The Village Hall, Pagham Road, Pagham, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO21 4NJ

Tel/Fax: 01243-266424

E- mail:

Q How many public baths, washhouses and bathing huts are provided and maintained by the Parish Council and where are they located?

A None

Q What is the current provision of public conveniences within the parish and what are the locations of the public conveniences within the Parish?

A one owned and operated by Arun District Council location Sandy Road, Pagham

Q How many burial grounds, cemeteries, crematoria, mortuaries and post-mortem rooms are provided and maintained by the Parish Council and where are they located?

A None provided, however the Parish Council contribute to the maintenance of the local church yard

Q How many burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria have been acquired by the Parish Council since the Parish has had the power to acquire burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria and where are they located?

A None

Q How many monuments and memorials are maintained by the Parish Council under its powers as a burial authority and where are they located?

A None

Q How many war memorials are maintained, protected and repaired by the Parish Council and where are they located?

A None

Q How may war memorials have undergone any alteration since the Parish Council undertook to maintain,

protect and repair them?

A None

Q How many bus shelters are provided and maintained by the Parish Council and where are they located?

A The Parish Council own and maintain 10 (location list attached)

Q How many public clocks are provided and maintained by the Parish Council?

A None

Q How many closed churchyards are maintained by the Parish Council and where are they located.

A The Parish Council contributes to the upkeep of the Thomas A’Beckett Church Yard

How many buildings are provided by the Parish Council for public meeting and public assemblies, where are they located and what action does the Parish Council; take to promote their usage.

A The Parish Council owns the Pagham Village Hall which is leased for 90 years to a Board of Trustees. This is let to a whole variety of local organisations and the residents of Pagham

Q How many buildings are provided an equipped for the use by clubs which have a social, athletic or recreational purpose by the Parish Council and where are they located.

A See above

Q How many areas of common pasture are provided by the parish Council and where are they located?

A None

Q How many ponds and ditches does the Parish Council deal with and where are they located

A None- all dealt with by West Sussex CC Highways or the Environment Agency

Q How many areas of open space are maintained by the Parish Council and where are they located?

A field located adjacent to the Village Hall (1 acre) of open at all times to all residents, used by dog walkers, youth to play football etc.

Q How many areas of open space have been acquired by the Parish since the Parish has had the power to acquire open spaces?

A 1acre field adjacent to the Village Hall referred to above.

Q How many gymnasiums, playing fields, boating pools and holiday camps are provided and maintained by the Parish Council and where are they located.

A We own a field adjacent to the Village Hall, although not formally laid out as a playing field.

Q How many roadside seats and road side shelters are provided and maintained by the Parish Council.

A The Parish Council own 41 benches, all shelters are located at bus stops (see above)

Q How many schemes of collective investment are participated in by the Parish Council?

A None

Q What wells, springs and streams are currently utilised as a water supply within the Parish?

A None