Creation of a Movie Trailer

Editing Instructions and Guidelines

Plan a Movie Trailer using the video footage from the movie ______. Follow the specifics below to create a video that is interesting to our class audience and suitable for viewing by a PG-13 audience.

The final edit must be exactly ONE minute in length.
Assignment Specifications:
Watch the footage of the entire movie. Using an EDIT WORKSHEET, select and list a minimum of 15 segments which you want to edit together to create the movie trailer. When all 15 are chosen and labeled, plan the arrangement order in which they will be edited and list on a 2nd EDIT WORKSHEET.

Next, plan where in the movie trailer you would like to include the super-imposement of FOUR titles (to be used to entitle, identify or label {2} and create opening and final production credits {2}). These must be done using the LIVE TYPE PROGRAM or MOTION PROGRAM during the editing of the highlights video.

During the editing process Special Effects must be used. The program MOTION must be used to produce at least THREE effects. At least TWO other effects must be used within the FINAL CUT PRO program.

When the final edit is completed, an audio track must be added over the original sound track. The new audio track must include both music and a voice over. If minor portions of the original dialogue are desired they may be used, but they should not give details of the entire film’s story.
When the Final Edit of the Movie Trailer is completed, log each edit, record the exact total time of the show (Black to Black), and list where the titles have been added to the trailer, ALL on a new EDIT WORKSHEET. Each edited Movie Trailer must be converted to a Quicktime file, which should be transferred to server for the class to view and critique when completed.
Checklist of requirements to be completed:
o - Review original film
o - Decide on a minimum of 15 segments from the original film
o - Plan arrangement of the clips order
o - Plan 4 Titles to Superimpose or Use as Titles (Live Type and Motion)

o - Plan 5 Special Effects (Motion and Final Cut Pro)

o - Plan Music Choice
o - Plan Audio Dub

o - List all segments of original program on Edit Worksheet in order listing titles, etc.

o - Capture 15 Segments of original movie in Final Cut Pro

o - Edit Movie Trailer with Titles and Special Effects
o - Add Music Dub to Final Edit

o - Add Audio Dub to Final Edit
o - Log All Edits and Titles of Final Product on Edit Worksheet
o - Submit all Paperwork and Copy Your Program to the server