Credentials and Nominations Meeting
College of Education
November 3, 2008
Present: Ruth Aultman, Dhiane Bradley, Valerie Browning, Valerie Casey, Rachel Hodge, Sherry Kennedy, Ramie Martin
Absent: Ginger Brown, Bob Cochran, Paul Detwiler, Tammi Thomas, Jennifer Taylor, Sheila Watkins,
The meeting was called to order at 3:30 P.M.
The first order of business was to present a token of appreciation to out-going President Dhiane Bradley who is replacing Carol Davis as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Staff Senate.
Incoming Chair Valerie Casey distributed handouts containing the expectations for Committee Chairs and asked those present to consider putting their names forward for the Vice-Chair position. The Vice-Chair will also be responsible for the mentoring program. Anyone interested in serving is asked to contact Valerie directly.
Ruth Altman was selected from the alternate list of Senators to fill the vacant spot left by Dhiane Bradley and she agreed to serve.
The Committee then reviewed the responsibilities of the C & N Committee from the 2008 By-Laws and reviewed the Goals and Objectives for the Credentials and Nominations Committee.
Changes were made and approved. The new version is attached.
The Web Search abilityfor constituents was discussed and it was decided that Paul Detwiler, Dhiane Bradley, Bob Cochran, and Karen Porter will work on getting the search operational.
Senator Ron Lyle has submitted his resignation representing the Staff Senate on CODRE citing time constraints. The Committee approved sending the name of Karen Nally forward for President Ramsey’s approval. Her name was one of the three sent up to President Ramsey previously.
The Committee approved Senator Chadwick Moore (VPBA06) whose terms expires 2009 being moved to fill a vacancy in VPBA10.
There are currently two opening in the Staff Senate a call for nominations to the President's Office (PRES01) and VP-Business Affairs (VPBA10) have been sent out with a deadline of 11/14. If we do not receive any applications by 11-14, we will send out a UofL Today university-wide call for nominations Monday 11-17, with a two-week deadline.
Meetings will continue to be the first Monday of every month at 3:00 in the Women’s Center Conference room in the Administrative Annex.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M.