Multimedia Lesson: GeoGebra 101


Unit Name: Representation of Geometric Figures

Lesson Name:GeoGebra 101: Introducing GeoGebra Basics

Teacher Name:Joan Carter

Grade Level:8th Grade Regular Mathematics and Pre-Algebra

Classroom Layout:Students will work individually on wireless laptops

Prerequisite Knowledge of Students: Students should be able to:

1)Work independently on laptop including the use of Safari (or other web browser)

2)Identify basic geometric shapes (point, polygon, triangle)

3)Calculate perimeter and area of triangles

Prerequisite Knowledge of Teachers: Teachers should have:

1)Working knowledge of GeoGebra and dynamic worksheets

2)Working knowledge of wireless laptop cart

3)Previously presented GeoGebra’s supplemental activities in the classroom

Objectives of the Lesson: After completion of this lesson, students will specifically be able to:

1)Create a polygon (triangle) using GeoGebra software and calculate its perimeter and area.

2)Customize their GeoGebra worksheet using titles, custom formatting including colored backgrounds, and transformation tools.

3)Use GeoGebra software as a tool to solve problems and for further investigations of algebraic and geometric topics.

Time Frame for the Lesson:2 class periods (55 minutes each)

List of Materials:Hardware: wireless laptop cart, teacher computer, LCD projector

Software: GeoGebra, PowerPoint, web-browser

Other: Computer paper

Description of Content: This introductory activity will allow students to use GeoGebra firsthand. After viewing teacher-led GeoGebra activities, students will be given instructions and access to the GeoGebra program and led through a tutorial on how to use the software. Students will create a dynamic worksheet

that includes a sketch of a triangle with vertices and sides labeled, denoting its perimeter and area. Text boxes will be used to display perimeter and area formulas and to label the worksheet. Formatting changes will be explored and completed by students to allow for creativity. Students will explore transformations and will reflect their triangle on their worksheet. Worksheets will be printed, submitted, and evaluated using a checklist.

SSS:MA.B.1.4.1:The student uses concrete and graphic models to derive formulas for finding perimeter, area, surface area, circumference, and volume of two- and three-dimensional shapes, including rectangular solids, cylinders, cones, and pyramids.

MA.C.2.4.1:The student understands geometric concepts such as perpendicularity, parallelism, tangency, congruency, similarity, reflections, symmetry, and transformations including flips, slides, turns, enlargements, rotations, and fractals.

List of Key Words: GeoGebra, worksheet, point, polygon, triangle, vertices, sides, perimeter, base, height, area, transformation, reflection

Multimedia Lesson: GeoGebra 101

Lesson Plan

1)Introduction to the Lesson:

To introduce the lesson, students will view the following video clip from United Streaming. The full video is a great review activity at the end of this lesson and can be accessed at:

A screen shot of the website follows:

In addition, to introduce the lesson, I would project and review the following GeoGebra dynamic worksheet, created by Victoria Trujillo-Cortellese that can be accessed at To pique student curiosity, I would ask students if they would like to know how to create a similar worksheet. Following is a screen shot of the worksheet:

2) Explanation of Math Involved:

Since the main objective of this lesson is to teach students to use the GeoGebra software, the math involved with the lesson is a review of geometry and measurement topics previously covered. This includes the construction of a triangle so basic knowledge regarding triangles is required and is as follows:

  • A triangle is a three-sided polygon constructed by connecting three points (vertices) with line segments.
  • The perimeter (P) of a triangle, the distance in units around the polygon, is found by adding the measures of the three sides, or P = a + b + c.
  • The area (A) of a triangle, the number of square units contained within the polygon, is found multiplying 1/2 times the base times the height of the triangle, or A = 1/2 b h.

Additional information can be accessed at as shown by the following screen shot:

Instructions for using GeoGebra can be found at:

3) Instructional Methods:

A teacher-centered, direct instruction model is used to present the introductory information in this lesson. Students will follow a tutorial to create their worksheets; a student-centered model will be used to complete this lesson as students use a hands-on (discovery method) approach as they learn to use the GeoGebra software.
4) Step by Step Procedure:

Step One: Using computer and LCD projector, show the video clip from United Streaming entitled “Triangles” as a review of triangles.

Step Two: Using computer and LCD projector, access and project the GeoGebra dynamic worksheet entitled “Triangle Areas”. Show students how the worksheet can be manipulated. Ask students if they would like to know how to create their own worksheets.

Step Three: Allow students access to computers (wireless laptop cart used here).

Step Four: Using computer and LCD projector, present PowerPoint tutorial to students showing step-by-step directions including how to access the GeoGebra software, how to get started, how to create a worksheet, etc.

Step Five: Allow students time for discovery and exploration of program.

Step Six: Teacher will provide immediate feedback and help as students independently (or in pairs) work to produce a worksheet including a triangle construction with vertices and sides labeled, perimeter and area calculated, background formatted, titles added, formula text box added, and finally, triangle reflected.

5) Key Questions to be Asked:

As a review, be sure to ask students about their prior knowledge of triangles:

  • “Tell me about a triangle”
  • “How many sides/angles/degrees in a triangle?”
  • “How do we find the perimeter/area of a triangle?”
  • “What’s a transformation; What’s a reflection?”

To increase student interest in the activity, ask students:

  • “Would you like to learn how to use GeoGebra?”

As a review after the activity, be sure to ask students:

  • “How do you create a new worksheet?”
  • “How did you add a point to your sketch?”
  • “How did you change the background color?”
  • “Did you like using the GeoGebra program?” (They always say yes!)

6)Description of Class Activities:

As described above, students will view video clip and GeoGebra dynamic worksheet, “Triangle Areas”, and will begin working with the GeoGebra program while viewing the tutorial. Students will produce a dynamic worksheet that will be evaluated using a checklist.

7)Closure of the Lesson:

The lesson will be completed by the submission of the student-created worksheets. As students finish early, they will be encouraged to explore GeoGebra further or to go to GeoGebraWiki at As the majority of students finish the assignment, they will view the entire “Triangles” video (25 minutes).


Students will be required to work through tutorial and produce a worksheet that incorporates the following:

  • A triangle construction with vertices and sides labeled
  • Text boxes that include a title of the worksheet and the formulas for the perimeter and area of triangle
  • Formatting changes including background and polygon color
  • A transformation (reflection).

The worksheet will be printed and submitted for review.

9)Assessment/Plan for providing feedback:

Worksheets will be evaluated according to the following checklist. Students will show a proficiency of 80%.

Worksheet Checklist:

The worksheet includes the following: / 0-5 points possible / Comments:
A triangle construction with vertices and sides labeled
Perimeter and area correctly calculated and displayed on worksheet
Text box that includes a title of the worksheet
Text boxes that include the correct formulas for the perimeter and area of triangle
Formatting changes including background and polygon color are evident.
A transformation (reflection) is included.

10) Plan for providing feedback:

Verbal feedback will be offered as students work on their worksheets. Written feedback will be provided by use of checklist (above).

11) Answer Keys to Assignments:

Student answers will vary.

12) Supplemental activities lesson:

Be sure to pair an ESE and/or ESOL student with a peer buddy.

Students with strong computer abilities or previous GeoGebra experience can add/explore other features to their worksheet or help other students.

Multimedia Lesson: GeoGebra 101

Instructional Materials

PowerPoint tutorial follows.