Preparation Assignment

Business Bootcamp

16 and 17January 2016

Bring enough business cards for networking
(there are over 1,000 like-minded, potential clients, providers and joint-venture partners in the event)

Answer the following questions to the best of your abilities, and don’t forget to bring the printout of the answers, as you’ll need them during the 2-days of the training:

  1. Who is your dream client?
    Describe them in as much detail as you can.
    What do they look like, what are they passionate about, what are their goals, dreams and frustrations, where are they online, what else do they buy…?
  2. How many active clients do you have and what information do you have on them?
    (E.g. names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, types of businesses, location, what and when they have bought from you, how you attracted them, the last date of contact with them…)
  3. How many of those clients are "dream" clients?
    (Those 20% who would create 80% of your sales)
    (During the Business Bootcamp you’ll learn how to attract more of these clients)
  4. What is your biggest and best source of new business?
    (During the Business Bootcamp you’ll learn 3 strategies that will transform your marketing)
  5. What has been your biggest marketing success so far?
    (Was it a specific promotion, advertising campaign, telemarketing script, or something else?)
  6. What is your biggest challenge in your business at the moment?
    (During the Business Bootcamp you’ll learn how to overcome 7 of the most common challenges)
  7. What was your turnover (omzet) and profit (winst) in 2015?
  8. What would you like your turnover (omzet) and profit (winst) to be in 2016?
    (During the Business Bootcamp you’ll learn how to set your most important business goals)
  9. What one skill do you need to develop to help you achieveyour goals?
  10. What type of person would you like to meet during the Business Bootcamp?
    (During the Business Bootcamp you will meet hundreds of potential clients, providers and joint-venture partners. The more clear you are about who would you like to meet, the more chances you have to actually meet them)
  11. What one question you would like to ask Nisandeh about growing your business?
    (If it’s not answered during the Bootcamp sessions, Nisandeh is available in every break near the stage…)
  12. Are you willing to be present, engaged and learning throughout the full 2 days of the Business Bootcamp?
    (If your answer is ‘No’ – then the Business Bootcamp is NOT the place for you (at this time).

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