Creating Web Documents: midterm practice quiz.

1. What does the following produce:
<html<head<title>A simple page </title> </head>


<h1>My backyard </h1>
<br> <img src="yard.jpg"> There is a lot of snow.


2. What does the following produce:


<title> My pet dog </title>


I actually don't have a pet dog, but
here is a picture of my virtual pet dog.
<img src="dog.gif">


3. What does the following produce (and what happens if you clicked on Read the paper):

<html<head<title> My favorite links </title</head<body> <center>

<i>Links I use </i> </center>

<a href=" Read the paper </a> <p>

<a href=" Search the web </a> <p>
<a href=" Dr. Meyer's academic activities</a>

</body> </html>

4. Produce the HTML to produce the following. Note that the window was made small. The Origami USA is a hyperlink to the site The larger bird/home icon plus the text underneath is a link to The smaller bird is 50 pixels and the larger bird is the original size.

5. Produce the HTML code to make the following. Note that the window was made small. The first frog image has a width of 80 pixels. The Meyer family origami site is a hyperlink to

6.Write the first html file to set up two side by side frames (the window divided by columns) with the first frame being 200 pixels. The first source for the first frame is to be toc.html and the first source for the second frame, named "contents" is to be welcome.html.

7. Assuming that you have a frame named "contents", write the <a> link present in another frame that will change the file in the contents frame to be weather.html when the client clicks on the link.

8. Define and relate the following terms: pixel, resolution, palette, color depth, and hexadecimal color codes.

9. How many bits would be taken up by an uncompressed image 400 by 600 pixels with a palette of 256 colors? You need to determine how many bits are needed for 256 colors.

10. Describe and compare the sound formats: wav, streaming audio, mpeg and MIDI.

11. Define the following terms and indicate their significance for Web site design: white space, alignment, chunking information, shallow versus deep organization.

12. Define and indicate the significance for Web pages: above the fold, display real estate, visual hierarchy.

13. Describe what is involved in producing an image map. Give sample HTML for rectangular and circular areas. Describe what tool you would use to determine the coordinates.

14. If a sound file had a sampling rate of 8000Hz and the size of the sample was 8 bits and the file was for 5 seconds, how big would the (uncompressed) sound file be?

15. Select and write on one of the following questions:

a)Discuss how the same web site may appear differently on different computers (platforms, operating system, monitor, browser, etc.)

b)Discuss a current legal or ethical issue involving the web: give the technical background, present BOTH sides and give a reasoned argument supporting your own opinion.

c)Describe and discuss factors that an organization or company or group must consider when planning to build and maintain a web site.

d)Discuss good and bad attributes of web sites. This could include uses of sound, video or animation. Give specific examples.