Week 1
Monday, 8/21: Introductions + Icebreakers. Syllabus review+ Activity and Genre Studies Intro. Daily Reaction.
HW: Review the syllabus for the quiz
Wednesday, 8/23: Syllabus quiz. Overview of Discussion Leader Dates. Identity Activity and Stand Where you Stand Activity. Jiracek questions + Discussion of Writing Researcher Identity. Daily Reaction.
HW: Sheets 6.1 reading and Coletta 8.1 reading with notes
Week 2
Reading Due by 8/28:
- “I would not like writing here or there…” Coletta 8.1
- “That’s so Sweet…” Sheets 6.1
Monday, 8/28:Writing prompt #2. Review. Reading Quiz + Discussion Leader. Uptake activity + Discussion of uptake and antecedent knowledge. Daily Reaction + Collect index cards.
HW: Marinate and Blue + yellow = green with unit one guidelines
Wednesday, 8/30:Freewrite. Review/EC quiz. SAWAC + APAC powerpoint and activity (cereal boxes). Unit guidelines overview. Daily Reactions.
HW: “Eating Cereal for Breakfast…” Soares 4.1 + finish cereal box
“To judge a book by its cover…” Lyons 8.1
Week 3
Reading Due by 9/6:
- “Eating Cereal for Breakfast…” Soares 4.1
- “To judge a book by its cover…” Lyons 8.1
Wednesday, 9/6:Freewrite. Reading Quiz. Discussion Leaders. Introduction of Multimodality (demo with picture book?) + review of SAWAC and APAC. WAC peer workshop with cereal boxes—emphasis on multimodality and conventions. Daily Reaction.
HW: Proposal and Memo due 9/8 by 11:55pm
“Literate Practices in a Juvenile Detention Home…” Flowers and Kartcheske
Week 4
Reading Due by 9/11:
- “Literate Practices in a Juvenile Detention Home…” Flowers and Kartcheske
Monday, 9/11: Writing prompt # 3. Reading Quiz + Discussion Leader. Review of conceptsswitch audience activity (SAWAC + APAC + WRI + Mutlim) Reverse engineer activity with reading + bag of genres (emphasize multimode). Daily Reaction.
HW: Work on your project!
Wednesday, 9/13: Freewrite. Groups based on Unit project selection analyze their chosen genre with APAC. Brainstorm with Becca throughout class. Daily Reaction.
HW: Work on unit project!
“Don’t be Quiet: Talk as a Tool for Improved Writing” – Williams 2.1
“Atychiphobia…” Wood 8.1
Week 5
Reading Due by 9/18:
- “Don’t be Quiet: Talk as a Tool for Improved Writing” – Williams 2.1
- “Atychiphobia…” Wood 8.1
Monday, 9/18: Writing prompt #4, Reading quiz + Discussion Leaders. Joey Activity—what went wrong? Intro to peer-assessment vs workshop. Peer-assessment as a class unit with provided example to assess. Daily Reaction.
HW: Unit project due Wednesday by class time!!!!! (on reggienet)
Wednesday, 9/20: Freewrite. Peer-assessment of unit one project. Unit two guidelines and blue + yellow = green activity and discussion.Daily Reaction.
HW: Self-assessment due Monday + additional revisions
“Understanding Language and Culture with Cultural Historical Activity theory” Kostecki 3.1
Week 6
Reading Due by 9/25:
- “Understanding Language and Culture with Cultural Historical Activity theory” Kostecki 3.1
Reading Due by 9/27:
- “Transmedia Storytelling…” Ybarra 8.1
- “CHATing about Greatness…” Weiss 8.1
Monday, 9/25:Writing Prompt #5. Introduction to CHAT (based on Joyce) + CHAT map as a class with Kostecki questions. Bag of genres in small groups if time. Brief Remediation Introduction. Daily Reaction.
HW: “Transmedia Storytelling…” Ybarra 8.1
“CHATing about Greatness…” Weiss 8.1
Wednesday, 9/27: Freewrite. Review of CHAT. Reading Quiz + Discussion Leader. More fully introduce remediation with examples from last semester. Tracking Remediation + discussion. Remediation activity as a class (blurb to DVD case). Daily Reaction.
