“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination”.
- Napoleon Hill
Create your own country
Overview: As an anchor activity, you should keep bring this to class every day and work on it when you have any down time (i.e. Finish your work early). You will occasionally be provided class time as well to work on it. For the most part, it is not an outside of class activity. Your objective is to design a country from the ground up. This activity will follow our curriculum map, with a geography, history, economic and political science section. Do realize that each section should build upon one another. For example, the physical geography of your country will greatly influence your economy and government policies, in terms of foreign affairs, etc.At the conclusion of our first unit of study, you will have time to complete a product of your choice (must be approved) to highlight your work!
Use the prompts provided to help guide you through this process; however, do not feel limited by the minimum criteria listed below:
- Determine a specific geographic location (mainland, island, realizing that location directly impacts resources). Provide specific coordinates for your country.______
- Scale (how large of a country, in square miles). Think about how this will influence resources, trade, population, etc. as you move forward with this activity. ______
- Name your country: ______
- Why and/or what does the name symbolize? ______
- Overview of the geography (climate, terrain, etc.): ______
- Major physical characteristics (design/create your physical geographic features, such as mountain chains (function), lakes and rivers (freshwater sources), plains (agriculture?), deserts, ocean access, etc. : ______
- Natural Resources (directly linked to location, be specific and thorough. Be sure to think long-term about the needs of the people- water, food, energy, work, etc.) ______
- Agriculture (food production- types of crops are linked to location/climate/soil, etc.) ______
- Population (density, location- think about the prerequisites necessary to sustain large groups of people; urban v rural, etc.). ______
- Transportation (realize the connection between geography and efficient means of travel; how are resources and people able to move about?). ______
- Types of work ( what type of work force is necessary- technology-based, mining, agricultural, industrial, etc. ) ______
- Environmental Issues: Everywhere you find people, pollution will also be found. What types of environmental issues are present in your country (think about types of resources, work(impact of mining/agriculture/industry, etc.), population; as well as the impact of geography- think Mexico City). ______
- How your country deal with its’ environmental issues? ______
- Provide a rough map of your country; highlighting its’ geographic location, major physical features, location of resources and people, major transportation routes/modes.
Cultural Geography
Remember, the location and physical composition of your country will dictate the cultural characteristics/make-up of a country. (think about- is it located near other countries (immigration), is there a reason people would want to move/live there (work, etc.), history, climate- all play a factor in a nations culture)
- Provide an overview of your country’s culture: ______
- Ethnic composition (list-general; make sure to think about why that particular group would be present!?) ______
- Language, why? ______
- Religion(s) (religious tolerance, religious composition, why- link to history/immigration, etc). ______
- Food (national dishes, cuisine, etc.) ______
- National Holidays/celebrations: ______
- Sports: ______
- Cultural pastimes: ______
- Artistic traditions (types of art that are popular/significant): ______
- Music (types/genres that are indigenous, common/popular, instruments, etc). ______
- Other points of interest about your country’s culture?? ______
- National symbols (flags, anthems, songs, poems, birds, flowers, symbols, etc.) ______
After brainstorming, briefly describe your ideal government (3-4 sentences):
Once you have reached a conclusion on the role of government, you may begin designing your government.
Country’s name:______
Why? ______
Location (give a specific location) : ______
Natural Resources (based on location): ______
Distribution of Power; Why? ______
Citizen Participation; Why? ______
For any government to prosper, it must have an adequate income source(s). How will your government raise money to pay for its’ needs (taxes, business/sales, etc.)? You must create a balanced budget. ______.
If taxes, how do you decide your tax rate (straight sales tax/income tax, etc.) and what is it? Why (justify it!)? OR If your gov’t makes money off business or some other means, describe it (use specifics)______.
Expenditures: How will your gov’t allocate (spend) its’ revenue? Create a pie chart which highlights your gov’t’s spending. You may want to complete this later as you consider the various expenditures of gov’t (prompts below)!!
Name of Currency: ______
What will you use (cards, paper bills, coins, etc.): ______
What will be on your currency (most $ is culturally/nationally symbolic)? Why??: ______
Denominations, if paper/coin money: ______
Illustrate what your currency will look like:
In order for a country to rise, typically a strong military presence is necessary; which accounts for a large portion (30 +% in some cases) of national expenditures ($).
