Please read carefully and retain a copy of this document as it outlines your obligations and responsibilities to the Mornington Peninsula Shire.

General Conditions

  1. Grant funding must be used solely for the nominated program/project. If the project is underspent then remaining funds must be returned to the Shire, or approval sought from the Coordinator Arts & Cultureregarding their proposed use.
  2. Any material change to the scope of the project must be approved in writing by the Coordinator Arts & Cultureprior to the implementation of the change.
  3. If for any reason the project is discontinued, the unexpended portion of funds must be returned to the Mornington Peninsula Shire with a full account of the financial expenditure.
  4. The provision of funding by the Shire does not oblige the Shire to provide any additional funding or assistance of any nature to the Applicant, whether for the purpose of the project or otherwise.
  5. Any failure by the Applicant to adhere to any requirement contained in these conditions may affect eligibility for future funding from the Shire.
Text Acknowledgement
  1. Acknowledgement of Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Creative Community Grants program is required on all promotional material; in particular, the Shire’s logo is to be placed on all collateral. Promotional material must first be approved by the Arts & Culture team.
  2. The Arts & Culture team will provide the Shire Logo and Style Guide. Where the use of a logo is not possible, the following text/verbal acknowledgement of Mornington Peninsula Shire should be used in any speeches, media releases, interviews etc.:

[This project] is supported by the Mornington Peninsula Shire Creative Community Grants Program


  1. The Applicant must provide the Shire with an acquittal report by 31 August 2019.
  2. If the project duration will extend beyond 30 June 2019, the Applicant must advise the Coordinator Arts & Culture in writing of the expected completion date. An extension of no more than 60 days from completion date may be granted.
  3. Acquittals are to be completed via the SmartyGrants system ( the same registration details used in the application process. The acquittal report must contain the following:

a)Evidence of the public outcome/s of the project, including high resolution photographs as jpeg files

b)An outline of the benefits the project has made to the project team, participants, residents or visitorsto the Mornington Peninsula Shire

c)Copies of all promotional material and press coverage

d)An Income Statement (Profit and Loss Statement) ofall expenditures and income associated with the project

11.Should the Applicant fail to provide an acquittal by the due date or negotiate an extension with the Coordinator Arts & Culture, the organisation may be requested to return the grant funding,and will be ineligible for any future Shire funding until all outstanding acquittals are completed.
