Subject / National Curriculum links / Outcomes/focusScience / Forces and Magnets /
- Compare how things move on different surfaces
- Notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance
- Observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attractsome materials and not others
- Compare and group together a variety of everyday materialson the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, andidentify some magnetic materials
- Describe magnets as having two poles
- Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other,depending on which poles are facing.
- Significant turning point of British history – Industrial revolution
Geography / Location knowledge / Locate and name counties and cities of the United Kingdom
Art / To improve their mastery of Art and Design techniques sculpture and architects (Henry Moore, Richard Rogers) / Create an architecture plan based on criteria. Evaluate their work.
Music /
- Develop an understanding of the history of British music
ICT / Research and presentation /
- I can use search technologies effectively.
- I can appreciate how results are selected and ranked
- I can be discerning in evaluating digital content.
- I can select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices.
- I can design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
Lesson / Subject / LO / Success Criteria / Activity (including differentiation)1 / History
Art / TBAT share what I know and ask questions. /
- I can share what I know
- I can ask questions
- I understand ‘life and culture’
Create a mind map on the board of different areas of life and culture we might look at.
Ch to work in TP on a sheet split in 2 parts (one half what I know – other what I want to find out) Fill in what I know with drawings and key words then stop. Teacher to ask ch what they would like to find out about- fill in on page.
Ch to share as a class and discuss– T to create fill in KWL (K&W) with class.
Ch to work in pairs using IPads – what is Great Britain? – ch to write a sentence defining Great Britain.
2 / History
(ICT) / TBAT name and locate countries and cities in GB /
- I know what countries make GB.
- I can talk about the history of GB.
- I can answer questions using ICT sources.
Ch to solve a quiz using website (Maps to label countries, questions about GB forming and the name-linking to famous kings)
LA+ Ma to work in pairs – Ha to work independently.
Plenary – Share findings and discuss answers.
3 / History
ICT / TBAT research elements of British Life and Culture /
- I can use ICT for research
- I can create a ppt presentation
Explain the LO to the children. Recap the learning done in Topic already.
Show PPT. Take time to talk about what is happening on the slides and discuss anything that arises.
Ch to work in mixed ability pairs to create a ppt explaining elements of British Life and culture – Royal Family, food, school etc
Use lolly sticks to check learning.
4 / History / TBAT explore the life of a famous British inventor /
- I can print a picture from the website.
- I can write about the picture.
Recap learning from last lesson. Lolly sticks.
Show website on IWB. Explain how to use it to explore the life of George Stephenson.
Use the website to learn more about Stephenson – play the game, look at the pictures.
Ch set task to print one picture to stick into books, and to write something about it.
SEN/LA to stick in picture, adult to scribe what the ch wants written.
Share our work.
5 / Science / TBAT compare how things move on different surfaces /
- I can make a hypothesis
- I can set up an experiment
- I can test different surfaces
Hook – how can we move something heavy easily along a surface?
Talk about the texture of different surfaces – make a list of words the children come up with. Get the ch to guess what they think will happen if we drag a box along the rough surface/smooth surface. Explain they have to come up with a hypothesis –‘ I think the box will move quickest along the ______surface’.
Ch to then work in pairs. Explain how the plank must be covered with the surface covering, and one of the pair hold the metre stick at one end. Then one child to lift one end of the plank with the box on in 10cm intervals and see how high it has to be lifted before the box starts sliding down the plank. Results of different surfaces to be recorded in books. After all surface coverings tested, a closing sentence reporting on whether their hypothesis was correct.
6 / Science / TBAT compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet
TBAT identify some magnetic materials
TBAT observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others /
- I can hypothesise whether materials are magnetic
- I can test whether materials are magnetic
- I can identify magnetic materials
Put two hoops on each table, labelled magnetic and non-magnetic. Revisit work already done on magnets, discuss what properties magnetic materials have.
Send ch off to sort the materials into different hoops, TA take photos for books. Mini plenary – each table report back on which materials went into which hoops.
Then give ch magnets to test the materials – were they right? Record in books.
Extension – children to suggest some other things that might be magnetic.
7 / science / TBAT see that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance /
- I can understand that magnets attract at a distance
Metal paperclips
Variety of magnets
Help the children to develop a range of tests for finding out which magnet is the strongest. These could include:
1. The kite. Cut out a small piece of card into a kite shape. Attach a paperclip to one end. Using sellotape, attach a length of thread to the other end of the paper (kite). Use the tape to attach the other end of the string to the table. Lift the kite into the air by using a magnet to attract the paperclip. The children could find out the how far away from the paperclip the magnet can be without the kite falling to the table.
2. Paperclip chain. Attach a metal paperclip to the end of a magnet. How many more paperclips Metal paperclips
8 / Science / TBAT describe magnets as having two poles
TBAT predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing. / I can use properties of magnetic poles to create a game. / Make a game – The magnetic lions!
Begin by each pair of children drawing a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Along the length of the paper at both sides of the line they must place pairs of magnets (lions). Using another magnet (the explorer), they must push it along the line without attracting the ‘lions’. The children can find out how near they can place their lions without them being attracted to the explorer. The children could then invent their own course; maybe a twisting line.
9 / History
Art /
- I can explain who Henry Moore was
- I can create a sculpture in his style.
T to introduce Henry Moore.
Ch to create their own versions of Henry Moore sculptures with clay.
10 / History / TBAT recognise some famous British buildings /
- I can write about different famous British buildings.
Use the Woodlands website to explore some famous buildings. Talk about where they are and what roles they have played in history.
Focus on The Tower of London, TowerBridge, St Pauls Cathedral, the Gherkin, The London Eye.
Why do you think all these buildings are in London? Why is London an important place in Great Britain? Have you ever seen / visited these places?
Small pictures to stick in to books and write about.
‘Postcards’ to colour and write – pretend you have visited London – what did you see there?
Share our postcards.
11 / History / TBAT learn about a famous British architect /
- I can understand the job of an architect
- I can explain who Richard Rogers is
- I can design my own building like an architect
Discuss the job of an architect – what do they do?
Talk through the PPT with the ch. Look at the pictures of his designs. Why do you think he made it like that? What materials has he used? Why?
Activity – ch to design a building of their own using the Architect planning sheet.
Include materials needed, price charged, labelled drawing.