Crime and Deviance notes

Functionalism (structural theories)- Durkheim

Crime can be beneficial

Boundaries, Cohesion, Progress, Employment, Warning, Safety valve

Crime can be negative

Shows lack of attachment= Anomie

Merton- Consensus to follow goals of society- crime results from not being to meet these goals

Conform,Ritual, Retreat, Rebellion, Innovate,

Cohen-Status frustration (criticism Miller FAT SET)

Hirschi- Bonds of Attachment (Commitment, Attachment, Belief, Involvement)

Evaluation: Cultural deprivation, Law’s origin not considered, Accept statistics, Mind ignored.

New Right

Fusion liberalism and conservatism

Cultural deprivation-

MurrayWelfare state

Marsland single parents


Permissive society

Evaluation: Carrabine, Real causes, Impact (Realist- Wilson, Etzioni, Platt and Takagi p81)

Marxism- Traditional Marxism-Marx-Basis for law, Control, Hegemony, Enforcement, MotivationChambliss- vagrancyMiliband, Slapper and Tombs (p20)

Criticism- victims, one dimensional

New Criminology-

Taylor, Walton and Young- origin, act, reaction, outcome

Left Realists- Stuart Hall- Policing the Crisis

Criticism- Hirst, Rock, Carlen, Matza Denial- Wrongdoing, Hurt, Injury, Responsibility, rulemakers

Marxist subcultural Theory

Centre for Contemporary Cultural studies- ideological, economic

Brake- magical

Miller- wc youth- Fate, Autonomy, Toughness, Smartness, Excitement, Trouble (FAT SET)

Criticism- Cohen, Blackman, Thornton

Neo Marxist- Hebdige,

Left Realism-(also Currie, Young Rel dep, Marg, Sub, p 81)

Lea and Young State, Offender, Society, Victim

Modernity and crime- Actuarial- Giddens, Beck, O’Malley, Feeley and Simon, Crim of Other-Garland, YoungPostmodernity- no coherence, Thrills Katz, Lyng, Connell, Messerschmidt, Levin and McDevitt, Fenwick and Hayward Shame and self-esteem- Scheff, Anderson Constitutive- Henry and Milovanovic

Dealing with crime- Social control- Informal ,Formal

Cohen- Identity, Penetration, Size and density

Feeley and Simon actuarialism (patrol, privatisation disciplining)

Davis- space


Durkheim- mechanistic, retribution, organic, restitutive law

Rusche and Kircheimer


The Police- Consensual approach, Conflict policing (Reiner) Discretion Policing (Reiner-

Individualistic, Cultural [canteen culture [Graef]- suspicious, internal, conservatism, masculinity] Structural (Tarling)

Strain and Subcultural Theories- Origin-Merton- Consensus to follow goals of society- crime results from not being to meet these goals Conform, Ritual, Retreat, Rebellion, Innovate


Opportunity- Cloward and Ohlin, Dick Hobbs,

Frustration- Cohenethnographic, Chicago School WC boys (only females, complicated)

Focal concerns- MillerFAT SET- Box is this only WC values?

British subculture- Parker, Downes

Subterranean Values- MATZA techniques of neutralization

Paradox of inclusion- Nightingale, Merton, Bourgois

Postmodernism- Lyng edgework, Neo-Tribes Maffesoli

Masculinity- Collison, Connell, WinlowASBOS

Labelling Theory/ Interactionism- Becker, Malinowski- islanders and incest, Kitsuse

Criticism- Akers-

Rule enforcement- Lemert- primary and secondary deviance, master status= ASBOS

Rejecting Labels- Reiss

Becker- creating rules, Cannabis, moral crusades

Values- Liazos, Gouldner

Media- Wilkins- deviancy amplificationJock Young drugs- Cohen moral panics, folk devils

Criticism- McRobbie and Thornton- Difficulty,Reflexivity, Rebound, Frequency, Context

Patterns of crime-Statistics- Police recorded- HO, OS, Reporting- Social construction (patriarchal, Heidensohn, Adler), Recording, Role Police (Pollack), Role Courts, Role government Victim Surveys- BCS, Local VS, Islington, Media Self Report-

Data explosion- Maguire, Garland

Types of offences- property-, Violent

Victims- gender, class, geog Shaw and McKay, Baldwin and Bottoms (p27) Repeat victimization-

Explanations of victimization- Left realism-Lea and Young FEMINISM- Walklate, Walby and Allen

Fear-Ethnicity-Park, terrorism. Gender- women (Heidensohn, Walklate, Harding, Carlen) and men (Cohen Miller Messerschmidt) Age-

Reliability- Hall, Alexander, MacPherson Phillips and Bowling Mhlanga Hood

Gender and crime-Female- Invisible- Heidensohn, (SOTI) Sex Role Theory- Parsons,Farrington and Painter Social control- Heidensohn, Hagan , Marginalization.

Liberationist- Adler, Denscombe, Laidler andHunt, Westwood

Transgression- Postmodernist- Carlen, Smart

Women and sentencing- Hedderman and Hough, Heidensohn, Farrington and Morris,

Pollack, Chivalry thesis, Flood-Page, Walklate, Eagle

Male-Normative-Connell, Cohen focal concerns,Miller, Messerschmidt,Katz, Lyng, Winlow, Wilson.

Occupational and Corporate crime-Sutherland- definition. Nelken debate, Pearce and Tombs cigarettes alcohol

Distinctions- Corporate- Left realist Conklin, Enron, Carson, Michalowski and Kramer, Box

Obstacles- Box’s four Gvt, Empl, Cons, Public Occupational- Ditton, Mars, Clarke, Levi, Parsons

6 Causes- Personality- Gross Differential Sutherland, Aubert, Braithwaite Emotion Portnoy, Lyng and Katz, PunchLabelling Mars, Nelken Anomie Merton, Box, Braithwaite, Punch, Nelken

Marxist Swartz, Pearce, Slapper and Tombs Carrabine, Nelken

Ethnicity and crime-

Official Statistics- 9% people arrested are Black, 5% Asian. 3 times more likely Waddington et al

Victimization surveys- Intraracial 88% white vrs white, 42% Black v black, 19% Asians v Asians lots of White vrs Black- data dubious 20% personal so don’t know Bowling. Self Report- Graham and Bowling

Sentencing- AC more in custody, AC 17% more than white imprisoned. Bowling and Phillips. Punichment 7.8 times higher than expected proportion.

Policing- Mayhew et alyoung males poor, Phillips and Bowling AC high arrest rate Racist police? Lord Scarman, canteen Culture Reiner, Smith and Gray, Holdaway, Graef, Institutional racism StephenLawrence murdered Macpherson Enquiry, Bowling and Phillips

Theorizing Left realist- Lea and Young, Capitalism in crisis- Hall, Culture of Resistance Scraton, Gordon, Young

Exclusion and alternative economiesCloward and Ohlin, Bourgois

Statistical Artefact- Fitzgerald et al