
Forensic Science

Crime Scene Recording Activity

Haste makes waste, particularly in processing a crime scene. The transient nature of evidence and crime scenes underscores the necessity for taking photographs of the crime scene and evidence found. It is important to begin with the general perspective and continue with the specific perspective. A crime scene not only includes the most noticeable evidence but also entrances and exits. Photographs are recorded in a photographic log.

Sketches are also done at the crime scene either using pencil and paper or laser technology. A rough sketch is done at the scene and it is an aerial draft. The sketch musts include the name, location, date, time, dimensions are the area, location of north, south, east or west, a legend, and two point measurements to specify the location of a piece of evidence in the area, entrance/exits.

Directions: You will be given a room in a house in which a crime has been committed to draw a rough sketch. You will use your creativity and create the crime that occurred. It could be a homicide, a theft, an assault, a rape, etc. So before you do anything, do the following:

  1. Determine a size for the room.
  2. Determine how many solid walls, windows, doors, etc. are present and where.
  3. Think about the type of furnishings for the room.
  4. Now think about how the room looks with the crime, that is what the First Responding Officer will find.

Once you have created the scene, write narrative of the crime scene. Now, you are ready to draw a rough sketch of the crime scene. Remember, a rough sketch is not draw to scale.

You must submit the following pieces of information. It must be typed and be professionally presented. The drawing must be clear and on white unlined paper.

The Typewritten Report

1)Typed Narrative of the Crime Scene

2)Rough Sketch

3)Describe the search method employed. Why did you select that method?

4)Create a Photo Log that states the photos to be taken and explanation to why the shot was taken (what info did it reveal that pertains to the case).

5)Create an Evidence Log that lists potential pieces of evidence and indicate and indicate what type of forensic test will be done on it.

6)Analysis Questions:

  1. Presume you were the first responder to the crime scene and describe what actions, if any, should be taken.
  2. Why is it important that no one but authorized personnel be allowed on the premises?