Create Your Own International Organization
Team members:______
There exists a need to solve a problem in one of the areas listed just below. You represent a nation of the world and you desire to propose the formation of an international organization. It must be concerned with one of the following issues…..
1) Maintaining World Peace 2) ResolvingInternational Disputes
3) Economic Trade
4) Environmental Issues 5) Other…..
This task is far from easy so think long and hard as you answer the following questions. Make sure to consider the various outcomes of your decisions and be sure to sufficiently explain your responses.
Mission Statement:
A mission statement is what the organization essentially stands for. Read the Heritage or u.n. mission statement for a clearer picture.
My / Our mission statement is… 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
Name & Location
1)Choose an appropriate name for your international organization. It can’t be the United Nations or League of Nations. Be creative. 1- 2
2)In which area of the world, continent, and city is the organization going to have its headquarters? This is an extremely important decision, look at a world map for ideas. 1- 2
You must give TWO reasons for your selections. Your explanations must connect to two of the broad themes of this course (Environment, Population, Wealth, Power, and Tensions & Conflicts).
1- 2- 3- 4 ______
3)What are TWOadvantages for a state to join an international organization such as the one you are proposing? 1-2-3-4
4)Despite most of the world being on board with the proposal for such an international body, some nations remain skeptical. List ONE potential disadvantage for a country in being part of such an organization. 1- 2
Power of the Organization VS State Sovereignty
5)How much power will this proposed international body have? Explain how the voting or resolution to an issue happens. 1- 2
6.) List 5 general guidelines that will make up your International Org.
Ex. All members states will limit weapons production. 0-1-2-3-4-5
7. Will member nations still enjoy sovereignty in certain areas?Explain why or why not.1- 2
8)Through great diplomacy on your group’s partyou eventually convince all the countries of the world to join this international organization. BRAVO! Now another problem arises. How much power does each member state enjoy? When decisions need to be made in the organization, how will this be done? Does every country have an equal say? Explain. 1- 2
9)Your answer to the previous question is not popular with some states. Which type of country do you think would not be in favour of your above answer? (Ex: wealthy, poor, highly populated, etc.) Why? 1- 2