Washington District Nominating Report

April 19, 2009

The Western PA Conference Council permits the District to organize, administer, and evaluate the mission and ministries of the Washington District as we wish according to ¶ 656 of the Discipline. By action of the 1997 District Conference we retained the structures required by the Discipline at the district Level (district lay leader, district board of trustees, district board of church building and locations, district committee on ordained ministry, committee on district superintendency, United Methodist Women, United Methodist men) and we continue to have other optional structures to facilitate our mission such as the district committee on lay speaking, district youth team and ministers mates fellowship.

The following nominations for the District Board of Church Location and Building and the District Committee on Ordained ministry are being sent to Annual Conference.

A. Board of Church Location and Building ¶2518 : Eric Park, Ex. Officio

Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012

HOWARD FIELDS (Bentleyville)CARL FEKULA (Elizateth: First)*JOHN OTTO (Speers)

Ernie DeLuca, Chair(Jeff/Rices Land)JOE FRYE (Monongahela: First)*KURT GOTTSCHALK (Wbg First)

*David Lindberg (California)

B. District Committee on Ordained Ministry: ¶756

Kathy K. Higgins (1988)Pat Cleary, Chair (2009)

David H. Lindberg (1993)Bruce Judy, Registrar (2009)

FLORENCE REED (1996)Beverly Gross, Psych AssessmentOfficer (2008)

David Evans (2007)Jerrad Peterman (2009)

Ernie Deluca (2007)Sang Choi (2007)


The following persons are being nominated by the Nominating Committee and the District Superintendent for the positions below to be elected at District Conference 2009.

C. Committee on Nominations:Eric Park, Ex. Officio.

Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012

ANITA DULANEY(Jefferson Ave)NORMA GOWER (Jefferson Ave)*LOUISE PATTERSON(Central Highlands)

Mike Milinovich, Chair (Monongahela 1st)CARLOTTA WHYTE (Waynesburg:First)*DEBBIE TENNANT (Mapletown)

D. Committee on Superintendency ¶666:Wash Dist Youth Council Pres. (Ex. Officio)and District Lay Leader (Ex. Officio).

Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012

TED GROSS (Jefferson Ave)BRIAN CARROLL (Beallsville)*CARLOTTA WHYTE, Chair (Wbg 1st)

Sang Kong Choi (Bentleyville/Houston)Gary Gregg (UM Comm Churches)*Lota Jones (Pine Run)

Ken Haines (Mapletown)*MACALEE WOODS (John Wesley)

E. District Board of Trustees ¶2517.2: Eric Park, Ex. Officio

Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012

JACK WELTY (Washington: Liberty)Larry Wiltrout (Washington 1’st)*David Lindberg, Chair (California)

JIM STROSNIDER(Waynesburg Wash St.)Scott Sterling (Fredericktown)*Scott Gallagher (Fredericktown/Denbo)

BEV GROSS (Claysville)TOM GEYER (Greenock)*Wayne Cleary (Elizabeth 1’st)

F. Committee on Lay Speaking ¶757: Eric Park, Ex. Officio

Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Class of 2012

DICK LYONS(Claysville)CAROLYN MORRIS (Waynesburg)*Lota Jones (Pine Run)

Ernie DeLuca (Jefferson/RL)TED GROSS (Jefferson Ave)*MARY AGNEW (Trinity)

KIM PROVANCE, Chair (Rices Landing)Lois Swestyn (Liberty/Amity)*SARAH REGESTER (UM Comm Church)

MAXINE ELLIS (Edwards ChaJohn Hoffman (Jefferson Ave.)

* indicates new nomination

G. Washington District Board of Laity (WDBOL)

All Local Church Lay Leaders

District Lay Leader: Chair LOUISE PATTERSON (Central Highlands)

District Director of Lay Speaking MinistriesKIM PROVANCE (GPMT)

District SuperintendentEric Park

District UMW PresidentMARY HART (California 1st)

District UMM PresidentED WEISE (Canonsburg 1st)

District Youth CoordinatorKEN WEST (Trinity); TBA

District Missions CoordinatorTBA

NEJ DelegateTED GROSS (Jefferson Ave.)

H.2010 Lay Equalization Delegates: to be approved at 2009District Conference

Lorriane Adams (Mapletown/Mt. Pl)

Bob Agnew (Trinity)

Mary Agnew (Trinity)

Kathy Black (Avery)

Carolyn Bolz (Carmichaels)

Wenda Braughler(Jef Av/W Wash)

Lucille Brown (John Wesley)

Monica Calvert (Fairall/Mt Morris)

Brian Carroll (UM Comm Ch)

Joan Causey (Zion)

Cathy Cobb (Bobtn/Mt.Cal/Taylortn)

Deryk Cook (Greene Hills/Fairmount)

Mary Dalesio (Bentleyville/ Houston)

Nancy Dangel (Clairton)

Louis Dykstra (UM Comm Ch)

Ruth Dykstra (UM Comm Ch)

Cathy Evans (Clairton)

Nancy Frey (UM Comm Ch)

Sharon Gallagher (GPMT)

Deanna Ganocy (Mapletown/Mt. Pl)

Larry Garner (Canonsburg)

Richard Guy (Zion)

Dawn Hargraves (UM Comm Ch)

Clara Harper (John Wesley)

Margaret Hensel (Claysville)

Skyller Jordan (Mapletown/Mt. Pl)

Kathy Jo Kernen (Wrights/Edwards)

Georgia Kiel (Jollytown)

William Kiel (Jollytown)

Stan Klapkowski (Claysville)

Mary Lou Leipold (Midway)

Lorraine Lutes (UM Comm Ch)

Jann Markley (UM Comm Ch)

Ralph Matz (Clairton)

Betty Jo Mermon (Eldersville)

Nancy Mock (UM Comm Ch)

Carol Modrick (Carmichaels)

Carolyn Morris (Fairall/Mt Morris)

Alberta Nicholson (Carmichaels)

Roselyn Obrien (Wrights/Edwards)

Louise Patterson (Central Highland)

Francis Pitzer (UM Comm Ch)

Kim Provance (GPMT)

Sarah Regester (UM Comm Ch)

Sandra Ropele (UM Comm Ch)

Beverly Saunders (Carmichaels)

Susan Saxman (Bridgeville)

Dena Schultz (Oakview)

Kaye Schultz (Waynesburg 1st)

Angel Shaw (Washington 1st)

Lynda Smith (GPMT)

Roseann Smith (Central Highlands)

Richard Thomas (Trinity)

Linda Vandruff (Fairall/Mt Morris)

Lori Walters (Wrights/Edwards)

Betty Ward (Noblestown/Fed/McD)

Jack Welty (Liberty/Amity)

Carlotta Whyte (Waynesburg 1st)

Linda Wilkerson (Claysville)

Macalee Woods (John Wesley)

Respectfully Submitted,District Committee on Nominations, Rev. Michael Milinovich, Chair