Present: Quentin Jackson, Leigh Payne, Nigel Stolliday, Dani Telka, Claire Kingston, Lee Burton, Rachael Edwards, Odette Pendrell, Caroline Ballard, Sandy Harper, Sharon Tull, Gary Kingston, Sean Underwood, Matt, Sean Goodridge, Adam Pincott, James Crabtree

Seniors: Mike Tinney

CCC: Ben

Apologies: Gemma Tyrell, Vicky Pullin

Adoption of Minutes: Minutes accepted with no changes

CCC Visit:
1d / Ben visited from CCC, it is understood that CCC will be throughout the club- the junior section will be CCC for playing shirts and shorts. All items will be available through Globe Sports, in Bristol either via the Globe Sport website or visiting the shop itself to order. Ben stated that it will take 5 working days for CCC garments (not playing shirts- separate lead time due to shirts produced uniquely for the club) on top of this lead time, there will be a working time scale for the embroidery. The main colour among the garments will be black; the age sizes are from age 4 – 12, then onto adult sizes.
Playing shirts- maximum of a 10 working week lead time, with an MOQ of 10 shirts per order, Quent was asked about sponsorship on the shirts, to make the club look more as a group, we are still pushing for one main sponsor on the front of the shirts (Leigh is still pursuing) however for sponsor on the sleeves or bottom of the back for individual age groups- this may be acceptable, but must be discussed with Quent prior to any decision being made. The shirts will match the senior squads of amber and black stripped.
Socks- going forward new age groups will be amber and black hoops (to match the senior squads) current age groups can revert to the black with red tops to reduce costs if preferred.
Items will be available to buy on an individual basis or as a multi buy option, i.e. 5.00% saving- Quent will get prices for all items and send to the committee ASAP. Ben then left the meeting. / All
2i / Mike firstly was apologetic for the recent restrictions to the pitches due to bad weather conditions- he thanked the junior section for making use of the Grammar School and Chantry pitches.
Parking is still an issue, especially the older age groups- could we please make use of the Weldmec Yard- Mike reminded the committee where to find the key.
Could age groups that use the changing rooms to look after them as much as possible and make sure are in an acceptable state after using them.
The junior section has paid for the upgrade of the bar now, but still need to pay the second part of the membership (first part paid already)
Mike handed out the RFU raffle tickets- Caroline will be orgainsing for a quantity per age group to be handed out via the managers.
With regards to the 17.04.16 (TRFU festival) Mike will not be available.
With regards to recent local planning approval, South Gloucestershire council gets an amount of money to be split around the community to develop outdoor sports facilities with community links- Mike advised we will not get all the money but the club has put an application forward to receive some of the money. This will not be put towards the club house refurbishment, but towards outdoor facilities- i.e. floodlights.
Caroline gave Mike list of the players registered with the RFU with the club (17-19 year olds) at current this is 194 players- Mike to liaise with Caroline to reduce this list.
With regards to sponsorship, Mike has no problems with individual age groups to approach the house builders- please make reference to 1b. / All
Roles required for the committee
3c / We need a Treasurer and Kitchen Officer; we have a few interested parties. Lee Burton has put together job descriptions for both roles to be approved and signed off by Quent and Leigh- once approved Quent will e-mail to all managers to send out- these roles are now urgently required- and we must all act quickly to get this resolved.
The Kitchen manager role has been under taken by Quent over the past few months, however this is no longer acceptable for Quent to be carrying on this role plus the Chairman role, therefore if no kitchen manager is found before the end of January 2016, it will be up the managers of the individual age groups who are on duty that week to orgainse the role of kitchen manager for that week, i.e. shopping, stock checking, etc.
Gary Kingston to fit lock to the food cupboard and give code to Quent. / QJ/LB/LP
Coaching Matters
4c / Quent feels we need to get the coaches to be more in sync with each other age groups to progress the children through the club, it is suggested that per age group there will have at least a level one coach for the minis and a level two coach for the juniors- the managers will get lists together with coach qualifications per age group, and those coaches wishing to progress can do so- this is for coaches only that demonstrate a commitment to the age group and club.
The under 14,15 and 16 coaches will get together and discuss new rules, playing styles and now that the club pay for a development squad coach, how to develop these players for this squad.
Quent receives e-mails with regards to two hour training sessions- focusing on different aspects of the game, Quent to e-mail out to coaches and managers for any interested coaches to attend. / All
U14-16 Coaches
5c / Caroline to check against membership with bank statements to make sure all memberships has been paid. Caroline has e-mailed all with regards to membership updates.
Since the last meeting £725 has been paid to the club for membership. Half price membership is only applicable if the player started after Christmas.
The RFU website with regards to the club player management is now tidy- If team managers could e-mail Caroline with anything with regards to the RFU website and club player management issues. / All
6a / Please refer to point 3; however it was noted that any training or games cancelled at the club please could you advise the kitchen duty age group manager, Lee Burton and Quent ASAP. / All
7b / Website
Leigh is in the process of changing the whole website; he would like at least the manager of each age group contact e-mail and telephone number to enable better communication between clubs. Adverts will be removed.
Any changes please let Leigh know ASAP with regards to the website. / Managers
8a / Banners are up and around Thornbury, new banners have been produced with social media contact details- these will placed around the local area to promote. / All
9b / 2015-16 fixtures discussed and any changes noted to Quent, required managers/coaches, Leigh and Lee. (Lee to publish on pitchero)
2016-17 fixtures released. / All
10a / Rachael Edwards is away for Kitchen duty last weekend of the season will swap and orgainse through Lee Burton. / RE/LB

Next meeting 16th February 2016