Signorina Manfrè


Contact information

Email address:


All students must come prepared to every class with the following:

  • 3 ring binder
  • Dividers (5)
  • Assignment folder
  • Pens/pencils/highlighter
  • Assignment pad/planner


Maintaining a neat organized binder is extremely helpful when it comes time to studyand review.

It is your responsibility to take notes during class. At times you will be given guidelines/study guides it is your responsibility to keep the notes in your binder.

Class Rules and Conduct that are expected

  1. NO CELL PHONES! I will take them away immediately and bring them to the office. NO 1st, 2nd, and 3rd strikes on this policy!
  2. Show respect towards others. Bullying will NOT be tolerated.
  3. Follow all teacher directions.
  4. Leave all food and drinks in your locker!
  5. Upon entering take your seat and remain in your seat until you are dismissed or given directions to do otherwise by the teacher.
  6. Raise your hand if you want to join the class discussion.
  7. Unless it is an emergency, please DO NOTinterrupt a lesson.

Every student in school deserves to be in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. To achieve this, it is necessary for everyone to follow basic rules of good conduct.

  1. 1st Offense – Warning and possibly stay after class
  1. 2nd Offense – Teacher Detention (to be scheduled with teacher) and email or phone call home.
  1. 3rd Offense – Office referral

Severe Clause: The teacher reserves the right to modify the consequences in instances of severity/school policies.

Class Participation

Students must participate in class discussions in order to receive full points for their class participation grade. Students will receive points on a daily basis. Failure to participate positively and constructivelyin some way will lead to deduction of points.

Fate Adesso (Do Now)

The Fate Adesso is to be done at the beginning of class independently (unless otherwise instructed.) The Fate Adesso is meant to refresh your memory from the day before or to get you thinking about a new topic. It is to be done in the format given to you and to be kept in the Fate Adesso section of your binder. The Fate Adesso section may be checked and/or collected periodically and may be graded. Students are responsible to have all Fate Adesso exercises in their binders.


In the event that you are absent it is your responsibility to see me to make sure you are caught up.

  • Worksheets given out when you are absent will be in the bin marked “ASSENTE” and the sheets will have your name on them. You should check the binat the beginning of class to get your materials.
  • Notes – you can get them from a friend in a timely manner.
  • If you are absent the day an assignment (homework, project) is due, that assignment is due the day you return to school.
  • Tests/Quizzes – need to be made up ASAP. Tests must be made up before school (JCHS) or after school (GCMS.) It is your responsibility to make an appointment with me for when you will be making up the quiz or test.

Homework: Please read carefully!

  • You must write your full name and date on your paper. (5 points will be taken OFF any assignments that are handed in without a name on them!)
  • Homework is to be completed at home before class.
  • Homework is due the day it is due!
  • If work is handed in late it will be accepted up to 3 days late for half credit only, no exceptions! Anything handed in after the 3 day late period will be accepted and corrected but will not be awarded any points.
  • All assessments will be posted on Google Classroom.

Late Project Policy

Every day the assignment/project is late one full gradewill be deducted. If it is more than 5 days late the assignment/ project grade will result as a grade of zero.

Quizzes vs. Tests

  • Assessments given during and at the end of each unit will always be ” quizzes.”
  • Four (4) “tests” will be given per year. Tests are generally longer than quizzes, cover more material, and are worth more points. Each test will be an “end of marking period” test and will be an “open note test.”
  • You may only use whatever notes are in your binder for the second half of the class period. The purpose of these tests is to keep you on track and hopefully get you to stay organized.