Creative Scotland
Open Project Funding
Application Form:
For applications requesting over £15k
Advice and Information
Please read the Guide to Open Project Funding and the Help With Your Application (over £15k) guidance document before making an application. In addition, we encourage you to also read the information sheets we’ve produced to provide additional guidance and clarity on specific areas of the application (for example budgets) or specific types of activity (for example, touring). These can be accessed on the Creative Scotland website.
Alternative Formats, Languages and Access Support
Creative Scotland is committed to offering clear and accessible application processes and programmes that are open to everyone. On request this information is available in alternative formats including translations. We offer access support to disabled applicants, tailored to individual requests. Support includes Sign Language Interpreters for meetings and scribing support for dyslexic applicants. Officers can offer advice to new applicants and support them to make an application. The Equalities Team can offer additional one-to-one support to applicants with access requirements. Please note we will accept applications and supporting materials which are written in English, Gaelic or Scots.
If you have any general enquiries about the application process, Guidance or Application Form, please contact our Enquiries Service:
Telephone: 0845 603 6000 (10am-12pm & 2-4pm, Mon – Fri)
If you are a deaf BSL user, you can access our services with the Contact Scotland-BSL programme. Go to for more information.
In order for us to be able to process your application, you need to complete Sections A-G of this application. Please be advised, we will not be able to process your application if you do not answer all the questions.
Section A: Key Information
Please confirm that you have read the Guide to Open Project Funding and Help With Your Application (up to £15k) guidance document and any relevant information sheets before completing this application form? (Delete as appropriate)Please note that you must answer this question for your application to proceed / Yes
Do you object to receiving National Lottery funding for religious reasons? (Delete as appropriate) / No
Are you applying as an Individual or an Organisation?
(Delete as appropriate) / Individual
Do you hold a UK Bank account in the name of the lead applicant?
Please note that we will only ask you for your banking details if you’re successfully awarded funding – not before. For audit purposes we expect all applicants to hold a UK Bank Account. / Yes
Only if applying for over £100,000 – have you submitted the Over £100k Request Form and had confirmation back from Creative Scotland granting you permission to apply? / Yes
Is this a re-application to the Creative Scotland Open Project Fund? (Delete as appropriate) / Yes
If yes, please provide the logging reference for the original application.
Please briefly outline below how you have addressed any feedback relating to your previous application? / CS-
Section B: Contact Details
If you are applying as an Individual, please fill in BOTH Part 1 and Part 2.
If you are applying as an organisation, please fill in BOTH Part 1 and Part 3.
Please note that all key correspondence will be made by email with the named lead contact only so please ensure this information is correct and the lead contact is fully aware of the details in the application.
Name of Applicant
Lead Contact Name and Position (if appropriate)
Telephone Number
Email Address
Web Address
Are you applying as an Individual or a Sole Trader?
(You should only choose one - and delete the other as appropriate) / Individual
Sole Trader
If you are a Sole Trader, please provide your Unique Tax Reference Code
Are you a registered company? (Delete as appropriate) / Yes
If you are a registered company, please provide your Registered Office address and Company Number
Are you a registered charity? (Delete as appropriate) / Yes
If you are a registered charity, please provide your Registration Number
Are you the lead organisation for a consortia, group of organisations or artists’ group applying together? (Delete as appropriate) / Yes
If you are the lead organisation for a consortia, group of organisations or artists’ group. Please list your partner organisations
Trading Name of Organisation
Full Legal Name of Organisation (if different from above)
What legal type of organisation are you? (You should only choose one. Please type an X in the relevant box in the right hand column)
We need this information so we can determine if you are eligible to apply for Open Project Funding.
We also need the information so we can monitor our decision making and report to Scottish Government and the UK National Lottery on the types of organisations we fund. / Company Limited by Guarantee
Company Limited by Shares
Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)
Community Interest Company (CIC)
Local Authority
Cultural and Leisure Trust
Public Sector Agency
Trust or Foundation
Unincorporated Association
Section C: Project Summary
Please summarise your project. If you are successful in receiving funding, we may use this information in any publicity we produce about your project (300 words maximum)
How much funding are you applying to Creative Scotland for?
(Please ensure this matches the figure you have requested in your Budget Summary in Section E) / £
When will your project start?
(Please provide your answer in dd/mm/yy format. This date must be at least 12 weeks from the date you send the application) / dd/mm/yy
When do you expect your project to end? (Please provide your answer in dd/mm/yy format.) / dd/mm/yy
Where will your project take place?
(Please tell us as much information as you can about where your project will take place. We will expect you to fill out at least one of these boxes, but please complete as many as are applicable. / Post Codes:
Local Authority areas:
Outside Scotland:
Will the work be available digitally or online? If so, please tell us below.
What art form or creative area would you use to categorise your application? (Please type an X in the box in the right hand column)
(We need this information so we can ensure that your application is assessed by a Creative Scotland Officer with relevant expertise)
We also need the information so we can monitor our decision making and report to the Scottish Government and the National Lottery on the range and type of activities we fund). / Multi-art form
Film / TV
Visual Arts
Other (please specify)
Section D: Project Detail
We will use your answers in this section to assess your application against the criteria set out in the ‘What are we looking for in an application’ section of the Guide to Open Project Funding. Our Help With Your Application (over £15k) guidance document will give you more detail on the sort of information we’re looking for in these questions. In addition, we encourage you to also read the information sheets we’ve produced to provide additional guidance and clarity on specific areas of the application (for example budgets) or specific types of activity (for example, touring).
