Crct Review Test Civil War and Reconstruction

Crct Review Test Civil War and Reconstruction

Social Studies MILESTONESStudy Guide

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  1. 5 regions of GA - (Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and Coastal Plains)
  2. Location of GA – southeast region of the US/northwestern hemisphere
  3. Blue Ridge Region – Home to apples and the highest point in Georgia, Brasstown Bald.
  4. Coastal Plains – Largest region, home to peanuts, sandy soil and Okefenokee Swamp.
  5. Fall Line – Separates the Piedmont and Coastal Plains (Augusta, Macon and Columbus are located on it.
  6. Savannah River- separates Georgia from South Carolina
  7. Chattahoochee River - separates Georgia from Alabama
  8. Piedmont Region –to red clay soil, Atlanta, and is the most populated
  9. Mississippian Indians – The most advanced; large temple burial mounds used for religious purposes; palisade walls built around their village
  10. Hernando De Soto–1st explorer to travel throughout Southeast looking for gold; discovered Mississippi R, spread diseases that killed 1,000s of Natives
  11. Spanish missions– located along barrier islandsto convert the Indians to Catholicism!
  12. JamesOglethorpe – founder of GA - Chief Tomochichi allowed him to settle on Yamacraw Bluff.
  13. John and Mary Musgrove – They were interpreters for Oglethorpe and Tomochichi
  14. Reasons for Georgia colony–Defense (England wanted GA to be a buffer between South Carolina and the Spanish in FLA, Charity, Economics
  15. Malcontents – group of dissatisfied GA colonists who disagreed with the ban on slaves, alcohol, and the restrictions on land ownership
  16. Scottish Highlanders – Settled Darien, GA; defended GA’s backcountry & at the Battle of Bloody Marsh
  17. Battle of Bloody Marsh – Fought on St. Simon’s Island against the Spanish – Oglethorpe victory
  18. Changes as a Royal Colony – became a royal colony in 1752 – allowed slavery, rum, and eased restrictions on land ownership
  19. Royal Governors –(REW) 1. John Reynolds (Setup a bicameral court system)

