Creating Resources for Youth Literacies

Using a social practice approach, find out what your learners are interested in.

Then think creatively about how these interests could be harness to create integrated literacy resources or/and programmes.


  1. To create various resources and workshops:
  • that stimulate reading, writing and use of numbers
  • have clear literacy aims and outcomes for all your resources/workshops
  • have embedded process for learners reflection and evaluation
  • that document clear evidence for HMIe inspection
  1. To think about use of colour, font, font size and layout for easy access and engagement
  1. To utilise different learning styles


  • To be able to create own youth literacy resources which can be shared on Adult Literacies Online and CoPAL
  • To be able to approach topics from different perspectives
  • To be able to provide learners with opportunity to build confidence and communication, team work, literacy and numeracy skills
  • To raise learners awareness of own literacies levels and available support

Creating the resource / activity

What is the topic of interest/hook? ______

How long will the sessions be? ______

How long will you spend on:

Intro ______Discussing how to go about task______

Discussing skills to be used ______Planning______

Carrying out activity ______Reflecting on end product______

Reflecting on process ______Evaluation______

What methods will you use for each step?

How will you gather evidence of each step?

Mind map the topic of interest / hook.


Make posters, websites, blogs, PowerPoint - give presentation

Stats – film learners playing, use short film clip to tally passes complete, shots on target . etc – lead to adding and percentages work, . fractions based layout of rink

Internet research

League tables

Explain rules - poster Write a commentary.

PowerPoint, other methods? Voice record own commentary of a game.

Match cut up phrases.

What resources will be used?

How can kinaesthetic, visual, auditory learning styles all be incorporated?

How can team work and communication be promoted?

i.e. open ended tasks, paired conversation etc

What is the best method of getting the learners thoughts on the work?

i.e. form, blog, voice recording, diary room etc

What is the best method of evaluation?

On- going or at the end? forms, blogs, voice recordings, diary room?

What will you do with feedback from evaluation? How will you decide what changes need made and how to implement them?

i.e. discuss ideas with learners, peer discussion, trial and error

How will you evaluate each session as a tutor?

i.e. diary, session reports, blog

What will you evaluate?

i.e. communication between learners, learners and tutors

What worked well and why

What didn’t work and why etc

Essential Skills Project, East Ayrshire Council, 01563 573 757 Lewis Atha