Title / Recognising and Accrediting Work-Related Learning (RAWL)Level 6 (20 credits)
Code / NW314
Level / 6
Credit rating / 20 credits
Pre-requisites / Currently working in the field of health and social care. This may be paid or unpaid work and include service users such as clients, carers and patients. Normally evidence of previous / level 5 study within the last 5 years.
Type of module / Extensive over 2 semesters.
Aims / To enable the learner to evaluate the benefits of work-related learning including review of own practice, and gain recognition and academic credit by presenting a substantive work product.
Learning outcomes/objectives / These will be defined by the learner with support from the educational advisor and are likely to address the following broad outcomes:
- Critically appraise how best practice can be implemented
- Explore strategies for managing and evaluating change in practice
- Evaluate own personal growth and development.
Content / This will be defined by the learner. Learners will be required to retrieve evidence underpinning their practice and show how this has been applied and reviewed in the workplace. This is likely to arise from a workplace learning initiative such as an in-house workshop, conference or course. The workplace learning initiative may be a ‘quality-marked’ learning unit.
Learners will formulate a learning agreement with an educational advisor and mentor (if applicable) after the learning initiative has taken place. The educational advisor will normally be a member of academic staff. The mentor will normally be based in the workplace and confirm assessment of practice or provide testimony if relevant to the assessment task. The learning agreement will specify the volume and level of the claim and a credit equivalent definition of the work product and/or assessment task to be produced.
Teaching and learning strategies / Module hours 200 hrs of learner effort.
Learners will be expected to identify and manage learning opportunities to develop their own knowledge and skills, with support and guidance from an educational advisor. This will be conducted via a learning agreement and use of some of the following strategies:
- Educational advisor support and guidance
- Workplace mentor support and guidance
- Workplace learning initiatives or learning units
- Reflective journal keeping
- Action learning sets
- Peer support
- Use of information services
- Spending time with experts in the field of practice.
- Rehearsal and achievement of specified clinical skills
The educational advisor will provide up to 6 hours of academic support.
Learning support /
- Educational advisor for ongoing guidance and tutorial support
- Workplace mentor / employer for ongoing support and assessment (if applicable)
- RAWL induction workshop (6 hours)
- RAWL handbook and guidance
- Studentcentral including access to Skills Bank
Learners will be required to retrieve literature pertaining to the field of practice and topic chosen for assessment.
Department of Health 2007. Towards a Framework for Post Registration Nursing Careers. Consultation Document. Available from the internet at:
[Accessed 14 November 2007]
Hull, C. et al 2005. Profiles & Portfolios. A Guide for Health and Social Care. 2nd edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Jasper, M. 2006. Professional Development, Reflection and Decision Making. Vital Notes for Nursing. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Moon, J. 2006. Learning Journals: a handbook for reflective practice and professional development. Oxford:Blackwell
Nolan, A (ed) 2007. Skills for Health supplement. Health Service Journal 21 June
Wigens, L. 2006. Optimising learning through practice. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes
Web sites:
Assessment tasks / This will be determined by the learner in negotiation with the educational advisor reflecting the module aims and learning outcomes. The work product should be equivalent to 2000 words and might include:
- Case scenario
- Report on implementation of a workplace innovation
- Protocol development
- Critical analysis or evaluation of patient/client feedback
- Patient/client plaudits
- Testimonials
- Summary of project proposal
- 3600 evaluation
- Literature review
- Viva
- Skills assessment
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module has been jointly developed with HEI partners to implement quality-marked learning units and other work-related learning opportunities. It enables health care practitioners, volunteers and service users to critically explore their field of health and social care practice/experience in light of an identified workplace learning initiative. It can also demonstrate evidence of personal growth and development to meet organizational objectives and role functions.
RAWL signifies a recent workplace learning experience. A claim is normally submitted within one year of attendance to demonstrate currency of learning.
Area examination board to which module relates / Flexible Learning Framework Area Examination Board
Module team/authors/ co-ordinator / Debbie Hatfield, Charlotte Ramage and HEI partners in the Division of Health and Social Care, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Surrey
Semester offered, where appropriate / one and two
Date of first approval / January 2008
Date of last revision / Not applicable
Date of approval of this version / January 2008
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module / No
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing and Midwifery
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in course / Undergraduate Continuing Professional Education degrees
Optional module
School home / School of Nursing & Midwifery
External examiner / Steve O’Brien