HW:Brainstorm project ideas (participation points)
Week 7
Reading Due by 10/2:
- “Multilingual Notes as a tool to Understand Super Dense Readings” Khor 7.2 [Stop at Soda-Pop-Coke Conflict section]
Reading Due by 10/4:
- "You’ve got Mail: Researching and Analyzing the Genre of Postcards” Ginzburg 6.1
Monday, 10/2: Writing prompt #6. Review of CHAT and remediation. Discussion of code-switching and remediation. Fbook to email CHAT differences and remediation activity. Project idea workshop. Daily Reaction.
HW: Finish remediation activity (bring in for participation points + misc)
Wednesday, 10/4: Freewrite. Reverse bag of genres activity to help with project proposals. Reading Quiz + Discussion Leader. Introduction to Trajectory with football. Daily reaction.
HW: “Genre as Subversion…”Litwiller 8.1
“Tracing the Trajectories of (The) Humans of New York” Viswanath 6.2”
Proposal and Memo due Friday
Week 8
Reading Due by 10/9:
- “Genre as Subversion…” Litwiller 8.1
- “Tracing the Trajectories of (The) Humans of New York” Viswanath 6.2”
Monday, 10/9: Writing prompt #7. Review. Reading Quiz + Discussion Leader. Message in a bottle trajectory activity to connect CHAT, trajectory, uptake, and antecedent knowledge (and writing researcher identity). Daily Reaction
HW: Short story (bring in for participation points + misc)
Wednesday, 10/11: Freewrite. Trajectory activity with short story + discussion. Write-it-in prompt + discussion. Daily reaction.
HW: “From Religion to Cannibalism…”Qabazard 3.2
TBD reading
Week 9
Reading Due by 10/16:
- “From Religion to Cannibalism…” Qabazard 3.2
Monday, 10/16: Writing prompt #8. Reaction activity. Reading Quiz + Discussion Leader. Cultural and Ethical Considerations/translingualism Discussion. Daily Reaction
HW: Work on Project
Wednesday, 10/18: Freewrite. Review of components + multimodality. Speed conferencing one-on-ones. Daily Reaction
HW: “The Grape DimetappTM…” Torrington 3.1
Work on unit project.
Week 9
Reading Due by 10/23:
- “The Grape DimetappTM…” Torrington 3.1
Monday, 10/23: Writing prompt #9. Reading quiz + discussion leader. Work day!Daily Reaction
HW: Work on Project
Wednesday, 10/25: Freewrite. Peer-assessment. Unit three guidelines blue + yellow = green activity and review. Daily Reaction
HW:Work on self-assessment + think about unit 3 presentation dates
Week 10
Reading Due by 11/1:
- “Shithouse Poet…” Parish 6.1
- “Best of What now” Trivedi 7.2
Monday, 10/30: Writing prompt #10. Discussion on Unit three/presentation sign-ups. Librarian visit. Daily Reaction
HW: “Shithouse Poet…” Parish 6.1
“Best of What now” Trivedi 7.2
Wednesday, 11/1: Freewrite.Reading quiz + discussion leader. Content research vs genre research lecture/Primary research vs Secondary research. Purdue Owl introduction.Daily Reaction
HW: Work on Proposal and Memo
Week 11
Reading Due by 11/6:
- “Faceless Ecologies…” Del Mastro 8.1
- “Let’s sit down for a talk” Holdsworth 8.1
Monday, 11/6: Writing prompt #11. Research log overview/ review. Reading quiz + discussion leader. Spatial activity (2 student observers). Discussion of presentation persona and WRI. Daily Reaction
HW: Bring in project materials.
Wednesday, 11/8: Freewrite.Peer-workshop of project ideas with me as a floater. Sign up for conference times and go over conference components/materials. Assign mid-semester WP. Daily Reaction
HW: Prepare for conferences
Week 12
Week 13
Midsemester writing prompt (#12) due Monday (11/27)
Week 14
Week 15
Finals Week
Final due 12/15 by 11:55pm