Idaho State Curriculum Guide Language/Writing 11th Grade ©State of Idaho 2003
Go to Writing Process McRel Alignment
Go to Composition Structure
Go to Basic Grammar and Usage State Standards
Go to Conventions: Capitalization
Go to Conventions: Punctuation
Go to Conventions: Spelling Writing Prompts Correlation Chart
New VocabularyCapitalization / Composition and Structure / Grammar and Usage / Punctuation / Writing Process
State Standard and Benchmark / Local Curriculum / Learning Continuum and other Performance Objectives / Sample Assessment and Sample Quizzes / Sample Sequence / Minimum Hours Allotted / Sample Teaching
Strategy / Sample ResourcesP /
Writing Composition and the Writing Process Return to Top
753.01 a753.01 b
Understand and use the writing process.
Pre-Writing Skills / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
a. Have students create a graphic organizer to explain the writing process stages and the activities of each stage.
b. Give students a school or community problem. Ask students to create a writing prompt based on the problem. Have them narrow the topic, give the purpose, and specify the audience and format.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / a. Use the metaphor of an artist painting a picture to take students through the writing process steps.
Have posters with the process steps around the room. When students are working on writing assignment, ask various students which step of the process they are using. Include class in these discussions.
b. Use brainstorming with students to practice narrowing topics from general to specific. Graphic organizers and Inspiration software are good tools for individual brainstorming.
Students think up topics; groups or class give examples of writing needs for the topic. What, audiences, purposes, and formats would be necessary for the various writing needs. / Six Traits Prompts Webpage
753.01 a
753.01 b
Understand and use the writing process.
Drafting and Revising Skills / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
a. Give students a few topics that are relevant to their interests. Time them with a stop watch to see how much they can write on one of the topics without lifting their pencils.
b. Give the students a paragraph with random main ideas and relevant and irrelevant ideas. Have them make a paragraph by choosing the main ideas and details that create a good paragraph.
Use the same assessment for each 6+1 trait.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / a. Practice writing about random topics. Use personal topics, picture writing (provide pictures for ideas, movie writing (watch a clip), etc.
b. Review and use 6+1 Writing for the “Ideas and Content” trait. Students practice individual and in groups. Cross out ideas which are not main ideas or relevant added details.
Use the same process with various original and provided papers to teach, and revise writing according the other 6+1 traits. / Good Writing Prompts and Language Usage Helps Web Sites
753.02 a Edit for correctness and clarity
753.05 a
Write to critically analyze and evaluate.
Use Editing and Proof-reading Processes / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
a. Provide a paragraph with errors for students to correct.
Have students correct a paragraph they have written, using a rubric of correctness and clarity terminology from 6+1. traits
b. Write a nomination letter to the “Best Short Story Author” committee.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / a. Review the “Conventions” trait from 6+1. Have students create lists of errors to avoid and post on wall. As students finish their writing assignments, have them sentence-tize their paragraphs, essays, letters, etc. by clicking on enter twice at the end of every sentence. Print it out and edit for errors.
b.. Have students pair up and list errors they have commonly had in writing. In whole group, list errors In “error groups.” What errors might come up in the nomination letter? / Sentence-izing Sample
Nomination paper prompt
Writing Composition and Structure Return to Top
753.03 bWrite to inform and explain
Appropriate Format / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Provide paragraphs and or/sentences that are out of out of order. Students organize them, using various organizational patterns.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / a. Use the “Organization” trait from 6+1 to review appropriate organizational formatting for various types of writing.
b. Practice organizational patterns, i.e. spatial, chronological, order of importance.
C. Have students look for format and organization as they read literature selections.
/ * HS Great Source
P. 60
753.03 b
Write to inform and explain
753.05 c
Write to critically analyze and evaluate.
753.04 a
Write for literary response and expression.
753.06 a
Write to communicate research findings
Variety of Formats / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Provide two topics for students. Give two different audiences for each topic. Ask students to list appropriate modes formats for each topic and audience.
Respond to a literature selection by writing a paragraph in a specific mode (student or teacher choice)
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230
b. Write a nomination letter to the “Best Short Story Author” committee. Link / a. Write persuasive, informative, narrative, and expository paragraphs and papers. Refer to the “Voice and Word Choice” traits for practice in choosing appropriate language and style for each format.
b. Write obituaries, want ads, resumes, applications, etc. for authors and characters, using biographies, and/or literature.
Refer to word choices and sentences structures in literature selections.
c. Journal response to short stories.
Write journal entries as one of the characters would write for a day, moment, etc. / *HS Write Source
P. 59
Writing Prompts Correlation Chart
Have students make up songs to reinforce the concept, .Example
753.01 c Understand and use the writing process.
Appropriate Style and Vocabulary / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Write a paragraph with parallel structure for a series of words, phrases, and clauses. Use infinitives and participles.
Have students web out previously studied vocabulary words with webs of synonyms and antonyms. / a. Refer to “Word Choice and Sentence Fluency” traits for practice ideas for style and vocabulary ideas.
During descriptive writing, spend time with effective word choice.
b Review and emphasize the effective use of parallelism by finding parallelism in famous quotations
Practice using infinitives and participles in parallel structure.
c. Have students rewrite picture books, changing to more advance vocabulary and sentence structure. / Famous Parallel Quotes
753.04 c
Write for literary response and expression
Variety of Elements / mode / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Provide three short grade-level poems to students. Ask each student to respond to the poem, evaluating it for figurative language, speaker, tone, and theme.
