S. No. / Title / Page No.
Executive Summary / 8
I / Introduction / 15
1.1 / Background / 15
1.2 / Main concerns of agricultural sector / 16
1.3 / Purpose of DAPs / 18
1.4 / Methodology / 18
II / General description of the district / 21
2.1 / Introduction / 21
2.2 / District at a glance / 23
2.3 / Development Vision and Strategy / 29
III / SWOT Analysis / 31
3.1 / Introduction / 31
3.2 / SWOT analysis of the district / 31
3.3 / Emerging issues from SWOT analysis / 34
3.4 / Sectoral / Regional growth drivers of the district / 35
IV / Development of Agricultural Sector / 36
4.1 / Introduction / 36
4.2 / Land Use / 36
4.3 / Soil Health / 36
4.4 / Water Resources and Management / 40
4.5 / Major Crops and varieties in the district / 40
4.6 / Input Management / 44
4.7 / Farm Mechanization / 46
4.8 / Constraint Analysis / 48
4.9 / Gaps and interventions needed / 60
4.10 / Targets and achievements under state sector schemes during X plan / 71
4.11 / Investments needed agricultural action plan during XI plan / 72
V / Allied Agricultural Sectors / 73
5.1 / Introduction / 73
5.2 / Horticulture Development / 73
5.3 / Sericulture Development / 78
5.4 / Animal Husbandry / 81
5.5 / Fisheries Development / 87
5.6 / Watershed Development / 93
5.7 / Irrigation Development / 96
5.8 / Development of Rural Industries / 98
5.9 / Marketing Development / 98
5.10 / Agricultural Credit and Insurance / 103
5.11 / Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) / 104
5.12 / Investments and outcomes / 107
VI / District Plan / 110
6.1 / Introduction / 110
6.2 / Growth Drivers / 110
6.3 / Innovative Schemes / 111
6.4 / Vision of XI plan / 114
6.5 / District plan / 116
Tables / 119-213
Convergence of Schemes and Activities for Agricultural Development / 214-221

List of tables

Table no / Name of the table / Page no.
1 / General information and population details / 132
2 / Land Holdings (Agriculture Census 2001) / 133
3 / Farming situations and their extents / 134
4 / Month- wise normal rainfall data during different monsoons / 135
5 / Month wise temperatures in the district / 136
6 / Land use classification, 2006-07 / 136
7 / Distribution of land holdings and area by size group / 137
8 / Source wise Area Irrigated in 2006-07 in ha / 137
9 / Contribution of sub-sectors of agriculture to the district GDP / 138
10 / Land utilization by ADA circle, 2005-06 (Area in ha.) / 138
11 / Soil Fertility index Karimnagar district / 139
12 / Micronutrient status of Karimnagar district / 139
13 / Planning of soil testing program, 2007-08 to 2011-12 / 140
14 / Soil testing laboratories in district / 140
15 / Reclamation and Development of saline / Alkali Soils during XI plan / 141
16 / Data on Weather / 141
17 / Water analysis report, 2000-01 to 2006-07 / 143
18 / Area under major crops during kharif and rabi / 144
19 / Area under major crops, 2004-05 to 2006-07 / 145
20 / Production of major crops in kharif and rabi, 2004-05 to 2006-07 / 145
21 / Area, production and yield of major crops in irrigated /rain fed conditions during kharif 2006-07 / 146
22 / Area, Production and Yield of Major crops in Irrigate/Rain fed Conditions during Rabi 2006-07 / 146
23 / Area, Production and Productivity Trend of Main Crops in the District Karimnagar / 147
24 / Planning of Agricultural Inputs in the Karimnagar district - A) Seed / 147
25 / Infrastructure available on government seed farm / trial cum demonstration farm / 148
26 / Seed Production at TSF / TCD / 148
27 / Crop wise NPK Consumption (Total) / 149
28 / Planning of Fertilizer Requirement / 150
29 / Fertilizer requirement by type / 150
30 / Availability of farm implements / equipments / machinery in Karimnagar district / 151
31 / Status of farm implements and projections for XI plan / 152
32 / Status of farm machinery and projections for XI plan / 152
33 / Service Centres in the District (Agriculture & Allied Sectors) / 153
34 / Farming Situations and the areas under them / 153
35 / Monetary and non-monetary interventions proposed in rice / 154
36 / Monetary and non-monetary interventions proposed in pulses / 154
37 / Monetary and non-monetary interventions proposed for cotton / 154
38 / Information on natural calamities / 155
39 / Mandal wise yield gap analysis in cotton / 160
40 / Organization and Strength of ATMA Model / 161
41 / Convergence of Scheme through ATMA / 162
42 / Planning for Strengthening of ATMA / 162
43 / Basic Infrastructure for Agriculture (Post Harvest Management / 163
44 / Farm level storage plan (Capacity in tons and investment in Lakh) / 165
45 / Marketing infrastructure plan (Investment in lakh) / 166
46 / Agro processing unit in the district (Including Sugar, Milk, Silk etc. Related to Agriculture only) / 166
47 / Proposals for supply of gypsum during XI plan / 167
48 / Proposals for supply of green manure seed / 167
49 / proposals for providing revolving fund to M.A.O’s / 167
50 / Pesticide consumption in Karimnagar district, 2000-01 to 2006-07 / 168
51 / Proposals for the conduct of FFS during XI plan / 168
52 / Farmers field schools projection in next five year / 168
53 / Distribution of implements on subsidy from 2004-2006 / 169
54 / Proposals for custom hiring centers and supply of farm implements / 169
55 / Details of farm implements to be supplied during XI plan / 169
56 / Proposals for raising of Semarouba plantations in XI plan / 170
57 /

