CRAZY WHIST (Edition 2016)

Hand No. / Hand Name / Trump / Rules / Partner’s Name / Bonuses / Tricks won / Bonus points / Plus 2 for win / Score for Hand / Progressive Score
One / Heart on your sleave / ? / Player with 2 of hearts nominates trump suit and leads the 2 of hearts to begin / A K Q J 10 of Hearts each score one point
Two / Share & Share Alike / SPADE / After the fourth trick – pass all remaining cards to the left / Black 2’s score one point
Three / Napalm Jack / CLUB / Jacks are jokers – a jack played wins the trick – regardless of the other three cards. If another Jack is played on the same trick it has no effect. / Black 4’s score one point
Four / Best of the Rest / SPADE / Best of the rest – all players must play lowest of the suit they lead or that is lead to them . / Red Queens score one point
Five / Throwing out the Trash / DIAMOND / After first trick, each player gets rid of three cards to the player to the right. / 4’s score 1 point
Six / At sixes and sevens / HEART / Player to play a 7 on a trick nominates who will get the next lead .Another 7on same trick steals the nomination.(Players can nominate themselves). / 6’s score 1 point
Seven / Blind leading the blind / DIAMOND / Second player of each pair plays blind. Second player does not look at cards –they are drawn at random from their facedown stack. / A’s score 1 point
Hand No. / Hand Name / Trump / Rules / Partner’s Name / Bonuses / Tricks won / Bonus points / Plus 2 for win / Score for Hand / Progressive Score
Eight / Poison Eights / No TRUMPS / No trumps – when an 8 is played the trick is lost for that pair. Another 8 on same trick has no impact. To restart the hand, the player left of the poisoner of the trick takes the lead. / Red 5’s score 1 point
Nine / Misere / No TRUMPS / Losers score winners tricks / Black Jacks scores 2 points
Ten / Respect your elders / CLUB / Elder of each pair leads alternating. / Youngest player gets 2 points
Eleven / Sting in the tail / HEART / When all players have only 3 cards left, pass remaining cards to the left / Pair winning the final trick gain 3 points each
Twelve / Equal Opportunities / DIAMOND / The lead starts with left of the dealer and rotates around the table regardless of who wins the trick / 2’s score one point
Thirteen / Favourite Hand –
The RACE / ? / The last table to finish loses 2 points, first table wins 3 points / Bonus points allocated for first and last table