The Cross-Faculty Grant provides seed funding of up to S$25,000 per project for novel projects where two or more PIs come from different Faculties/Schools. The duration for each project is up to two years. The grant aims to encourage academic staff in different disciplines to interact in productive ways and to facilitate the generation of pilot data that would help investigators develop projects to a level that can compete for funding from external funding bodies or from ARF, MOE.

Applicants for the Cross-Faculty Research Grant must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Principal Investigators must be full time NUS academic staff (Asst Prof / Assoc Prof / Prof) from at least twodifferent Faculties/Schools and with different academic backgrounds.
  • Project teams should not be already collaborating.
  • Funding requested should be for new research ideas and not for supplementing existing projects / collaborations.
  • Project must be supported by respective Heads of Departments (or nominee) and Deans (ornominee) of each Faculty/School.
  • Priority will be given to newly-recruited and junior academic staff members as lead applicants.
  • Priority will be given to cross-disciplinary projects that address issues relevant to ageing.
  • Only one project per set of PIs can be submitted.
  • Successful applicants of previous Cross-Faculty grants can apply, but will be required to show how the first award had strengthened cross-disciplinary research (e.g. by generation of additional research funding).
  • Research proposal must be prepared using the prescribed form on
  • You may add pages or sections where necessary.
  • Main PI/ Faculty is responsible for the completeness of the proposal submission to DRA.
  • Proposals must be submitted through main PI’s Head of Department and Dean/Vice Dean’s Research Office.
  • Only proposals properly completed with relevant supporting documents attached will be accepted for evaluation and assessment for awarding of grants.
  • You should submit two original hardcopiesand one MS Word softcopy.
  • All proposals to be submitted to the Division of Research Administration by29September 2009.


Project title:

Section A – Details of Applicants

  1. Applicant 1– Main applicant & Department who will be administering the grant (i.e. sign/approve POs, purchases etc)

(Please attach a1-page CV containing a list of your qualifications, appointment, any distinctions and up to 10 of your most recent relevant papers with full titles and full journal name and page numbers):

Name: / Title, Name
Grant/s Applied
(Pending Approval)
Please add records if applicable / S/N / Status:
PI, Co-PI, Collaborator
(please indicate one) / Project Title / Funding Agency/ies
Please list co-funding Grantors, if applicable / Amount Requested
(S$) / Proposed Duration of Award
(MM-YY to MM-YY)
Grant/s Awarded
Please add records if applicable / S/N / Status:
PI, Co-PI, Collaborator
(please indicate one) / Project Title
(WBS No.) / Funding Agency/ies
Please list co-funding Grantors, if applicable / Amount Awarded
(S$) / Duration of Award
(MM-YY to MM-YY)
  1. Applicant 2 (please attach a CV as above):

Name: / Title, Name
Full-time/Part-time: (If Part-time, please indicate appointment ratio)
Grant/s Applied
(Pending Approval)
Please add records if applicable / S/N / Status:
PI, Co-PI, Collaborator
(please indicate one) / Project Title / Funding Agency/ies
Please list co-funding Grantors, if applicable / Amount Requested
(S$) / Proposed Duration of Award
(MM-YY to MM-YY)
Grant/s Awarded
Please add records if applicable / S/N / Status:
PI, Co-PI, Collaborator
(please indicate one) / Project Title
(WBS No.) / Funding Agency/ies
Please list co-funding Grantors, if applicable / Amount Awarded
(S$) / Duration of Award
(MM-YY to MM-YY)

* (i) For repeat applicants, please complete form, PLUS Annex A. For first-time applicants, please ignore Annex


(ii) If there are more than 2 applicants, please add sections where necessary.

Section B – Collaboration of Research Team

Please provide details of any existing and/or past collaborations between/among applicants (including linkages in terms of research area/s, research projects, publications, etc)

Project Outline
(no more than 150 words): / [Please state the aims of the proposed work and its importance. Please also highlight the competency of the PIs in handling the project.]
Aim/Objective of the project: / [Is the aim of this project to gather initial ‘pilot’ data which can be used to later to jointly apply for external funding, i.e. from MOE, A*STAR etc?
 Yes No
If ‘no’, please describe the aim of this project.]
Technical Description of Project / [Please describe how the proposed project would be done, the methodology and approach to be adopted.]
Deliverables: / [Please list the expected deliverables within the project duration of up totwo years.]
Proposed start date / [Project duration is up totwo years. Please indicate the proposed start date of the project.]
  1. Proposed project budget breakdown:

[Please list items required] / YEAR 1
(S$) / YEAR 2
(S$) / TOTAL
Expenditure on Manpower
Other operating expenditure (consumables, materials)


-Project duration is up to two years

-Total budget should not exceed $25,000

-Funds cannot be used for travel unless essential to the aims of the project

  1. Brief Justification for the Resources:

ITEM/VOTE / Justification
[Please provide justification of each of the items required]
Expenditure on Manpower
Other operating expenditure (consumables, materials)

NOTE: The final approved budget will be administered and managed by Applicant 1 (main applicant) and his/her respective Department.


Our project involves (*please delete, where appropriate):
  1. Laboratory / Non Laboratory Based Research – Please tick appropriate box

/ 1. Laboratory based research
(Laboratory based research projects are defined as those involving the use of chemicals, biological agents, radioactive materials/equipment, heavy machinery or high voltage equipment, etc...)
Has the Risk Assessment form been completed and submitted through Department? / * Yes / No
/ 2. Non Laboratory based research
(Non Laboratory based research projects are defined as those involving the use of computers, surveys etc…)
Has the Non-lab based Declaration form been completed and submitted through Department? / * Yes / No
  1. Human Participants

1. Direct Human Biomedical Research
(E.g. Clinical trials, physiological research or research with risk of physical or mental injury, etc.) / * Yes / No
2. Indirect Human Biomedical Research
(E.g. Epidemiology, research that uses human biological specimens, medical information, etc) / * Yes / No
3. Other Human Participants Research, please specify: ______
(E.g. Social psychology, economic or behaviouralresearch in the humanities and social sciences) / * Yes / No
4. Has ethics/IRB approval been applied for this project?
(Once approval is granted, please forward a copy of the approval certificate) / * Yes / No
  1. Animal Ethics

1. Animal experimentation involving euthanasia of animals for tissue harvest / * Yes / No
2. Use of commercially available animal tissues or cells / * Yes / No
3. Have you obtained IACUC approval for this project?
If yes, please provide the following information:
IACUC Protocol Number: ______
Expiry Date: ______ / * Yes / No

A. DECLARATION & ENDORSEMENT by Main Applicant, department & faculty
(I) Declaration by MAIN Principal Investigator
In signing the Grant Application, Ideclare that the information provided in this application and the accompanying details are true. I understand that the seed funding of our proposed pilot study, if awarded, is to promote active cross-faculty research.
Name & DesignationSignature & Date
(II) Endorsement by MAIN Head of Department (or nominee)
The Department supports/does not support* the above research proposal.
Comments (if any):
Name & DesignationSignature & Date
(III) Endorsement by MAIN Dean of Faculty/School (or nominee)
The Faculty supports/does not support* the above research proposal.
Comments (if any):
Name & DesignationSignature & Date
B. DECLARATION & ENDORSEMENT by Co- PI, department & faculty#
A. Declaration by CO - Applicant
In signing the Grant Application, Ideclare that the information provided in this application and the accompanying details are true. I understand that the seed funding of our proposed pilot study, if awarded, is to promote active cross-faculty research.
Name & DesignationSignature & Date
B. Endorsement by Head of Department (or nominee)
The Department supports/does not support* the above research proposal.
Comments (if any):
Name & DesignationSignature & Date
C. Endorsement by Dean of Faculty/School (or nominee)
The Faculty supports/does not support* the above research proposal.
Comments (if any):
Name & DesignationSignature & Date

#If there are more than 2 applicants, please add sections where necessary.

Annex A

For repeat applicants ONLY:



Project title:
Start and End date: / DD-MM-YY to DD-MM-YY
Budget approved: / S$
Approved by : / Office of Life Sciences / Office of Research *

* Please delete where necessary


Main Principal Investigator: / Name , Dept/ Faculty
Co – Principal Investigator #: / Name , Dept/ Faculty
Collaborator #: / Name , Dept/ Faculty

#Please add where necessary


1. Please state how the awarded project has strengthened Cross-Disciplinary Research; and if there have been proposals submitted to funding agencies arising from this project. If so, please state the details of proposals submitted or awarded projects and the funding source(s).
2. Please describe how this awarded project is linked to or different from the current Cross-Faculty Application?


Revised_Aug09CFG 2010