A Meeting of Creswell Parish Council was held at the Staff Room, Tillington Manor Primary School, Young Avenue, HOLMCROFT on Monday 10th October 2011 at 7.30 pm.


Attending and Apologies for absence from Councillors & Public.

Attending Parish Council. R. Thomas (Chairman), Councillors Mrs M. Redfern, J. Cantrill

P. Bowen & R. Allsop.

Borough Councillor R. Sutherland

Public Mr J. Redfern

Apologies County Councillor M. Winnington, Mrs Dixon & Mrs Doubtfire.

1.  a). To accept the minutes of the last Meeting of the 5th September 2011.

These were approved except that the “A519 was DISAPPROVED of” by Cllr. Mrs Redfern.

Amended and Accepted as a true record by Cllr. Redfern and Seconded by Cllr. Cantrill and Passed unanimously.

2.  To report the Proposed Development at Beaconside Akzo Nobel. Cllr. Thomas reported

The LDF exhibition had mistakenly referred to the 409 houses increasing to 700 by the County Council! This had been remedied and there would be a realignment of the Marston Lane and Parkside Avenue new junction on the Beaconside Road. Project to be ratified shortly.

3. Planning Applications& Issues. Update on

a) 48a Creswell Grove. No further work on the Garage had taken place but some of the Services had been connected up.

b) Pedestrian Crossing Refusal & Traffic Control on Motorway Slip Roads. Following a refusal by the County Council at the Parish Forum to construct a pedestrian crossing in Creswell Grove it was suggested that the “Safety Audit” of the new traffic control on the M6 Roundabout should include this problem. The Clerk reported that there appeared to be reluctance on the part of the County Council Highways and the M6 Highways Agency to work together on this issue as well as the damaged illuminated signpost and Street Lamp on the roundabout. Borough Councillor Sutherland said he would report the situation to County Councillor Winnington on behalf of the Parish Council. Chairman suggested we develop a New Approach. This should be considered as an item on the next Meeting Agenda. Agreed unanimously.

c) Strawsons/Omnivales Field. Chairman and Clerk reported that a Draft Presentation was being put forward for Public Consultation in November. A Saturday morning and mid-week late afternoon was being negotiated with Tillington Manor School

d). Pavement upgrade Creswell Grove. The Clerk reported that the work had been finally finished together with the levelling off of some of the grass which had been reseeded. Representation had been made to the County Council to assist on supporting the Parish Councils no Parking Notice which had been widely circulated in the Chronicles as well as on the Parish Noticeboards. The Chairman raised the issue of the small plastic posts which appeared to be damaged and the indiscriminate parking by some of the Residents. The Clerk had met with the Community Highways Officer who had taken a copy of the No Parking Notice back to Highways HQ to see what could be done to assist the solution on what is the County Council Land.

e) Local Development Framework. Cllr. Thomas reported that he had met the Clerk of Hopton Parish Council to work together. The Parish Forum had touched on Community Development, Localism Bill and “Urban Villages” but these were not defined. The Infrastructure Plan was not finished yet and had no mention of the Eastern Distributor Road or Primepoint 2. But these would be mentioned in the LDF submission from the Parish Council.


4. Public Participation. Update situation within the Parish. (This can be flexible within the Agenda.) A degree of Public Participation had been allowed by the Chairman previously

a). County/Borough Councillors Reports. Cllr. Sutherland had nothing further to report and left the meeting. He was thanked for taking concerns from the Parish to relevant Officers.

5. To accept Financial Bank Statement current reconciliation of Bank Account activity.

Date Statement Balance Payments In Payments Out

30th Sept 2011 / 35 / 5518.36 / 3965.27 / 1167.83

Cheques written out SINCE 5th September 2011.

153 Tillington School Room Hire 5th Sept, 10th Oct, 14th Nov, 12th Nov. 4 @ £25.00 Total £100.00

154 Information Commissioner Data Registration £35.00

155 Chairman`s Allowance from Budget £70.00

156 Office Expenses reimbursed to Clerk £62.16

Receipts IN

SBC Precept 50% £3965 + Concurrent 100% £305 Total £4270.00

Golden Orient Restaurant Parish Website Advert 12 months £150.00

Arnold Clark Automobiles Parish Website Advert 12 months £150.00

*SBC 2nd Half Precept £3965.00 + £0.27p interest

a). Report by the Clerk. The second half Precept had been received together with £0.27 p interest for the month.

b). To confirm Chairman`s Allowance payment £70.00. Together with Office Expenses incurred by the Clerk Proposed By Cllr. Bowen and seconded by Cllr. Mrs Redfern Agreed unanimously.

c.) To Pay for School Room Hire for end of Term. The clerk had received the Invoice from the School Bursar for Room Hire until the New Year which amounted to £100.00.

6.Councillors & Clerks Reports.

Cllr. Cantrill reported attending the SPCA Area Meeting together with the 100 Club. A County Council presentation on the Localism Bill was debated and the Clerk was asked to obtain copies of Mr Vinings (SCC) Hand-outs from Secretary John Blount. The Clerk would distribute when obtained. The question of the provision of Buffets prior to the meeting and the charges were raised. A debate on the proposed re-jigging of Police Divisions together with Crime Prevention Panels took place and further information was being obtained and reported at a later date. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Cantrill for his report.

Cllr. P Bowen. Enquired if there was any news on the Salt Box as the old paving slab had been removed and grassed over. The Clerk had been informed that a new Salt Box was to be provided in the next few weeks.

Also the question of a litter bin lower down the footpath on the Primepoint Footpath. The Chairman and Clerk understood that this would go in when one of the “new” ex-SBC benches is sited by the Footpath with the blessing of Blackbrook Developments.

Cllr. Allsop had attended the Parish Forum with the Chairman and was impressed by the standard of the Presentations.

Cllr. Mrs Redfern had attended the Battle of Britain Service and Reception together with her husband, they found it very well represented and moving.

Clerk. Had secured 2 benches ex-SBC which will be delivered to Redhill Farm for refurbishment. All will carry The Knot and one will be Split and the other single span. Cllr. Bowen suggested the Split design could be placed outside Meddling’s house on the corner of Wilkes Wood. Clerk to check the position of this with the County Highways.

Chairman Cllr. Thomas. Reported that an evening at the Golden Orient was enjoyed by all, unfortunately Cllr. Allsop could not attend due to the indisposition of his wife.

He had attended the Community Council for Staffordshire AGM and the Trading Standards 20th Anniversary. There was an informative display of fake goods including vodka which was particularly poisonous in circulation.

The Community Gang had missed cutting back some of the grass on Mustang Drive outside Cheshire House down from the Golden Orient. The same in Spitfire Close both sides of the road between Arnold Clark & Premier Inn.


Arnold Clark dead trees will be replaced by their Estates Division according to their Architect.

There is a problem with ivy spreading over the pavement reducing the width by up to 50% outside Screwfix (opposite Arnold Clark).

Is there any Spray that can prevent grow back? Clerk asked to contact Community Gang.

Journal of Local Planning Proposed that a trial year’s subscription of 4 issues for £50.00 be paid by the Parish Council, seconded by Cllr. Cantrill and Passed unanimously.

Perrin Committee Meeting to be advised.

Planning Seminar on 17th October will be attended by Chairman and Cllr Mrs Redfern.

7. Calendar for the year 2012 to be discussed. All 7.30 pm. meetings.

Next meeting November 14th 2011.

9. To receive items for information and correspondence list already distributed. The Electoral Boundary Commission Report will be published 14/15th November.

Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.55 pm.



T. Doubtfire CiLCA, MILCM.

Clerk to the Parish Council, typed 22nd October 2011 from notes taken at the Meeting of the 10th October 2011
