Creating Text Sets

What is a text set?

A text set is a collection of related texts organized around a topic, theme, or line of inquiry. Text sets are related texts from different genres and media, such as books, charts, maps, informational pamphlets, poetry, videos, etc.

The purpose of study for a given text set is determined by an anchor text. An anchor text is a complex read aloud text that introduces the themes and major concepts that will be explored through the text set. The anchor text is often read aloud to students more than once.

The number of texts in a set can vary depending on purpose and resource availability. What is important is that the texts in the set are connected meaningfully to each other, build knowledge and vocabulary of a specific topic, and that themes and concepts are sufficiently developed in a way that promotes sustained interest for students and the deep examination of content.

Step One
Identify the Anchor Text and Formulate a Line of Inquiry for the Set / Environmental Conservation
Discuss the political, social, and environmental consequences of sustainable use of land.
Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects:This informational text resource is intended to support reading in the content area. This article explains the causes and locations of deforestation and explores the environmental consequences that occur because of the practice
Step Two
Step Two: Use Databases to Research Texts around the Topic / Sustainable Farming:This informational text resource is intended to support reading in the content area. By compiling information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, this text briefly discusses the history of sustainable land use before moving into an in-depth discussion of the consequences of conventional farming and the ways sustainable farming might improve these conditions.
Cool Jobs: Planet Protectors:This informational text resource is intended to support reading in the content area. Scientists are looking into newer, futuristic technologies to help humans do less damage to our environment. This article focuses on three very exciting solutions—leafy walls, water conservation, and solar cells—that are close to becoming realities.
Step Three
Step Three: Evaluate Texts for Inclusion in the Set / ·  Does the text contribute to the students building a body of knowledge connected meaningfully to the anchor text? yes
·  Is the text worthy of student time and attention? yes
·  Does the text contribute to a range and balance of text types and formats in the overall set? yes
·  Does the text contain new information that students likely don’t already know?
·  Does the text build background knowledge that will help students comprehend later texts and experiences? yes
·  Does the text contain information that is useful in the real world? yes
·  Does the text contain information that is relevant to students’ needs or interests? Does it help them answer questions or solve problems? yes
·  Does the text contain information that helps students connect their own experiences and situations to others and to the broader world? yes
·  Is the content of the text authentic and does it lend itself to further research, exploration, and inquiry? yes
Step Four
Step Four: Refine, Finalize, and Produce Text Set / Continue to refine your selections until you are satisfied that you have a range and balance of texts that support student engagement with the line of inquiry. Then, finalize your selections and document the text set for use in your instructional unit and to share with other educators. In documenting your set, we recommend including the title, author, quantitative measure, source, text type, and brief summary/justification for including the text in the set.

- List borrowed and modified from three sources: Guide to Creating Text Sets, retrieved from; The importance of content rich texts to learners and students, retrieved from Oxford University Press English Language Teaching Global Blog; and Informational Text and Young Children: When, Why, What, Where, and How by Dr. Nell K.


Blank Text Set

Text Set Title:
Text Set Grade Placement:
Enduring Understandings
Text and Resources
(Indicate in what order the supporting works are to be introduced and taught.)
Anchor Text / Title:
Supporting Works / Book(s)
Other Media
Supporting Works will be introduced/taught in the following order:
Knowledge / Skills
Rich, Authentic Task