Unit 5. Practical work 2. Cisco DHCP configuration
In this exercise, we will go further in the knowledge of DHCP protocol, as well as its configuration, settings and features. A Cisco 1841 router will be used for this task, and Packet Tracer software to perform simulations.
- Work in a Cisco environment.
- Know the procedures to configure a router.
- Become familiar with text command line.
Create the following networks with Packet Tracer:
First of all, provide IP addresses for all devices that they do not need DHCP configuration. You must also make a diagram of the network with all the provided IPs (it must be clear).
Computers must receive IP addresses through DHCP service, each one from the corresponding network.
TO KNOW MOREIf you want to know more about Cisco Packet Tracer, take a look at the following website. In order to download the software, you need to have access to the Cisco Netacad platform.
/ Cisco Packet Tracer
Begin using network Configure the router so that it gives an IP from an IP address range. Remember to exclude fixed addresses. Do the same for the other networks.
Write in a table how you performed the following tasks:
- Provide a range of addresses for a set of machines in a LAN.
- Always give the same IP on the same machine through DHCP.
- Specify gateway and DNS servers via a DHCP server.
- Find out how you can find a list of provided leases.
- List other features that can be specified (by DHCP service).
Hint: Cisco Packet Tracer is a router simulator. That means that possibly not all the features are simulated. If you cannot do one of the steps with the simulator, just explain how to do it.
Write a HTML page (for example a table containing your classroom timetable) and upload it to Server0. Then, configure routers with a chosen routing protocol so that PC4 can see the website from Server0. Explain all the steps you have done and why. You can use RIP, OSPF, EIGRP or static routes.
TO KNOW MOREYou can find more information about routing protocols at the following websites:
/ Cisco Networking Academy's Introduction to Routing Dynamically
/ Configuring Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Please note that the report should be as concise as possible and should include at least the following sections:
- Cover
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Theory
- Objectives
- Exercise
- Conclusions
- Bibliography
AF_IC02_U5.Practical work 2. Cisco DHCP configuration / Unit 5