Crop diversification plan in XI plan

/ 171
58 / Proposals for supporting extension activities in XI plan / 171
59 / Proposals for strengthening regulatory infrastructure / 172
60 / Proposals for supporting drilling of bore wells in tail end areas / 172
61 / Proposals for supply of sprinklers during XI plan / 173
62 / Planning for farmers training program related to agriculture / 173
63 / Training Infrastructure proposed for capacity building of Agriculture and allied Department staff / 174
64 / Facilities available in agro polyclinics / 174
65 / Proposed plan to improve training facilities to agriculture and allied departments at block level / 175
66 /

IPM Demonstration in XI plan

/ 175
67 /

INM Demonstration in XI plan

/ 176
68 / Varietal Demonstration in XI plan / 176
69 / Tools Utilized for Improving Crop Production / 177
70 / Additional area to be brought / under organic farming in XI plan / 177
71 / Treatment /units proposed for organic farming in XI plan / 178
72 / Ranking of interventions by crop / 179
73 / Target and achievements under state sector scehemes during X plan / 180
74 / Investments required for interventions in agriculture sector during XI plan / 181
75 / Details of agro ecological / farming situations, their spread and potential for horticulture crops / 182
76 / Gaps in adoption of technologies by crop / 183
77 / SWOT analysis of horticulture sector / 184
78 / Details of extension support for horticulture in Karimnagar district / 184
79 / Area, production and yield of major horticulture crops, 2006-07 / 185
80 / Critical issues, problems and strategies in mango / 185
81 / Critical issues, problems and strategies in sweet orange / 186
82 / Critical issues, problems and strategies in turmeric / 186
83 / Critical issues, problems and strategies in vegetables / 187
84 / Perspective Micro Irrigation Plan, 2007-08 to 2011-12 / 188
85 / Proposed investments under horticultural sector / 188
86 / Area under mulberry by mandal / 189
87 / Details of sericulture / 189
88 / Action plan for XI plan / 190
89 / Proposals for reimbursing plantation charges / 190
90 / Proposals for supply of HYV saplings / 191
91 / Proposals for supply of rearing appliances / 191
92 / Proposals for supply of drip irrigation units / 191
93 / Supply of disinfectants during XI plan / 192
94 / Proposals for assistance to construction of rearing houses / 192
95 / Proposals for construction of chawkie rearing centres / 192
96 / Proposals for supporting vermin compost units / 193
97 / Proposals for strengthening government seed farms / 193
98 / Proposals for training of farmers / 193
99 / Proposals for supporting publicity in sericulture / 194
100 / Proposed investments under sericulture sector / 194
101 /

