Chapter 31 & 33

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which group’s actions led to the integration of many southern restaurants?

a. / Nation of Islam / c. / Freedom Riders
b. / Black Panthers / d. / SNCC

____ 2. Who was the FBI director who attempted to “disrupt” and “discredit” black nationalists and various civil rights organizations?

a. / Jimmy Kelley / c. / Stokely Carmichael
b. / J. Edgar Hoover / d. / Allan Bakke

____ 3. Which event led to dramatic increases in African American voter registration?

a. / COFO voter registration drives
b. / passage of the Voting Rights Act
c. / March on Washington
d. / founding of the Black Panther Party

____ 4. Who was the governor who banned the protest march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965?

a. / Andrew Goodman / c. / George Wallace
b. / T. Eugene Connor / d. / Ross Barnett

____ 5. From which jail did Martin Luther King Jr. write a famous letter to a group of clergymen?

a. / McComb / c. / Selma
b. / Memphis / d. / Birmingham

____ 6. Carl Stokes became the first African American mayor of

a. / Cleveland. / c. / Milwaukee.
b. / Detroit. / d. / Chicago.

____ 7. The Supreme Court banned racial segregation in public schools in

a. / 1963. / c. / 1941.
b. / 1968. / d. / 1954.

____ 8. What was the name of the settlement constructed to draw attention to African American poverty?

a. / Resurrection City / c. / Poorhouse City
b. / City of Angels / d. / Hooverville

____ 9. During the early primaries of 1968, which of the following candidates appeared likely to capture the Democratic nomination for president?

a. / Robert F. Kennedy / c. / Hubert Humphrey
b. / Eugene McCarthy / d. / Edmund Muskie

____ 10. Defoliants were used in Vietnam primarily to

a. / destroy military bases.
b. / expose enemy hiding places and destroy food supplies.
c. / poison the Vietcong.
d. / destroy homes.

____ 11. Who was Richard Nixon’s running mate during the 1968 election?

a. / Robert S. McNamara / c. / Spiro Agnew
b. / J. William Fulbright / d. / Edmund Muskie

____ 12. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the Vietnam War?

a. / Richard Nixon / c. / Richard J. Daley
b. / Henry Kissinger / d. / Ho Chi Minh

____ 13. The War Powers Act

a. / grants the president the right to declare war without the permission of Congress.
b. / forbids the president from ever sending troops into foreign territory.
c. / sets a 60-day limit on any presidential commitment of troops to foreign lands.
d. / allows the president to send troops into foreign territory for an unlimited amount of time.

____ 14. The site of a 1970 tragedy in which four students were killed by National Guard troops was the

a. / University of Wisconsin. / c. / University of Illinois.
b. / Jackson State University. / d. / Kent State University.

____ 15. The newspaper that published the Pentagon Papers was the

a. / New York Times. / c. / Detroit Free Press.
b. / Washington Post. / d. / New York Post.

____ 16. Who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the press?

a. / H.R. Haldeman / c. / Daniel Ellsberg
b. / Henry Kissinger / d. / Spiro Agnew

____ 17. After rejecting North Vietnam’s peace plan in 1972, what did President Nixon do when North Vietnam demanded the plan be reinstated?

a. / He submitted his own peace plan.
b. / He ordered heavy bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong.
c. / He had Congress review the North Vietnam plan.
d. / He had Henry Kissinger revise the plan.

____ 18. How many Americans died during the Vietnam War?

a. / more than 258,000 / c. / about 1,300
b. / about 5,000 / d. / more than 58,000

____ 19. How much did the war cost American taxpayers?

a. / $1.5 trillion / c. / $150 million
b. / $15 billion / d. / $150 billion

____ 20. Where is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

a. / New York City / c. / Arlington, Virginia
b. / Washington, D.C. / d. / Saigon


Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / Robert Moses
b. / Medgar Evers
c. / Martin Luther King Jr.
d. / James Chaney
e. / Malcolm X

____ 21. delivered one of the most famous addresses in American history in 1963

____ 22. CORE worker who was murdered during Freedom Summer

____ 23. leader of the SNCC who wanted white supporters to help in voter registration drives

____ 24. NAACP field secretary who was murdered by a white racist in 1963

____ 25. called for unity among all people after converting to orthodox Islam

Match each item with the correct statement.

a. / Henry Kissinger
b. / Le Doc Tho
c. / Vietminh
d. / Ngo Dinh Diem
e. / Ho Chi Minh

____ 26. longtime North Vietnamese revolutionary who met secretly with a U.S. official in Paris in 1970

____ 27. Leader of South Vietnam

____ 28. key foreign-policy adviser of Richard Nixon

____ 29. also known as the League for the Independence of Vietnam

____ 30. “He Who Enlightens”


31. What is the Draft? Why did some Americans think that the draft was unfair?

Chapter 31 & 33

Answer Section


1. ANS: D

2. ANS: B

3. ANS: B

4. ANS: C

5. ANS: D

6. ANS: A

7. ANS: D

8. ANS: A

9. ANS: A

10. ANS: B

11. ANS: C

12. ANS: B

13. ANS: C

14. ANS: D

15. ANS: A

16. ANS: C

17. ANS: B

18. ANS: D

19. ANS: D

20. ANS: B


21. ANS: C

22. ANS: D

23. ANS: A

24. ANS: B

25. ANS: E

26. ANS: B

27. ANS: D

28. ANS: A

29. ANS: C

30. ANS: E


31. ANS:

see book