2. Henry Ellis (Slavery increased)

3. James Wright – (Built defenses around Savannah, GA Gazette)

  1. Causes of Revolution – After the French and Indian War, Britain increased taxes on colonists to pay off war debt; Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts
  2. Proclamation of 1763 – after the French and Indian War, this law forbid the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mtns to avoid more conflict with the Natives
  3. Stamp Act – Georgians (Liberty Boys) were angry that it taxed all paper products.
  4. Declaration of Independence – GA signers -Button Gwinnett. Dr. Lyman Hall, and George Walton.
  5. Battle of Kettle Creek – Elijah Clarke defeated a force of 800 British troops – boosted morale
  6. Nancy Hart –who killed and captured 5 British soldiers in her cabin. Hart County named after her.
  7. Abraham Baldwin and William Few – GA signers of the US Constitution
  8. Steps in Juvenile Justice System – 1. Intake 2. Detention 3. Formal Hearing (adjudicatory dispositional) 4. Sentencing.
  9. Informal Adjustment – given to first time juvenile offender; must admit guilt and pay a fine
  10. Delinquent Act - This is an act committed by a juvenile that would be a crime of committed by an adult.
  11. Unruly Juvenile - juvenile commits an act such as running away or truancy that is not a crime for adults.
  12. Juvenile – Any citizen under the age of 17!
  13. Governor – 30 years or older, US citizen for 15 years, resident of GA for at least 6 years. Sets the budget each year and enforces laws. Head of Executive branch. Elected to 4 year terms,
  14. Lt. Governor – Same qualifications but is the leader of the Senate andassigns bills to committees! Becomes governor if the current governor dies.
  15. Georgia General Assembly – Name of GA’s legislative branch; meets for 40 days. Must be at least 21 to be in the House and 25 in the Senate, they are elected by districts…NOT counties, and they serve for two years!
  16. Boards of Commissioners – Most counties are run by elected commissioners
  17. Most money (revenue) of local governments comes from- property taxes
  18. Most state revenue comes from – income taxes
  19. # of Constitutions GA has had – 11
  20. Max # of GA counties – 159
  21. Misdemeanor – minor crimes punishable with a year or less in jail; felonies – major crimes punishable by year or more in prison
  22. Entrepreneur – someone who takes risks to own and manage their own business in order to make a profit
  23. Methods of land distribution in early 1800s- Headright System and Land Lottery
  24. New invention that changed GA’s agricultural economy and increased need for slaves – cotton gin
  25. Treaty of Indian Springs – Creek Chief William McIntosh signed this to remove the Creeks west of the Mississippi River. He was killed by his own people for this.
  26. Treaty of New Echota – Chiefs Elias Boudinot, Major Ridge and his son, John, were killed by his own people for signing this treaty to remove the Cherokee people.
  27. Alexander Stephens –Georgian who would be against secession but became Confederate Vice President.
  28. Causes of the Civil war – slavery, states’ rights, southern secession
  29. Atlanta – Capital of GA, rail center of the Confederacy and burned by Sherman as he started his march to the sea.
  30. Chickamauga - Bloodiest battle in GA
  31. Battle of Antietam – Bloodiest single day in US history – Union Victory
  32. Emancipation Proclamation–issued after Battle of Antietam - freed all the slaves in Confederacy
  33. Gettysburg – Bloodiest battle in American history - Union victory
  34. Union blockade – blocked all confederate ports, prevented supplies from getting to the Confederacy.
  35. Andersonville – Confederate prison for Union soldiers. 13,000 died there!
  36. Sherman’s March to the Sea– Destroyed anything of use to the Confederacy from Atl to Savannah – effective because the destruction caused the South to surrender sooner.
  37. Freedmen’s Bureau–Setup to help former slaves with food, housing and education
  38. Sharecropping– Farmers used the land owner’s tools, land and promised to share portion of crops
  39. 13th Amendment – abolished slavery
  40. 15TH Amendment–gave all black males the right to vote
  41. Bourbon Triumvirate– John B. Gordon, Joseph Brown and Alfred Colquitt were governors who fought to rebuild the south, bring industry and white supremacy.
  42. Atlanta Race Riot– Tom Watson wrote in his newspaper that black males were attacking white females in 1906. A race riot lasted for three days and left many dead!
  43. Booker T. Washington-He believed in education was the key to equality (Atlanta Compromise) and built Tuskegee Institute.
  44. WEB Dubois- He disagreed with Washington, wrote the book, “The Souls of Black Folks” and demanded equality (Niagara Movement). He also founded the NAACP.
  45. Grandfather clause– You could only vote if your grandfather could in 1867!
  46. Jim Crow Laws – laws created to keep blacks and whites from using the same public facilities
  47. Alonzo Herndon– He was a VERY wealthy African American who created a series of barbershops and founded Atlanta Life Insurance.
  48. Henry Grady – Atlanta Journal writer who wanted whites and blacks to work together. He wanted a “New South” with more industry and jobs.
  49. Franz Ferdinand–Prince of Austria whose assassination led to World War I!
  50. Plessy V. Ferguson - court case that legalized “separate but equal” (Jim Crow laws)
  51. 2 reasons why the US entered WWI - Zimmerman Telegraph and the sinking of the Lusitania
  52. GA contributions to WWI – provided textiles, military bases, and soldiers for the war effort
  53. Eugene Talmadge – GA politician who fought against New Deal policies, hero to rural GA farmers
  54. TheBoll Weevil–insect that destroyed much of the cotton in Georgia in the early 1900’s.
  55. The New Deal–created by FDR; series of programs to bring relief during the Great Depression
  56. Axis powers of WWII – Japan, Germany, Italy
  57. Lend-Lease Act -The U.S lent war supplies to Allied powers before entering WWII
  58. Allied Powers of WWII - U.S., Great Britain and Soviet Union
  59. Bell Bomber Plant– Made B29 Bombers in Marietta during World War II
  60. Military and POW camps of WWII - Fort Benning, Fort Gordon and Fort Stewart
  61. Liberty Ships – cargo ships built during WWIIin ports cities ofSavannah and Brunswick
  62. Carl Vinson – Father of Two Ocean Navy
  63. William Hartsfield – expanded aviation in GA
  64. Brown v. Board of Education–Ended Segregation in all public schools
  65. Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes–First African Americans at UGA
  66. Civil Rights Act of 1964–Ended ALL segregation in public places and it was the 1963 March on Washington by Martin L. King who inspired this law!
  67. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee – Organized sit-ins all over the South including lunch counters and bus waiting stations.
  68. Dr. Benjamin Mays–First African American to sit on the Atlanta Board of Ed.
  69. Maynard Jackson– The first African American Mayor of Atlanta, increased funding for art, helped expand the airport and helped bring the 1996 Olympics to Atlanta!
  70. 1996 Summer Olympics–Event in GA in 1996 brought international recognition, money, tourists, new facilities and business.
  71. Governor Richard Russell – Father of the National School Lunch Program & created Board of Regents over GA colleges/universities
  72. John “Doc” Pemberton – Invented Coca-Cola
  73. Separation of Powers - The system we call the three branches of Government that each have powers over the other. Each branch has powers over the others (Checks and Balances)!
  74. Headright System – land distribution system for new settlers as long as they were the “head” of the family.
  75. University of Georgia - This was the first land grant university in America.
  76. Mayor William Hartsfield - This Atlanta mayor worked to end segregation and to expand the airport. The airport today is named for him.
  77. PresidentJimmy Carter - This Georgian became President of the U.S, (former governor and US senator) who made peace with Egypt/Israel in the Camp David Peace Accord, and won a Nobel Peace Prize!
  78. Herman Talmadge - He extended the school year to 9 months, the grade-level to 12th grade and fought integration!
  79. Tom Watson – Racist who started the 1906 Race Riot and created the RFD (Rural Free Delivery Mail to get mail delivered to rural areas of the country)
  80. Ivan Allen – Mayor of Atlanta in the 1960’s. He worked Dr. King and helped end segregation in the city, allowed black policemen to arrest whites and brought major league sports to the city.
  81. Andrew Young – Mayor of Atlanta and civil rights leader. He worked to get Atlanta the 1996 Olympics.