Creating the Greenest County Awards 2016Application Form

Greenest MicroBusiness

Supported by Aran Services

The Creating the GreenestCounty awards celebrate the environmental excellence of different organisations across Suffolk. The awards are an annual event highlighting how Suffolk's individuals, communities, businesses and schools are leading the way.

The awards are for the 2015 calendar year, so key actions should have taken place in this year. Information relating to earlier years may be included as background or to describe supplementary actions.

Category information & criteria:

This award is open to businesses who employ fewer than 10FTE. The winner will be a business that has made significant improvements to their own environmental performance and is contributing to the wider Green Economy. You don’t have to be big to make a big difference!

This category will be judged against the following:

  • How ambitious is the entry?(20%)
  • Evidence of how you have improved the business’ environmental performance (50%)
  • How have you engaged others with your sustainability ethos (suppliers, employees, customers, peers, etc.) (20%)
  • Future plans (10%)

Closing date for entries – 31 January 2016

Email your completed entry form

Your details

Contact Name
Name of Organisation
Email Address
Telephone Number
Address inc postcode
Twitter ID / @
Organisation’s Size:
(no. of employees)
50 words to describe your business – This maybe used for publicity

Compulsory questions are marked with a*

Please give a summary of your work (max. 250 words) *
How have you improved your business’ environmental performance? (max. 500 words) *
How have you involved others? (max. 500 words) *
Briefly describe how you see your actions developing in the future.
(max. 250 words) *
Please give details of any other environmental awards or standards?

Award details:

The awards are for the 2015 calendar year, so key actions should have taken place in this year. Information relating to earlier years may be included as background or to describe supplementary actions.

Please do not include any additional supporting information or materials with your completed application form. Any additional information will not be counted during the judging process.

Assessments will be undertaken by independent judges, who will make their decision based on the answers given in the form.

For more detailed information and rules, please visit


30November 2015Awards open

31 January 2016Deadline for entries

February 2016Judging of awards

31 March 2016Winners announced atawards ceremony

If you have any queries regarding your application form:


Telephone:(01473) 264459

Follow us on Twitter for the latest Award information @greensuffolk

Closing date for entries –31 January 2016

Please send completed entry forms to