June 28, 2018
Crow Wing County Fairgrounds, Brainerd, MN
Exhibitor Information
- All youth under the age of 21, as of June 28, 2018, are eligible to exhibit. As this is a youth learning opportunity, parents are strongly encouraged to allow the exhibitor to participate in the show arena on their own.
- Each exhibitor may exhibit two female dairy cattle.
- Please bring your own hose, buckets, grooming, show equipment, bedding (SHAVINGS preferred) and feed for your animal(s).
- A food stand will be available.
- Milking equipment will be available.
III.Cattle Requirements
- All cattle will be inspected by the official veterinarian at the fairgrounds.
- CattleMUST BE individually identified with an official ear tag or tattoo accompanied by breed registration papers. Official ID may be a 9-digit tag beginning with ‘41’, 15-digit tags beginning with ‘840’, ‘982’ or ‘985’, or breed registration tattoos. See attached sheet for additional information. Cattle without proper identification will not be allowed to exhibit.
- No warts, ringworm or other communicable diseases. “Under treatment” is not acceptable.
- Vet check is from 8:30-10 a.m. Registration is from 9:30-10 a.m. JUDGING BEGINS AT 11 AM.
- A blue or red ribbon will be presented to each exhibitor.
- A Grand Champion award will be given to the Junior and Senior Champion of all breeds.
- A showmanship award will be given to the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Champions.
VI.Directions to Fairgrounds --ENTER THROUGH SOUTH GATE
From Aitkin…Take Hwy 210 into Brainerd. At third stoplight take a left (south) onto CR 45 / 13th Street. Go about 1.8 miles and fairgrounds is on the left.
From Garrison…Take Hwy 18 about 20 miles into Brainerd. Turn left (south) on CR 45 / 13th Street. This will be at a 4-way stop with Lakes Printing on the corner. Go about 1.3 miles and fairgrounds is on the left.
From Pierz…Take Hwy 25 about 25 miles to Brainerd. Turn left (west) on to CR 117 / Thiesse Road. Go about 2 miles and fairgrounds is on the right. This is right before the stop sign.
Any questions, call Becky Joerger 218-821-5475 or email