Creatinga Faculty Search and Selection Summary Using Jobs@UNI

At the conclusion of the on-campus interview process, the search chair will prepare a Post-Interview Report that indicates the candidate(s) recommended for final selection as determined by the committee. Once the report has been submitted by the search chair, an automated email will provide notification that theSearch and Selection Summary is ready for the dean to complete. The Search and Selection Summary is prepared by the dean to select a candidate for hire, and is then routed to the Executive Vice President and Provost for review and approval. A draft offer letter must also be submitted with the Summary for review and approval at the Provost level.

  1. An email notification from ill alert you that your approval is needed in the system. Click on the link provided in the email and you will be directed to the Jobs@UNI website. Click on Login in the upper right corner. Then click on Search Administration Login and enter your CatID username and password.

If an error message is received, check to make sure you have clicked on Search Administration Loginrather than Applicant Login.

The system can also be accessed directly by entering

  1. Once you have logged in, click onSearch Management, found in the yellow bar at the top of the page. Then click Go to Search Committee Home.

  1. Click the radiobutton beside the search you would like to view. Click Select Search to proceed to the Faculty Search Committee Options screen.
  1. Click Search and Selection Summary.

  1. Then click the Start a Search and Selection Summary button to view the candidate(s) recommended for hire by the search committee.
  1. Candidates with a radio button beside their name have been recommended by the committee for appointment (also indicated in the Post I-View Action column as 2A – Interviewed/Consider for Hire). Candidate application materials can be viewed by clicking on each name listed in the Applicant column.

  1. After reviewing the recommended candidate(s), click the button beside the name of the candidate selected for hire and enter the offer details in the required fields which are indicated by red arrows.

  1. Assign the appropriate workflow for review of the selected candidate for hire. If the Dean is preparing the summary, then the Department Head will be the only person included in workflow and should be entered in the First Approver section. If the Dean is NOT the person preparing the summary (ex. administrative support staff enters summary information), then the Dean should be include as the Last Approver. Click Save and Review for Submission when finished.

It is NOT necessary to include the Provost as an approver. TheSearch and Selection Summary will be routed to the Provost automatically.

  1. The system will move to a final draft version of the Search and Selection Summary. A draft offer letter must be attached to the Summary and submitted for Provost review. Click Add Attachment to move to the Add Attachment screen.
  1. Select Offer Letter from the Attachment Type menu. Click Choose File to upload the draft offer letter that has been prepared for the selected candidate. An additional description may be added in the Brief Description field if desired. Click Attach Document to complete the offer letter upload. Then click Close Window to return to the Summary.
  1. Scroll to the bottom and click Finalize and Send into Workflow to complete the process. The report will then be electronically routed to the Provost for approval. After the Provost has approved the candidate selected for hire, the request will be routed to the Approver(s) indicated in the workflow. Once those in the workflow have acknowledged the selection, automatic notification will be sent to the summary preparer to indicate that the Provost has granted approval and a verbal offer may be made.
  1. When contacting the selected candidate to make an offer,it must be made clear that the offer is contingent upon successful completion of relevant background checks. If the offer is accepted, a letter of appointment should be promptly sent. All letters of offer must include a statement about candidates providing documentation to verify their employment eligibility in the United States.

Email or fax a copy of the signed acceptance letter along with the department account number to Human Resource Services (HRS) to initiate the necessary background checks. If necessary, degree, certificate, or licensure verification should also be initiated. HRS will report whether candidates are “acceptable” or “unacceptable” to the appropriate hiring official. If the background check is unacceptable, HRS will also notify the finalist in writing. Direct any questions regarding the background check policy to HRS.

If the selected candidate declines the verbal offer and more than one candidate has been recommended by the committee for appointment, create a second Search and Selection Summary for the next candidate to be offered the position by repeating steps 2-11. When preparing the second Summary, note in the Other Comments section the reason provided by the first candidate for declining the position (if known).

  1. Emails notifying applicants of their non-selection should be initiated following a signed acceptance letter and successful background check. The search chair should be informed that a candidate has been hired so that the automated email process may be initiated.

In the event that a search is closed, notification must be sent to all applicants. The search chair should be informed that the automated email process may be initiated.

See under Conclusion of Search for more details on the automated email process.

Questions may be directed to: Julie Weatherly, Equal Opportunity Specialist, Compliance and Equity Management at: or 273-2846.