Topic / Details / Resources / Notes
MTSS Definition / ·  NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework that promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.
·  Move from process for some students to framework for all students
·  All students are part of MTSS, no longer can a student “enter RtI”, it is about analyzing how all students are responding to instruction / NC DPI MTSS Wiki
Tier I / ·  Who: All students are in Tier I (Core)
·  What: Evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to produce good academic and behavior outcomes for the majority of students
Tier II / ·  Who: Students needing supplemental support in addition to Core instruction (approx. 20% of students)
·  What: Evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to improve academic and behavior performance in Core
Tier III / ·  Who: Students needing Intensive support in addition to Supplemental and Core instruction
(approx. 5% of students)
·  What: Evidence-based programs and practices demonstrated to improve academic and behavior performance

Critical Component: Curriculum and Instruction

Topic / Details / Resources / Notes
Essential Elements / ·  Academic and behavioral curricular materials and instructional practices are evidence-based
·  Academic and behavioral curricular materials and instructional practices are aligned with learner needs and standards
·  Curricula and instructional practices are implemented with fidelity
·  Scheduling supports a Multi-Tiered System of Support / Usable Interventions
Handout: Usable Interventions
C & I Selection
Instructional Rounds
Oregon K-12 Literacy Walkthroughs

Critical Component: Problem-Solving/Data-Based Decision Making

Topic / Details / Resources / Notes
Problem-Solving Teaming Structures:
School building team, Grade level or Department teams / ·  Establish Problem-Solving Teams- across building, grade-level and/or departments
·  Establish common language and beliefs
·  Develop Self-Correcting Feedback Loop / School Team Structures Self Assessment
Topic / Details / Resources / Notes
Stages of Behavioral Consultation Model
(Bergan & Kratochwill, 1990) / ·  Problem Identification (Tier I, 2, and 3)
·  Problem Analysis
·  Plan Implementation
·  Problem Evaluation / RIOT by ICEL Matrix
Examine Tier 1 / ·  Evaluate core instructional effects - at least 80% of all students are meeting academic and behavior benchmarks in Core alone.
·  Evaluate core instructional effects for vulnerable populations (subgroups)
•  Identify students in need of Tier 2
•  Inform core resource allocation decisions
Identify and Analyze Tier 1 Problem / •  If a grade-wide problem is detected, it must be addressed prior to singling out individual children for Tiers 2 and 3 intervention
•  When a grade-wide problem is detected, the Data Team would look across classes, grades, and/or entire school to accurately identify the problem
Plan Tier 1 Implementation:
Environment / •  Aligned with state standards
•  Facilitates explicit teaching
•  Coordinated instructional sequences
•  Grouping practices maximize student engaged time
•  Instruction moves from scaffolding to transfer and generalization
•  High integrity implementation leads to positive student outcomes
•  Master schedule supports the implementation plan
•  Scheduling practices are responsive to student need / <Canyons Expectations>
Evaluate Tier 1 Problem / •  When systemic problems are detected, data should be collected monthly
•  Data sources should include both teacher and student data
•  Adjustments are made to the implementation plan when needed
Dissect Core Tools
Questions: / Your Thinking:
What tools does your school use to look at core effectiveness?
(Think about instruction, curriculum and environment).
What is working?
What is not working?
What tools might be beneficial to address gaps as you support your schools?

Critical Component: Problem-Solving/Data-Based Decision Making (continued)

Topic / Details / Notes
Examine Tier 2 and 3 / •  Evaluate long-term effects of interventions for Tiers 2 & 3 - at least 70-80% of students improve academic and behavior performance (toward Core standards)
Identify and Analyze Tier 2 and 3 Problem / ·  Most children who receive Tier 2 and 3 intervention should experience success
·  The percentage of students requiring Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention over time should decrease as evidenced across subsequent screening occasions
Plan Tier 2 and 3 Implementation:
Learner / ·  More time needed for intervention.
·  More intensive and explicit instruction.
·  More customization of instruction.
·  Smaller group size.
·  Increased opportunities to respond.
·  Immediate corrective feedback.
·  More frequent progress monitoring and decision making
Evaluate Tier 2 and 3 Problem / ·  The Grade Level/Department Problem-Solving Team will look to confirm that:
Ø  The correct skills were progress monitored at the correct level.
Ø  Sufficient data have been collected to make decisions according to the established decision rules.
Ø  The data were correctly graphed.
Ø  Tier 2 and 3 instruction proves to be effective for 70-80% of the group / Kovaleski Checklist
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