List the writing modes and give the purpose of each. / b. As students read essays (Thoreau, Emerson, Paine,), discuss the mode and purpose of each. / *HS Write Source
P. 423-440
753.03 a
Write to inform and explain
Details / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Have students write paragraphs about the school or city. Ask them to add details that aren’t relevant to the main idea. Trade with a partner and cross out the irrelevant details. / a. Practice with “Content and Ideas” trait from 6+1 Write Traits.
b. Use difference versions of the same fairly tale to demonstrate necessary and unnecessary details.
c. Students evaluate a sports news article for main idea and necessary and unnecessary details.
753.02 b
Write and edit for correctness and clarity
753.04 a
Write for literary response and expression.
Sentence Types
Composition (Sentence)
Forms / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Have students identify sentence types and forms in a specific literature selection.
Have students create sentence types and forms.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / Review with a mini lesson on sentence types when discussing types of introductions to nonfiction and analytical papers. (Sentence Fluency Trait)
Analyze authors’ use and purpose for selecting certain sentence types
Mini lesson on sentence forms in helping students write topic and thesis sentences in nonfiction and analytical writing. (Sentence Fluency Trait)
Analyze authors’ use of sentence types.
Have students write sentences, using models of great writers. Students use their own words, but copy the form.
Compound complex
753.04 b
Write for literary response and expression. 753.05 b
Write to analyze.
Variety of components / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Identify phrases and clauses and their purposes and effectiveness in a given paragraph.
Produce phrases and clauses in a given prompt and/or own writing.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210 (Develop Paragraphs)
RIT 211-220 (Develop Paragraphs)
RIT 221-230 (Develop Paragraphs) / “Sentence Fluency” trait.
Mini lesson on phrases and clauses.
When students are writing literary response, analysis, and or nonfiction pieces, review clause and phrase structure purposes.
Use literature as models.
Grammar and Usage Return to Top http://www.ncte.org/positions/grammar.shtml
753.02 bWrite and edit for correctness and clarity
753.06 a
Write to communicate research findings
Variety of Sentences / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ECA / For Learning:
Provide student with strips of papers with topic, detail, and conclusion sentences. The put them in appropriate order.
Given a topic, students write a paragraph and label the topic sentence, detail, and conclusion sentences.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / Mini lessons in “Content and Ideas” and Organization” traits help students identify, select, and revise topic idea sentences, detail sentences, and conclusion sentences.
The “Step Up To Writing” program also provides many strategies.
Topic sentences
Conclusion sentences
Detail sentences / Family Links:
“Step Up to Writing” site
753.02 b
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Sentence Structure / Type / Kind / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Sentence Fluency” Trait
Experiment with long parallel structures in all forms – infinitive, gerunds, clauses, phrases,
Refer to appropriate style and vocabulary above.
Gerund introductions / *HS Write Source
P. 244
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Subject-verb agreement / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
DWA / For Learning:
List subject verb agreement problems to check for in proof reading.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Conventions” and “Sentence Fluency” traits.
Have student pairs present Mini Lessons on subject verb agreement problems.
Student created PowerPoint presentations are effective. They can link to practices online. / Family Links:
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Noun Forms / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Revise a paragraph for noun plurals and possessives
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Word Choice” Trait in descriptive writing.
Design a prompt which will encourage the use of possessive and plural nouns. (See Prompts)
Work in pairs to revise for noun usage.
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Pronoun Forms / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Summarize rules for pronoun usage.
Write the pronouns rules for younger students and give proper examples.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Word Choice” Trait in all personal and persuasive prompts.
Good pronoun practices are found on textbook publisher and sites
Nominative/objective case
Indefinite pronouns
Clear Pronoun antecedents / Persuasive Prompts
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Verb Tenses / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Students can change passive voice sentences to active voice.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Voice” and “Sentence Fluency” Traits.
to identify passive sentences for revision.
Student show compared meaning of active and passive by drawing pictures.
Action and passive sentences. / Sentence-tizing example
Active and passive picture example
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Irregular Verb Forms / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Students proofread to correct verb forms in writing.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Sentence Fluency” and “Conventions” Traits.”
Good verb practices are found on textbook
Students orally quiz each other on verb forms before revision.
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Adjective Forms / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Revise writing for correct adjective forms.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / “Word Choice” and “Sentence Fluency” in comparison and contrast writing.
CD and site exercises.
Review TV ads, newspaper, grocery product, etc., looking for adjective forms.
Reward students who find incorrect use of adjectives.
Comparative and superlative form.
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Adverb Forms, Phrases, and Clauses / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Distinguish adverb clauses and phrases from adjectives clauses and phrases.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220 / “Sentence Fluency” Trait.
Look for adverb clauses in picture books or add some that could enhance the stories. Discuss why they are adverb phrases and clauses.
Practice adding adverb phrases and clauses to descriptive and expository writing.
753.02 a
Write and edit for correctness and clarity.
Negative Forms / Learning Continuum
Teacher Observable
ISAT / For Learning:
Proof read for correct and double negatives in writing.
Provide a list of sentences with both correct and incorrect negative use.
Check off the correct sentences.
Of Learning:
RIT 201-210
RIT 211-220
RIT 221-230 / Review and expose students do nonstandard use of incorrect and double negatives.
Have students find incorrect usage in songs, etc. (Poetic License).
Incorrect use – hardly, barely
Double negatives / Usage workbooks from various publishers.