Artistic and Creative Quality:In this section we want you to tell us about you, your idea, what and who it will involve, and what the outcomes of the project will be.
1. Tell us about the artistic or creative idea, and how you will realise this through the project (1500 words maximum)
In order to tell us more about yourself, your organisation and your collaborators, please give us a short biography below. Please also attach any CV(s) to your application as part of your supporting documents.
Q2. Please provide us with a short biography of yourself or your organisation – your work, track record and relevant achievements to date - which are relevant to this application. (600 words maximum)
Q3. If your project is collaborative, please tell us who you are working with and outline the track record and artistic/creative quality of the people involved. (600 words maximum)
Q4. What do you want to achieve with this project, and how will it contribute to your own, or your organisation’s, development. (600 words maximum)
Reaching People:
We want to know about who you’re planning to reach, how you will do this and what the longer term benefits will be. If you’re applying for something which does not reach people directly, i.e. is more developmental, research-based or focussed on you and your practice, then we would like you to tell us about how this project may benefit your work with the public in future.
Please answer EITHER question 5A or 5B – but NOT BOTH.
Q5A. If you are proposing to reach people with your project, tell us who are you expecting to reach with this project in terms of audiences, participants, readers, viewers or listeners, and why are you targeting them? Once you’ve done this, answer Q6, providing us with estimated numbers.
(600 words maximum)
Q5B. If you are not proposing to reach people with your project (for example, research and development) who do you reach at present, who do you plan to reach in the future and how does this project enable this?
(600 words maximum)
Q6. Please provide estimated numbers of audiences, participants and artists involved in this activity
(If you answered Q5B you DO NOT need to answer this question)
Total number of performances or days of exhibition:
Numbers of people you propose to reach with the project:
Readers/Viewers/Listeners (Delete as appropriate)
Live Audiences
Online/Digital Audiences
Q7. In what ways, will the people you are proposing to reach benefit from your project? (600 words maximum)
Q8. How will you reach them? (600 words maximum)
Effective Project Management:
We want to fund well managed projects that deliver as planned.
In this section we want you to tell us about how your project will be delivered, including any planning work undertaken and your analysis of any risks. We would also like to hear about your evaluation plans.
Q9. Please tell us how your project will be managed effectively and efficiently. Please include partners involved in this project and details of their role and contribution to the management of the project. (600 words maximum)
Q10. Please outline any preparatory work you’ve done – including how you have allocated sufficient resources to ensure all aspects of the project are well run. (600 words maximum)
Q11. What risks have you identified that could have an impact on your successful delivery of your project, and how will you manage them? (600 words maximum)
Q12. How will you document and evaluate your project? (600 words maximum)
Section E: Financial Management
In this section, the information you provide will help us assess against the ‘Financial Management’ criteria set out in the ‘What are we looking for in an application’ section of the Guide to Open Project Funding.
Please note we do require you to supply us with a separate budget to help us to assess the financial management of your project.
In addition to your budget, we also ask you to provide us with a breakdown of the costs associated with your project by completing the following three tables:
· Budget Summary Table
· Project Income Table
· Project Cost Table
All costs you use should be in full pounds only (any costs in pence must be rounded up to the nearest pound).
We would ask that you pay particularly close attention to the costs you allocate for paying the people involved in delivering your project. Creative Scotland is committed, through any activities we support, to ensure that artists are paid appropriately for their time and effort. We therefore expect applications to reference relevant industry standards on rates of remuneration – such as those outlined by the Musicians Union, the Scottish Artists Union, EQUITY, BECTU, or the Writers Guild.
Before completing this section we strongly recommend you read the Financial Management section of the Help With Your Application (up to £15k) guidance document and the Help with Budgets Information Sheet.
Financial ManagementBecause you’re applying for public funding, alongside the budgetary information, summary of expenditure and outline of any income and partnership funding, we also need to know more about how you will manage the expenditure of public funds.
Q13. How will you monitor and control how you spend this public money on this project? (300 words maximum)
Budget summary table:
What is the total budget (including VAT) of the project?/ £
What is the funding you require from Creative Scotland?
/ £
What percentage is Creative Scotland’s contribution to the total budget? / %
How much guaranteed co-funding is in place? (cash and in-kind) / £
What percentage of the total budget is this guaranteed co-funding? / %
Open Project Fund Application Form – Over £15k 2015-16 v3
Project cost table:
Use the template below to outline the costs for your project with a short description alongside each entry in the table.
Please note that all costs in the first column should not include VAT, with second column showing VAT separately. The third column is the total of the columns one and two. Ensure the totals in your Project Costs table match the totals in the Project Income table (i.e. the totals in BOX A and BOX B are the same).
Cost heading / Costexc VAT
£ / VAT
£ / Total Cost
£ / Description and calculations
(please provide details of what this cost relates to and how you’ve reached this figure)
Artistic/Creative costs
(including all referenced industry standards)
Professional/Organisational development costs
Equipment/Asset costs
Marketing/Audience Development costs
Overhead costs
Access costs (including personal access costs – see Help with Budgets for more information)
Other costs
(please detail)
Total Project Cost –
BOX A / £ / £ / £
Project income table: