7th Grade

Dear Students and Parents, August 11, 2014

It is our pleasure to welcome you and your child to the seventh grade! As a seventh grade team, we are looking forward to an exciting year filled with rich learning experiences, which cross the disciplines whenever possible. We have high expectations for ourselves as well as our students.

The seventh grade team currently consists of Charlene Guss, Tom Kuhny, Pamela Moye and Adriana Martinez. Ms. Guss will be teaching science, Mr. Kuhny will be teaching social science, Ms Martinez, mathematics and Ms Moye who will be teaching language arts.

We will communicate with you regarding the major activities via email, our teacher websites, and/or letters home. We will do our best to challenge your child daily. We will create a link between the real world and the classroom. We will treat you and your child with respect and kindness and expect the same in return. Access your child’s grades via PowerSchool - our online grading website 24/7, whenever, wherever you want.

Ø  PowerSchool Website: https://ivyacademia.powerschool.com/public/

About the Teachers:

Charlene Guss

I received my Bachelor of Science in Business Management with an option in accounting from California State University of Los Angeles in 1997 and my California Teaching Credential through National University in 2005. I'm an enthusiastic member of the science community who whole heartily believes in Ivy's mission in creating lifelong learners, and not just high school graduates. I teach the importance of lifelong learning by example. I have been an active member of COSEE West, a UCLA / USC marine science program, since 2007. I have worked with the University of Boulder Colorado for the past two summers on environmental issues such as climate change and water quality. Furthermore, my science team at Ivy has participated in the USC QuikScience competition for the past three years, claiming third place in 2010. I look forward to working with the 2012-2013 seventh grade students and parents in fulfilling their academic goals.

Tom Kuhny

I was born in South Bend, Indiana. After completing high school, I spent the next 22 years in the hospitality/food service industry where I gained vast insight into the business world. Shortly after my marriage, I returned to college at California State University in Northridge, first obtaining my BA in Liberal Studies and then securing my teaching credential. Recently I returned to Santa Monica College completing courses in history to obtain my single subject authorization in Social Science.

I enjoy traveling, gardening, art and all water sports. As an avid fisherman, I enjoy time in Lake Tahoe and camping throughout the state. I truly believe that how you approach education in middle school defines who and what you will become in the future.

Pamela Moye

I am Pamela Moye, the new English language arts teacher, and I am very excited to be at Ivy Academia. I have a varied background and bring a vast array of experiences to teaching. Prior to attending college, I worked in the food service industry. I received my B.A. in psychology from Idaho State University and my M.A. in social psychology from San Francisco State University. After teaching English as a second language abroad and here in Los Angeles, I decided that teaching was my calling. I returned to school at the University of Southern California for an M.A. in teaching. I am credentialed in social science, English, and foundation science, so my lessons have a cross-curricular focus. As an entrepreneur, I have worked for several individually-owned businesses and personally been involved in the start-up of several small businesses. My hobbies include cooking, traveling, and judo. I am looking forward to a productive and enjoyable year.

Adrianna Martinez

Hi, my name is Adriana Martinez and I am excited to continue my tenth year at Ivy Academia. I graduated from CSUN with a BS in Liberal Studies. I have a Multiple Subject Credential with a concentration in math and I also have a Single Subject Credential in math. I have a passion for math and making a difference in people’s lives. I hope all of my students this year will challenge themselves to be good students, leaders, and mathematicians. I hope to create a goal-oriented, encouraging, and exhilarating learning atmosphere to help students discover a love towards learning. I have high expectations for conduct and academic standards. I strongly believe that all students can succeed in an atmosphere of support and encouragement, which is what I will strive to provide for my students. I will do my best to challenge your child daily. I will treat you and your child with respect and kindness and expect the same in return.

You may contact us via email at the following addresses.

Charlene Guss: Tom Kuhny:

Pamela Moye: Adrianna Martinez:


7th Grade & Ivy Policies


Here are the factors contributing to your grade in Language Arts, Social Science, and Science:

Homework 10%

Class Work & Participation 30%

Projects 30%

Test/Quiz/Essay 30%

In the math department, grades are weighted as follows:

Tests 30%

Quizzes 15%

Projects 20%

Class Work 15%

Homework 20%

Ivy Academia Grading Policy

A 96 – 100% C+ 77- 79% D- 60-62%

A- 90 – 95% C 73 – 76% F 59% and Below

B+ 87 – 89% C- 70 – 72%

B 83 – 86% D+ 67-69%

B- 80 – 82% D 63-66%

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated; the work you do must be your own.

Attendance & Participation

Attendance is taken inside the classroom following the morning pledge. If you arrive late it is your responsibility to check in with your homeroom teacher before you report to your assigned class. Habitual tardiness or absences will result in a conference with administration.

It goes without saying that you will be in class. Attendance means arriving on time and prepared, and that you contribute to class discussions (quality is more important that quantity). You have an obligation to yourself and your classmates to engage in discussion. We already know what we think; we want to hear what you think.

Some Tips

·  Take notes. Your memory cannot possibly be that good. You will be quizzed on class discussions.

·  Keep copies of all your work. Revisions are more meaningful when they can be tracked. I will need to see drafts and revisions on all out-of-class writing assignments.

·  Do not throw out your returned work as if there is ever a grade question, I will need the graded work to be returned to me for evaluation. Keep a shoebox or copy paper box at home to store your returned work.


