Create Your Movie Trailer


Create your own movie trailer with your own mix of music, images, sound effects, existing and original video files blended together to make the movie that everyone wants to see this summer.

What to include

  1. Intro with ratings, a quick flash animation will be a bonus.
  2. Level 2 – copy / pasted
  3. Level 3 – 4+ edited and original. Additional animation is a great touch.
  4. Mention that all clips are not original and the sites you got the trailers and/or music from.
  5. Original movie production screen (like Universal, Disney or Lucas films) found at the beginning of the trailer.
  6. Level 2-3 – a picture
  7. Level 3-4 – an animation (only 5-10 seconds)
  8. Level 4-4+ - animation with sound
  9. Movie trailer will be a combination of edited current trailers and/or your own footage to put you into the story.

is a great link for downloadable current trailers.

  1. Level 1-2 – same movie with some editing in the video
  2. Level 3 – 4 – Edit trailer to make the movie about something different than intended.
  3. Level 4+ - Same as above but include your own video (including yourself or not) into the trailer.
  4. Create a text line under each clip with the link you got the preview from for copy write purposes.
  1. Your own sound editing will be needed using music and or sound effects to make your trailer realistic.

Level 1-2 - minimal change to audio

Level 3-4 - new music that suits the feel and theme of your trailer. More than one clip is better.

Level 4+ - Different/original voice clips, original made music with Sony Acid Xpress 7.0

  1. Text screens within the trailer or separate will be included to name actors, director and music (to acknowledge for copy write issues)
  2. Level 1-2 - Simple text on separate screen with no transitions
  3. Level 3-4 - Required text in appropriate places that uses transitions.
  4. Level 4+ - Same as above with additional effects added that suite the trailer.

Software – Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0

-This software will be used to clip the movies and sound files as different or the same layers and to include additional graphics and text.

-A quick guide through it can be found at video tutorial - will be used to create a smooth change from one screen to another.

-This trailer will be 30sec to 1min 30sec long.

This is the last major assignment of the year before the RST.