Cricket Development Plan


Bovey Tracey Cricket Club

Club Name:

The Recreation Ground, Newton Road, Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9PF, 01626 683320



Date of plan

Who was consulted in producing this plan and how will this be shared with your members?

Ideas for the development plan were formulated after an open forum meeting for all interested club members at the end of the 2015 playing season by the Bovey Tracey Cricket Club Committee.

When will the plan be reviewed and how?

The club will hold another open meeting at the end of the 2016 season for all interested parties. AGM item 2016. On-going progress towards short term targets to be discussed at monthly committee meetings.

Community Partners

Local WI Group

Devon Cricket League Meetings

Private Functions

School Links

South Dartmoor Academy – Shared use of facilities, coaching.

Stover School – Hire of school facilities.

Other sports played on site

Football – Played in the Autumn/Winter/Spring months, 1 Adult pitch which cuts part of the outfield, 1 mini pitch on the cricket outfield. Club House, bar and changing facilities.

Tennis – Played all year round, 3 x floodlight hard courts. Club house and changing facilities.

Swimming – Open in the summer months, 25 m outdoor pool, Changing facilities and confectionary stall

Bowls – Played in Spring/Summer months, 4 rink grass green. Club house, changing and bar facilities.




Main ground: The Recreation Ground, Newton Road, Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9PF

Number of fine turf pitches on square: 8

Number of fine turf practice pitches: 2

Number of non-turn practice pitches: 3

Second ground:The Cricket Ground, Buckfastleigh, Devon, TQ11

Number of fine turf pitches on square: 8

Number of fine turf practice pitches: 2

Third ground: Stover School


Number of non-turf playing pitches: 2

Number of fine turf practice pitches: 3

Club Teams 2016

Junior Teams

U10 x 2 South Devon Youth League

U11South Devon Youth League

U12South Devon Youth League

U13South Devon Youth LeagueECB National Cup

U15 x 2South Devon Youth LeagueECB National Cup

U17South Devon Youth Cup

U19ECB National Cup

U13 GirlsSouth Devon Youth LeagueECB National Cup

U15 GirlsSouth Devon Youth LeagueECB National Cup

Adult Teams

1st TeamDevon Cricket League Premier Division

Devon Cup

T20 Cup

2nd TeamDevon Cricket League Premier 2nd XI Division

Aaron Printers Cup

3rd TeamDevon Cricket League C 2nd XI Division – West

4th TeamDevon Cricket League E 2nd XI Division – West

Sunday XISouth Devon Cricket League

Tour games and Friendlies

LadiesDevon Cricket League

Plymouth Indoor Cricket League

Where do we want to be? - How are we going to get there?

Environmental / Pavilion
Aim / Improve changing and storage facilities at the club
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
New build, to provide new changing facilities, new machinery store, colt’s store, bar, improved disabled access. / Draw up plans.
Source funding.
Support of local community/council.
Planning permission.
Build. / Committee
Committee Sub group / Nigel Mountford / Completion by 2020
Funding by 2018
Outline planning by 2017
Plans completed – to consultation 2016
Environmental / Playing Square
Aim / Extension to the square to provide additional colts/practice wickets
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
To relieve pressure on the square and provide additional grass practice pitches.
Ability to host 2 x U10 games club/district / Preparatory work in winter –
Raise level of outfield to match square.
Level/Seed / Committee
Committee Sub group / Mark Taylor / Completion by 2018
Funding by 2017
Environmental / Community Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
Aim / Improve training facilities available to the club/local community and other sports clubs
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
New build, to provide MUGA for use during poor weather or high use training nights. / Draw up plans.
Source funding.
Support of local community/council.
Planning permission.
Build. / Committee
Committee Sub group / Completion by 2021
Funding by 2019
Outline planning by 2017
Plans completed – to consultation 2016 / Approximately £100000
Environmental / Playing surface
Aim / Improve quality of playing square
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
The club to have access to its own heavy roller / Source and fund new heavy roller.
Sponsorship. / Committee
Committee Sub group / Committee
Committee Sub group / By 2018 / Approximately £5000
Social/People / Coaching/Scoring/Umpiring
Aim / To maintain and increase the quality of number of coaching/umpires and scorers at BTCC
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
Increase number of qualified coaching staff at all levels.
Increase the number of qualified scorers and officials. / Ensure all members are aware of potential support.
Ensure all members are aware of opportunities.
Improved use of website/email / DCB
South Dartmoor Academy
LDO – Scott Chappell / On-going / The club will provide financial support to those wishing to complete coaching courses in return for coaching hours.
EG up to 50% of total cost of L2.
Social/People / Players
Aim / To maintain and increase the quality of players at all levels at BTCC
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
Provide playing opportunities at all levels / Clear player pathway.
Improve quality and access to winter training.
Clear and transparent selection policy
Celebration of success.
Nomination of players for representative sides / Committee.
Club Captains.
Colts Coordinator.
Buckfastleigh CC.
Parents. / Club Captains.
Colts Coordinator. / On-going
Economic / Use of facilities
Aim / To increase the usage of the Pavilion and grounds for activities other than cricket
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
Get at least 1 more group using the pavilion on a regular basis.
Increase the number of private hire events held at the club. / Advertise to local community groups.
Improved use of social media, contacts data base to inform members. / Local Community Groups
Economic / Increased non playing membership of the club
Aim / Increase Bar revenue
Objective / Process / Key Partners / Lead Person / Timescale / Cost
To increase the number of people using the club to socialise and maximise the amount of profit from the bar.
Provide at least 2 social events per season that draw from outside our immediate Cricket community. / Ensure bar provides what customers want.
Attempt to extend opening hours.
Special Events. / Bar Manager
Committee / On –going
Survey by end April 2016