work competencies related to your chosen field/internship.
  2. Practice professional and personal skills such as reliability, teamwork, and effective written and oral communication.
  3. Create a college plan via research, documentation, and self-reflection.

Text: The Financial Aid Handbook by Carol Stack and Ruth Vedvik (Career Press, 2011).


We will meet every Tuesday(except for Monday, July 25th) from 7:00-8:30 PM, starting June 21st, 2016 and ending July 25th, 2016. Class attendance is very important and expected. However, if you expect to be absent from class, you MUST contact Mrs. Downs and Mrs. Newman at least 24 hours in advance. At that time you will submit the assignment that was due on the day of your absence and be given a new assignment.


Attendance is MANDATORY at the internship site and will be documented (90 hours minimum). Mentors are making a serious commitment to the program and they expect students to do the same. In the unlikely event of an absence, students MUST contact their mentor and copy Mrs. Newman.


All assignments are expected to be completed on the due date. If an assignment is late, then you will receive ½ credit when you turn in the assignment.

Grading is based on a total points system:

Written Assignments:

□ Chapter reflections—50 points each

□ Hours log—100 points each week

□ Literature review—

  • Rough draft—200 points
  • Peer review—100 points

□ Materials and Methods—

  • Rough draft—200 points
  • Peer review—100 points


□ Attendance at weekly meetings—100 points (if you are tardy (with a five minute grace), then you will earn ½ credit).

□ Internship evaluations—50 points each

□ End of the course paperwork complete—100 points


June 21st:

∙ Welcome and share time

∙ Candy Bar Madness—intro to book (and pass out book)

∙ Logistics (contact information)

∙ Hours log and senior project proposal

∙ Professionalism

Hmk: Read Chapters 1-2 and write reflection (250-500 words). Watch video on literature review with Mr. Greene.

June 28th:

∙ Connection time

∙ Hours log

∙ Malcolm Gladwell’s thoughts on choosing a college

∙ Brainstorming on potential colleges to apply to

∙ Hmk: Read Chapters 3-4 and write reflection (250-500 words). First evaluation is due July 5th. Work on “Literature Review” section and submit to Turnitin.com by July 19 @ 11:59 PM.

July 5th:

∙ Connection time

∙ Hours log

∙ Write senior project proposal

∙ College plans

Hmk: Complete college handout. Work on “Literature Review” section and submit to Turnitin.com by July 19 @ 11:59 PM

July 12th:

∙ Connection time

∙ Hours log

∙ Revisit the materials and methods section

∙ Hmk: Read Chapters 5-6 and write reflection (250-500 words). Work on “Literature Review” section and submit to Turnitin.com by July 19. 2nd evaluation is due July 19th.

July 19th:

∙ Connection time

∙ Hours log

∙ Public speaking workshop with Dr. Allison Coffin

∙ Hmk: Work on “Materials and Methods” section and submit to Turnitin.com by August 11th. 3rd evaluation is due July 25th. Literature review peer review due by July 25th.

July 25th:

∙ Panel discussion with MST graduates

∙ Hours log

∙ Turn in paperwork

∙ Party!

Assignments and Due Dates:

Date Assigned / Assignment / Due Date / Complete
6-21 / Read Chapters 1-2 (Financial Aid Book) and write reflection. / 6-28
6-21 / Watch video on literature review by Mr. Greene. / 6-28
6-21 / Hours log / 6-28
6-28 / Read Chapters 3-4 (Financial Aid Book) and write reflection. / 7-5
6-28 / First evaluation due (get on this early). / 7-5
6-28 / Rough draft of literature review / 7-19
6-28 / Hours log / 7-5
7-5 / College handout / 7-12
7-5 / Hours log / 7-12
7-12 / Read Chapters 5-6 (Financial Aid Book) and write reflection. / 7-19
7-12 / Second evaluation due (get on this early). / 7-19
7-12 / Hours log / 7-19
7-19 / Write materials and methods section / 8-11
7-19 / Peer review of literature review / 7-25
7-19 / Final paperwork due: third evaluation, senior project proposal, hours logs / 7-25
Today / Rough draft of paper to Turnitin.com / 9-14
9-15 / Peer review (2 papers)--to Turnitin.com / 9-16
9-21 / Internship research paper due to Turnitin.com / 9-21
Today / Scientific poster rough draft--to Turnitin.com / 9-25
9-28 / Peer review of posters-- Turnitin.com / 9-30
10-1 / Final poster--to Turnitin.com / 10-5

Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
~Josh Billings