Creating a Civil War Journal

Civil War Photo Journal Assignment


You are to take on the role of one of the following people during the civil war

  • Woman during the Civil War
  • Slave during the Civil War
  • General
  • Soldier

Requirements for Journal

  • Make it look like a journal (keep pages in chronological order and attach them neatly)
  • Type journal entries in Special font or hand write and attach them on same page as pictures.
  • Use quality pictures, if you need help ask. (you may use more than one picture per page)
  • Be creative and elaborate on facts and first hand accounts of the battles, this is what I will scrutinize the most

The journal must be at least 4 pages and follow this format:

Page 1:

Choose a picture that best resembles your character. For the journal entry

  • Where are you from and other background information?
  • Explain which side of the fight you are on.
  • Why you joined the army (what do you believe the war is about)
  • Be creative and develop a story line (What are your hopes; fears ect….)

Page 2:

choose a battle from the beginning of the war (1861) that you fought in/Witnessed and explain the following:

choices of events:

  • Fort Sumter
  • 1st battle of bull run
  • Explain how you felt prior to the battle; (expectations), who is your commanding officer, what is your rank and job
  • What happened during the battle (what do you see; what are some events that determine the outcome)
  • What is the outcome: how do you feel, what next?, how many casualties.

Page 3:

choose a battle from the middle (1862-1863) of the war that you fought in/Witnessed and explain the following:

choices of events

Any event/Gettysburg

  • Explain how you felt prior to the battle; (expectations),
  • What happened during the battle (what do you see; what are some events that determine the outcome)
  • What is the outcome: what next? How many casualties?

Page 4:

choose a battle or event from the End of the war (that you fought in and explain the following:

choices of events:

  • Gettysburg
  • Chattanooga
  • Petersburg
  • Atlanta to savannah ( March to the sea)
  • Confederate surrender (Appomattox courthouse)
  • Explain current situation of “your side”.
  • What happened during the battle or event?
  • What is the outcome: provide details.

Below are some websites that you may use to find images/information of/about the war :


Photo archive of Civil War; scroll down to timeline of Civil War and click on a year.


Many photos and other information to use as a resource.

Use Battle Map for information on battles.

Women and the Civil War


Due Friday---January 27th