Evaluation for own teaching and learning practice – expectations of an outstanding lesson.


[will have the features of a good lesson and
also evidence the following] /


Start of lesson

/ A prompt start, recap on prior learning, learning objectives made clear, effective questioning, clear explanation of lesson purpose

Subject Knowledge

/ Excellent subject knowledge and enthusiastic delivery-motivates and inspires pupils. Knowledge allows for extension and development. / Good subject knowledge

Tasks / activities

/ Tasks require creativity, imagination, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Pupils are challenged/have ample opportunity to develop as individual learners and to show initiative or take responsibility for their own learning. / A variety of tasks (or clear targets for individuals involved in project / group work). Support and challenge for pupils of all abilities. Pupils have the opportunity to learn independently

Questioning Skills

/ Questioning is probing and challenging and is targeted at the spread of ability. Pupils are given time to think and respond e.g. ‘think, pair and share’.

Pupil Involvement

/ Pupils are called upon to demonstrate and explain their work to the class/each other. / pupils understand the work, remain on task and learn as planned.


/ Pupils are enthusiastic and have a real appetite for the work. Students drive the lesson. / Brisk pace-time is used effectively.
Relationship with students / It is a ‘no put-down’ classroom-pupils willingly volunteer and speculate. There is no fear of failure. / Good relationships are evident, there are well established routines and there are high expectations in terms of attitude and behaviour. There is consistent application of the Behaviour Code.

Learning Styles

/ Teacher plans for a range of inputs
Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic

End of lesson

/ There is sufficient time for a review of learning; questioning is effective in consolidating/developing/ assessing learning; the scene is set for the next lesson.
Homework is set [if appropriate] to consolidate and develop learning.