Live stock information

/ 195
102 / Proposals for vaccination against foot and mouth disease / 195
103 / Proposals for induction and supply of heifer calves on subsidy / 195
104 / Proposals for supply of feed on subsidy to heifer calves / 196
105 / Proposals for establishment of mobile disease diagnostic laboratories / 196
106 / Proposals for providing health care to sheep and goats and training of farmers / 196
107 / Proposals for supply of chaff cutters / 197
108 / Proposals for supporting the establishment of perennial fodder units / 197
109 / Proposals for induction and supply of milch animals in XI plan / 197
110 / Investments for animal husbandry action plan in XI plan / 198
111 / Profile of fisheries in the district / 198
112 / RKVY (Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana) information under Fisheries sector. – Karimnagar district / 199
113 / Source wise water spread area in Karimnagar district / 200
114 / Projections for fish production, seed to be stocked and hatchery requirement for XI Plan / 201
115 / Planning for farmers training program related to fisheries department / 202
116 / Financial targets and achievements during X Plan for fisheries development in the district / 203
117 / Projected outlay ( Rs. in lakh) for fisheries development during xi plan / 204
118 / Planning of soil survey program / 204
119 / Area available for watershed development plan / 205
120 / Technologies for in situ moisture conservation plan / 205
121 / Details of irrigation projects under construction / 206
122 / Protective (community tanks) irrigation plan - (year 2007-08 to 2011-12) / 206
123 / Product wise no of SSI units in the district / 206
124 / Financial targets and achievements during X plan period in the district under district sector schemes - agriculture / 207
125 / Components of FIC system / 207
126 / Budget details for providing E-trading solutions / 208
127 / List of markets where E-trading solutions will be introduced / 209
128 / Proposals for strengthening marketing infrastructure / 209
129 / Credit flow to agriculture during XI plan / 210
130 / District credit plan, Karimnagar / 210
131 / Agriculture insurance status and planning for XI plan / 211
132 / Proposals for sustainable agriculture and expected benefits / 211
133 / Operation strategies for implementing organic farming systems. / 212

List of figures/graphs / Title / Page no.
1 / Map of the district / 21
2 / Rainfall distribution in mm / 25
3 / Rainfall data for Karimnagar / 26
4 / Mean monthly temperatures / 26
5 / Category wise number of operational holdings / 27
6 / Contribution of agriculture and allied sectors to district GDP / 29
7 / Sector wise GDP growth rates / 29
8 / Different soil types in the district / 37
9 / Season-wise/crop-wise production under food grains during 2004-05 to 2006-07 / 42
10 / Farming situation wise cropped areas / 48
11 / Rice actual and potential production levels in the district / 50
12 / Red gram actual and potential production levels in the district / 52
13 / Green gram actual and potential production levels in the district / 52
14 / Bengal gram actual and potential production levels in the district / 53
15 / Ground nut actual and potential production levels in the district / 54
16 / Sunflower actual and potential production levels in the district / 55
17 / Sesamum actual and potential production levels in the district / 55
18 / Castor actual and potential production levels in the district / 56
19 / Cotton actual and potential production levels in the district / 57
20 / Pesticide consumption in the district / 63
21 / Source wise irrigated area / 97
22 / Credit flow in the district / 103
23 / Sector wise projected growth rates / 108



Executive summary

Karimnagar district is reasonably endowed with resources needed for the development of agriculture and allied sectors. It falls in north telangana agro-climatic zone. Among the telangana districts, it has the highest proportion of cultivated area under irrigation. Maize is the most important crop in the district. It has witnessed a good growth in production during the recent years and has further potential to grow. It lies between 78 º 30’ to 80º20’ East longitudes and 18º 00’ to 19º05’ North latitudes. It is bounded on north and east by Godavari River, bordering Adilabad district, on the south by Warangal and Medak districts and on the west by Nizamabad district. Maharashtra and Chattisgarh states lie on the north east side across river Godavari. Manair river traverses through the district and joins Godavari. There are 1088 revenue villages in Karimnagar district. 45 of them are not inhabited. The remaining 1043 revenue villages are organized into 1170 gram panchayats. Jagtial ADA circle has the largest number of gram panchayats, while Manthani has the highest number of revenue villages.

The total population of the district is 27.16 lakh as per the 2001 census. The density of population is 246 per Female population slightly outnumbers the male population. The sex ratio is 1.00:1.01 in favor of females.The proportion of scheduled castes in the total population is 20.2% while that of the scheduled tribes is just 2.9%. The marginal farmers constituted about 65.8% of the total holdings. But the land owned by them is only 27.4%. Small farmers form 21.2% of the total holdings. But their share in total area owned is slightly higher at 28.5%. The semi-medium farms, which constituted only 7% of total holdings, accounted for 16.2% of the total land area. Medium-sized farms have a 2.7% share of the total holdings. But their share in the land area is 9%. The large farms have a share of 3.2% in the total holdings, but their share in land area is as high as 18.9%.