What is your military’s objective (defensive, aggression, “police” state, etc.)? ______.
Branches or divisions (Army, Navy, etc.): Include reasoning (geography, function, etc.) ______.
Nuclear capability? Why or Why not? ______.
Another significant expenditure for any established country is education (US- roughly $1 trillion annually).
What is the role of education in your country? ______.
What type of education system do you envision (college/university system, trade schools, public schools, etc.)?
Why? ______.
Who decides what is taught in the schools (ex.-who would design standards?) ______.
Legislative: The bedrock of an effective gov’t is a system of laws. Without them, anarchy reigns.
Who makes the laws: ______.
Is there a constitution: ______.
If so, how are amendments made: ______.
List 5 of your most important laws:
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
What are the penalties for breaking these laws?
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Executive: How are the laws enforced (police, prisons, etc.)?
Who is in charge of the executive branch? ______.
Judicial: Who decides whether the laws are valid? ______.
How are they selected? ______.
What is the process for trying an individual accused of breaking a law (courts, lawyers, etc.)? ______.
Healthcare: Our gov’t was shut down due to a battle of “ideals” over the healthcare system. Research the battle over healthcare and form your own opinion. Realize that healthcare is viewed differently by many countries, with many providing it for their citizens (Western Europe, Canada, etc.), while many do not. Is this an issue that your gov’t will take on? Clearly explain your standing and the reasons why.
Social Programs (welfare/Social Security, etc.): In the USA and many other countries, there are “safety net” programs to assist their citizens in times of need. Some examples are Social Security (when you retire), welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, unemployment, etc. What is your governments stand on Social Programs?
______.Which types of social programs are necessary to maintain the well-being of your country? ______.
How will these services be paid for? ______.
How will you insure that these programs are properly allocated and that people do not take advantage of it? ______.
Infrastructure: In 1956, Congress established the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate system, which connected the various states of the Union; thus increasing trade and travel. Countries, such as the United States, also invest significant capital into projects, such as bridges, water & sewage systems, rail transportation, dams, power grids, etc. What types of infrastructure do you see your country investing in? ______.
Energy: The United States has an economy based on the use of Fossil Fuels. Coal, Oil and Natural Gas play a critical role in the US’s policies, both domestically and internationally. The overwhelming majority of scientific evidence correlates the use of Fossil Fuels with climate change. With these facts in mind, what is the energy policy of your country? How do you balance the energy needs of your people, with the needs of the planet? In depth, explain your decisions. ______.
Parks/recreation: The United States has an extensive system of national parks (first established by Teddy Roosevelt), monuments, etc. that provide for “wild spaces”, for both people and animals alike.
What is your government’s role in protecting endangered species, habitat, setting aside land for future generations to enjoy, etc.? ______.
Foreign Policy: A nation’s foreign policy is a critical component to any globalized country (see Monroe Doctrine). What type of policy will your country have for dealing with international affairs (neutral, like Switzerland or highly involved- USA). How is your policy in the best interest of your people/country? ______.
What are the implications of this policy, at home and abroad? ______.
Alliances: List at least 3 countries who you would recruit to become your allies. Explain why you selected each country and what you propose to offer those specific countries.
Which countries do you foresee having conflict/issues with? Why? ______.
Economic systems: In developed countries, the government plays a critical role in establishing and maintaining a viable economic system (Command, Market, Traditional, Mixed). What type of Economic system best suits your country? ______
Why: ______.
A country like the USA, has endless regulations that help to control/guide the market (Trade barriers, FDA, Banking systems, interest rates, etc.) What is the government’s role in terms of economics? ______.
National symbols: All countries seek to instill pride in their citizens. If one thinks about the USA, the American Flag, Bald Eagle and Star Spangled Banner, to name a few, come to mind. Create/compose one or more national symbols for your country (provide an explanation for how it/they represent your country)!
Finished Product: Your choice, but it must be approved by the teacher! You must creatively present your country (model, book, technology, etc.)