Counting numbers

These are the numbers you were taught as a small child -- the numbers you recited when asked to count.{1,2,3...}

Whole Numbers (Counting numbers and “0”)

This set of numbers is the counting numbers, including zero.

Integers (Whole numbers and negative whole numbers

When we add negatives to the set, we are categorizing the set of integers.
{...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...}

Rational Numbers (anything expressed as a/b)

By definition, a rational number can be expressed as a fraction. When a value terminates (ends) or repeats with a pattern like .33333333..., it is said to be rational.

{...-2,-1,-1/2, 0, 1/2, 1...}

Irrational Numbers

A number or expression can be determined as irrational because it can not be expressed as a fraction, does not has a definite pattern, or it is a symbol that represents an irrational value.

{pi, Square Root of 2...}