AMJT – Course 1 – Project 1: Losing an Eye Would Be Out of Sight
Creating a Safety Manual
Name: ______Date: ______
Overview: A safety manual outlines the policies and work practices for a particular company. Since every workplace has different equipment, materials, and personnel; each company generally designs their own safety manual to suit their needs. This manual should address OSHA regulations and ways to reduce the exposure to hazards in the work place.
Assignment:The goal of this project is to design a safety manual specifically for the Welding and Materials Joining Lab. Since this is a rather large task, the class will work as a group to complete this manual. While the class will be graded on the completed manual, each person will be responsible for his/her own portion of the manual. The manual should include the following: Title Page, Table of Contents, Introduction (purpose/application), General Safety, School/Student Responsibilities, Accident Procedure, Fire Procedure, MSDS’s, Chemical Handling, Flammable Safety, General Electrical Device Safety, Compressed Gas/Cylinder Safety, and Safety for all Equipment found in lab (could be individual hand tools, or general hand tool safety; welding equipment; machining equipment, etc.)
Describe your responsibility in creating a Safety Manual for your class:
Safety Manual Grading RubricItem / 5 points / 1-4 points / 0 points / Score
Manual contains all requirements / All of the required items are found in the safety manual / Most of the required elements are found in the safety manual / Few of the required elements are found in the safety manual
Teamwork / Group worked very well together and cooperated on project / Group worked well together but needed more cooperation / Group did not work well together
Individual component / Student completed his/her portion of the safety manual independently / Student completed his/her portion of the manual, but needed assistance from others / Student portion of manual not completed or needed excessive help from others
Use of class time / All Class time was used productively / Some class time not used productively. Student needed reminded to stay on task occasionally. / Most class time not used productively. Student needed reminded to stay on task frequently.