You will be required to complete in-class and out-of-class essays. Essays must be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, in 12 point Times New Roman font (see MLA: Modern Language Association format).

Homework, note taking, and participation in class discussions are mandatory.

Benchmarks, quizzes and tests may be used to assess your understanding.

As a rule, all assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date, unless otherwise specified. Any late assignment will receive half credit if turned in within 5 days of the due date. Any work turned in after that 5 day period will not be accepted, and your student will receive a zero.

Homework Policy

Homework is an essential part of your job as a student.

Code of Conduct

1. Be polite at all times.

2. Work quietly and do not disturb others.

3. Listen courteously when others are talking.

4. Be friendly and work cooperatively.

5. Be truthful and respect teachers and other adults.

6. Be prepared for class every day.

7. Homework is NOT optional.

8. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Class Participation Explanation

Since students often feel that class participation is a subjective grade, we have implemented a system that makes the process and resulting grade more objective.

To start with, 10 points of every week will be determined by whether or not you demonstrate a willingness to be a positive, vocal participant in the classroom community and by whether or not you come to class on time, prepared and ready to work.

You begin each week with these 10 points. Each day that you are not an active, positive participant in discussions, you lose 1 point. Additionally, every time you show up to class tardy and/or missing your materials, 1 point will be deducted.

Do not underestimate the power of these 10 weekly points and their effect on your overall class grade. It would not be uncommon for a student who does well on tests but never participates to drop an entire letter grade.

Ivy Policies

·  Cell Phones

o  Cell Phones are NOT permitted in any classroom. Any cell phone seen out and/or being used will be confiscated and turned into administration and a parent will be required to pick u the end of the day. Please refrain from calling or texting your children during school hours. If it is an emergency or a message you need to leave for your child, please contact the front office, and they will relay the message to your child.

·  Communication

o  All 7th grade students will be required to establish a Gmail account through their social science class and Mr. Kuhny’s guidance. This account will be used to send reminders and contact students throughout the school year. Permission slips will be sent home. Parent’s will be required to sign these and send them back.

o  Parents if you have a question or concern, we ask that you please feel free to email us before you contact administration. We would like to maintain open communication with our 7th graders and their parents. If your child has a question about a homework assignment or a project, please encourage your child to take responsibility for their work and email us directly. We do our best to answer all emails by the end of the day, but we will absolutely reply to you within 24 hours. Sometimes PowerSchool has errors with our email addresses, so please double-check our emails on this letter and on the website.

·  Charlene Guss:

·  Tom Kuhny:

·  Pamela Moye:

·  Adriana Martinez:

·  Textbooks

o  Textbooks are issued at the beginning of the year to each student for each class. The number/barcode of each textbook is recorded and your student is responsible for that textbook. Students are required to cover and keep their textbooks in good shape. Please inspect your textbooks to make sure they are not ripped or damaged upon receiving them, and make note of this damage on the textbook form.

·  Uniforms

o  We are a uniform school and your student is required to adhere to the school uniform policy. We require your support in keeping our student in the required uniform as it takes away from academic minutes. Please clearly label all of your students clothing with his or her name. Parents will be required to bring in proper clothing if your student arrives at school out of uniform.

·  Warnings, Detentions & Referrals

o  Ivy Academia’s behavior policy, code of conduct, and dress code as written in our shared support agreement will be followed and enforced.

Supply List:

You will need to bring your supplies to class on a daily basis (this does affect your participation grade). Certain items will be required in a particular class and will be noted on this list. All other items will be required in all classes. Although we try to make this list as thorough as possible there will be times that additional supplies will be needed. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

o  1 Composition Book (College Ruled, 100 pages )

o  2 4 Subject College-Ruled Notebooks (1 for each semester)

o  1 package college ruled paper, 1 package of Graph paper (math 2nd semester)

o  5 pocket folders (1 per subject)

o  Agenda or Homework tracker

o  1 2”-3” binder (required for Math)

o  5 Mechanical Pencils and lead replenishments

o  (We recommend the mechanical pencil super pack)

o  1 package of #2pencils, *sharpened* pens will not be permitted in Math

o  1 Handheld Pencil Sharpener 1 Set of Colored Pencils (12 count)

o  1 each of the following Highlighters (green, yellow, pink)

o  3 Black/Blue Pens 3 Red Pens

o  2 Dry Erase Markers (to be collected by your homeroom teacher)

o  1 Ruler, protractor, compass (required for math)

o  1 Small Pair Scissors

o  3 Glue Sticks

o  Required Literature

o  Spiral notebook or lab book to keep a writing journal. (required for language arts)

Wish List

·  Gift Cards: Education Station, Barnes & Noble, Target, Borders, Staples etc.

·  Tissue, Band-Aids

·  Antiseptic/Cleaning Wipes (for desks, door handle, light switches)

·  Hand Sanitizer

·  Paper towels

·  Index Cards (3x5)

·  White board cleaner

·  Mechanical Pencils & Lead

·  Construction Paper (9x12)

·  Ream/case of Printer paper (81/2x11)

·  Ink cartridges for printer (901 black or 901 tri-color)

·  Quart/gallon Ziploc bags

·  Heavy Duty Pencil Sharpener

·  IPad (one can dream J)

One more page….this is it I promise J