Wednesday, September 21, 2016 7 pm
Novato Safe Routes to Schools
Task Force Notes
David Hoffman- Parisi Associates, Peggy Clark- Safe Routes to Schools, Wendi Kallins- Safe Routes to Schools, Petr Skala - Engineer Novato DPW, Greg Mack -Novato School District Trustee, Mark Silva – Novato School District, Dabny Smith-resident, Tyler Cantley- Novato PD, Kelly Smith -Team Leader Loma Verde School, Kelly Zalewski- Marin Transit
Infrastructure updates

The Novato DPW Engineer that had been working with Safe Routes to School projects is no longer working for Novato. Petr Skala- Engineer attended the meeting to learn more about the Safe Routes to Schools Task Force and to provide what information he had on projects. He agreed to review the status of projects if he is assigned to them.

Crosswalk Improvements

Wendi requested an update on the crosswalk projects that were scheduled to be updated last summer. Petr reported the crosswalk at Laurelwood Drive was installed incorrectly and needs to be redone. It should be completed by September. He is not aware of the list of crosswalks on the Safe Routes project list. He will contact the DPW Director for an update. A new engineer will be hired and she/he will most likely be assigned to the SR2S projects.

Lynwood School

Wendi requested an engineer review the notes from the previous engineer's site visit at Lynwood School for Leafwood Drive. Students and adults are randomly crossing the road at the school driveway. If there are any questions from the DPW the school’s Principal is a good resouces as he has been involved with this safety issue.
San Jose Middle

The neighbors on Merit Drive are still concerned about the unsafe driving and parking behaviours during drop-off/pickup hours. The previous engineer had some recommendations including a no left turn onto Merritt during school hours that has helped. An update on future improvements was made.

Officer Cantley reported there is currently only one traffic officer. He is making efforts to be at the school when possible. Speeding continues to be an issue. Officers are using radar and issuing tickets to drivers on Sunset Blvd.

Vehicles continue to park in the bike lane during drop-off/pick up. It was recommended that the curb be painted red or no parking signs be posted for the bike lane and for not blocking driveways. Petr said he would look into signs as painting the curb can become more of a maintenance issue.

A Safe Routes to Schools Teen Program is starting up this year. They will be conducting encouragement contests and other club activities.

In the future solar panels will be installed for the school near Sunset Blvd and Ignacio Blvd. Once installed additional parking could be added.
Yellow Bus Service Update
Marin Transit is currently managing three Yellow Bus programs in Marin County. The new Mill Valley pilot program established a planning committee with town and school district officials. They evaluated many options including adjusting the Bell Schedule at the Middle and High Schools. This proved to be very effective.

Marin Transit does not currently have the staff or funding to expand the program to Novato. The limited number of resources is also a challenge. There are not enough buses or drivers to support an expanded program now. The program will also require subsidies from the city to enable the program succeed.
Mark reported the School District is planning to add the Yellow Bus program to the January 2017 agenda. The City does have a couple of busses and they are being used regularly within the School District. The busses do need upgrades; those will be addressed in the future. The City is also challenged with hiring bus drivers.
Loma Verde School
Kelly the Team Leader gave her thanks to the police department as enforcement has made a difference near the school. She will reach out for police support for Iwalk Day celebrations. The school plans to have walking school busses with the support of the principal and local business. Loma Verde has a 40% bi-lingual community, these Safe Routes to School encouragement activities are a wonderful step in the right direction to build community.

Loma Verde is in the City of Novato and is supported by the CHP and County Sheriff. The officers to contact are: Josie Sanguinetti County Sheriff and CHP Brian Miller or Glen Newcomber.

A request was made to the police department for information on reported vehicle collisions at Sunset and Palmer. It is understood many speeding tickets are issued. It is a very challenging intersection.

She would also like to request a second crossing guard at Palmer and Ignacio. This could be location to share the guard with San Jose Middle School

The process to request a crossing guard: Principal makes a request to the City Engineer, who then makes the official request to Transportation Authority of Marin who will schedule and evaluation of the location. If TAM rejects the request then the City could be asked to fund the crossing guard. The estimated cost is $12,000 annually.

A request was made to Petr (DPW) to address the overgrown landscape on Ignacio Blvd. It has been 2 years since this request was made. The plants are occasionally pulled, however they grow back. It is challenging for families to use the path because the Star Thistle needles puncture bike tubes. It was proposed the school get a permit from the City to permanently remove this very invasive and difficult plant.
Schedule next meeting
Is scheduled for Wednesday January 25 at 7:00 pm