A creative brief is a short is a short description of a communication material. It serves as a guide for the designers who will put the material together. Usually, it is no longer than two pages. It defines the audience, communication objectives, key messages and desired results.

Creative Brief for ______(type of material, e.g. booklet, poster, radio spot, flipchart)

  1. Who is this material intended for? (Your answer will define the Priority Audience for the material.)
  1. What is the behavior we would like this audience to adopt? (Your answers will define the Desired Behaviors you hope to achieve with your material.)
  1. What will the audience know, feel and/or do as a result of this material? (Your answers will help you create Communication Objectives for your material.)

As a result of this communication, ______(your audience) will:

  1. Know
  1. Feel
  1. Do
  1. What are the greatest barriers to the audience adopting the behavior we would like them to adopt? (It is important to identify the Competitive Behaviors/Barriers to the desired behaviors, so that you can address them in the material.)
  1. How will the audience benefit from the desired behavior?(This is the Positioning Statement or Key Promise. It tells the reader how they will be rewarded if they do the desired behavior.)


If you(do this) ______, you will (benefit in this way) ______.

  1. What are the arguments, statements, testimonials, or facts that substantiate this promise?(These are the Support Points you will want to include in your material, to make the case for doing the desired behavior.Example:If you adhere to treatment, you will be likely to survive longer, live more pain-free, and possibly cure your cancer.)
  1. What essential information needs to be imparted through this material?(Your answers will define the Key Messages that must be included in the material.)
  1. What action do you want the audience to take as a result of this material?(This is the Call to Action that the reader should take).
  1. What will the material look like? (Size, color/black & white, photos/illustrations, folded/bound, and other factors all are part of the Creative Considerations.)

Creative Brief Example:

Uganda Cancer Patient Booklet

The following Creative Brief was developed at the Cancer Communication Stakeholders Workshop in Kampala, Uganda, on May 18, 2016. Using the worksheet, stakeholders met in small groups to develop a creative brief for each of three materials: a booklet for cancer patients, a booklet for caregivers, and a flipchart for health workers. This creative brief was developed to guide the development of the booklet for cancer patients.

Priority Audience:

Patientswith a cancer diagnosis or suspected cancer diagnosis

Desired Behaviors:

Patients accept that they have cancer, disclose their diagnosis to their family, adhere to medical tests and treatments, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Communication Objectives:

As a result of this communication, cancer patients will:

Know what cancer is, how it can be treated, and the likelihood of survival and cure.

Accepttheir diagnosis and feel encouraged and empowered to make informed decisions.

Adhere to proper treatment, and live the best life possible.

Competitive Behaviors/Barriers:

Barriers include conflicting information about their diagnosis and how cancer should be treated; stigma; and inadequate information about cancer.

Positioning Statement/Key Promise:

If you adhere to treatment, maintain a healthy lifestyle, accept that you have cancer and disclose to your family, you will cope better with the disease and live a more comfortable life.

Support Points:

If you disclose to your family, your community and family can help support you.

If you adhere to treatment, you will be likely to survive longer, live more pain-free, and possibly cure your cancer.

If you maintain a healthy life style, you will feel stronger and more comfortable.

If you accept your diagnosis, and the treatment options prescribed, rather than seeking futile treatments, you will save resources for your family.

Key Messages:

What is cancer and what does and does not cause it:

oIt is not contagious

oIt is not a curse or witchcraft

Anyone can get cancer. It is not a punishment.

Cancer can be treated; there are people who have survived cancer

How cancer is diagnosed

Biopsies—how they are done, misconceptions to counter

Stages of cancer and prognosis for each stage

Common types of cancer in the country

Treatment options, side effects, cost of treatment

Palliative care—what it is and how it helps

Advice on disclosing cancer diagnosis to family and friends

Tips on healthy living:



oThings to avoid (alcohol and tobacco)

Where to get more information about cancer

Call to Action:

After reading this booklet, the patient will:

Be proactive (ask the health worker questions and know their rights)

Disclose their diagnosis to their family

Adopt healthy practices

Adhere to treatment

Seek more information about cancer

Creative Considerations:

A5 size booklet

15-20 pages

Many illustrations

Full color

Bound and attractive

Simple language