KMSystem User Instructions

Executive Summary

This provides the essential instructions for use of the KMS Knowledge Management (KM) System.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

System Use Instructions

System URL

Management Systems Beta Page

Client Entry Page

Windows Security Logon

Management System Link

Logon Screen

KM System Home Screen

Tree Navigation

Module Introduction Pages

Entry Screens

Global File lists

Administration Folder

Browser Export

Excel Export

Knowledge Management

Feedback Screen

System Use Instructions

Management Systems Page

This page permits Client Entry for the Knowledge Management System which is secured with Windows Authentication and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL –

Using the ‘Click here to register’ opens up the client entry screen.

Client Entry Page

The page opens up with a Captcha to prevent spamming of our system and automatic completion of forms:

When the client entry captcha is successfully completed the client entry screen is presented.

There is full validation of all required fields and password requirement details are specified.

An email is sent with successful client entry looking like this (with some further changes).

You will need this email to get the details for the Windows security and the separate KM System security.

Windows Security Logon

You need the Kingsway Management Services Limited ( Windows username and password provided in the email above.

This will call up a Windows security screen for which you will need your username and password.

This same username and password will also be used for the management system logon.

Management System Link

When you see the KMS Ltd Home page in

You will need to click on the first link – ‘Management Systems’ in the navigation bar on the left.

This will then bring you to the management system page:

Logon Screen

To access the elements of the management system, which are shown without any hyperlinks in the screen above, you will need to ‘click here to login’.

You will then see the management system logon:

Use the same username and password as for the Windows Security Logon above.

You should then see the KM System Home Screen below. If you have any issues up to this point please feel free to phone +44 (0)1314457159, text or phone +44(0)7743591000 or email .

KM System Home Screen

The KM System home page has the same list of modules but now they are hyperlinked to the introductory pages to each module:

Tree Navigation

There is tree system navigation available on the management system page and each home page. Use the ‘click here and go to the KM System Tree Menu’ to start making use of it:

Expanding the tree navigation with the use of the ‘+’ signs will reveal the module options:

Module Introduction Pages

Clicking on the elements link, for example the ‘Assets’ link in the central list in the management systems page, or on the equivalent module intro link – ‘Asset Intro’ in the tree navigation will take you to the introductory page for the module and the exact same list of module options:

Entry Screens

Selection of tree navigation links, or links on the introductory page, - for example ‘Asset codes’ will take you to the entry and editing screen. As the sole user for your client use of the KM System you Read Write access to the entries you make for yourself in the KM System (you can vary access rights of users you add to your system).

The first (‘ID’) field in every screen is automatically filled in submission and when you retrieve a record to edit it you cannot make any changes to this field. All text fields are a maximum of 255 characters. All description fields are memo fields and will take up to 65,536 (65 thousand) characters.

The DatabaseGroup field also cannot be changed, it is specific to you as a client and identifies every record you create in the system as yours. Every user you add is assigned to the same DatabaseGroup and this cannot be changed.

You can, however, in the Enterprise application of the Knowledge Management System, when you take the system in house, have multiple databases for different divisions, units and applications and then start to manage data and information across the databases.

Global File lists

The Knowledge Management System is pre-populated with global data which every one can use and which cannot be altered by any one user. This provides tables of information on international standards, published documents, SI units for tests and many others and adds to the value of the Knowledge Management System.

The global data is not available for edit, as in the case of the asset codes, but is available where asset codes are used as a drop down, as in the asset register. This is the case throughout the Knowledge Management System.

The asset codes global link opens to this screen, for instance,:

Administration Folder

A key feature of the Knowledge Management System is that your data is secure at a number of levels. The most important of these is that you can, and should, maintain a spreadsheet copy of your module data on each use of the system. This data includes the global data so there is no loss of integrity if you make use of the global data.

Browser Export

The browser export provides an XML spreadsheet in your browser window with a sheet for each of the tables used in the module and will include queries based on the tables to make the data more readable.

The output can be copied and pasted, but a more effective way is to use the excel export option and save the resultant Excel file.

Excel Export

When you select (click on) the Excel Export option, from the tree navigation or the module introduction page, you are invited to save or open the excel file. You will need a Microsoft licence and copy of Microsoft Excel, or an Open Office free licence and copy of its spreadsheet offering, to see and use the data.

You should take care in saving the data as every spreadsheet appears as moduleexportexcel.xls irrespective of the module data it contains so ensure do a save as with an appropriate change of name and to a location that will assist safe maintenance of your data.

Knowledge Management

The bill of materials explosions common place in Enterprise Resource Planning/ Materials Requirement Planning (ERP/MRP) system are perhaps the most well known example of linking material assets from the individual nuts up to the finished assemblage. But this principle of making links between components of a product or piece of equipment, extends to shelves in a cupboard in a specific room, chapters or procedures in a specific document or document set, to management reports to a manager and throughout all knowledge.

Asset linkages are just one of the many, and expanding list, of knowledge management options in the KM System and the user can use the global relationships or create their own, so making a truly customisable knowledge management system.

The global linkage as shown in this sample of the full list:

But these can readily be extended by the user:

Once again global data cannot be changed by any user, is maintained consistent for all, and is exported as part of your data when you export from a module.

Feedback Screen

The feedback screen provides you with an easy access method of providing information on your user experience so that we can respond and continuously improve on how we meet your needs.

The link for the feedback page is clearly visible near the bottom of the Tree Navigation:

The feedback page captures and stores your details and what you are asked to enter in the form in the system and alerts us with an email.

Paul HayesPage 1 of 1818 April 2012