2017 Farmington Invitational Tournament
Welcome to the 2017 Farmington Invitational.
Rules for the tournament are the Minnesota Baseball Tournament (MBT) Rules. Official copies can befound at:
These rules will also be available on the tournament site.
Our event is an MBT state qualifier (and a Gopher State Qualifier for 9AA and 9AAA). Each team at check in will have to indicate a desire and ability to accept a state bid if it is offered. Other bids may be available.
Please check in at least 30 minutes prior to your first game. Check in will be located next to the Tiger Clubhouse concession building at the Dodge Fields for 10A, 11A, 12A, and 13A tournaments. Check in will be located at Stelzel Fields (Empire) for 9AA and 9AAA tournaments.
Bring the following paperwork with you to check in.
- Completed and Signed roster form. Note that a signature from a parent/guardian is required for each player participating.
- Concussion Certificates for any non-player (coaches, managers, etc.) that will be in the dugout are required.
- Copy of Birth Certificates for each player on the roster form.
One game baseball has to be provided by each team for each game played.
Home team is determined by a coin flip before each game (all tournament games).
Please take time to understand the pitching restrictions as outlined in the MBT Tournament Rules.
Make sure you review the umpire scorecard after each game played and check the score and innings pitched for accuracy. This card is official once it is turned into the tournament director.
Scores and bracket updates will be posted by midnight Saturday evening on the Farmington Travel Baseballwebsite. Go to the Tournaments page.
Awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place teams. (max. of 13 awards per team)
Hopefully, weather will not be an issue. But we will make every attempt to play through inclement weather and ensure everyone can get their games played. Please plan ahead for the weather conditions. We reserve the right to alter the tournament format should we be forced to due to unplayable weather conditions.
Please remind your players, parents and coaches what it means to respect umpires, their opponents, fields and facilities. We want make this a great experience for all.
Riverview Fields – Please be aware these fields border Residential homes and we need to stay on the field areas only. Concessions will be available at the “Clubhouse” across the street on the Dodge fields.
Parking – Park in the lots at Dodge or Riverview. Do not park on the street by the Dodge or Riverview fields.
Jessica Berreth – FTBA Tournament Director