Nova Scotia Recreation Professionals in Health
Invites you to respond to the
Submission Deadline: May 30, 2015
NSRPH Annual Conference and AGM
October 7th & 8th, 2015, Truro, Nova Scotia
“Ain’t No Stopping Us Now”
New Thinking: New Possibilities
Recreation and Leisure activities are a critical dimension of the quality of life for all people. As Recreation Professionals, we are required to incorporate inclusiveness of all ages, gender and abilities. As professionals we have a quest for knowledge and advancement of the Therapeutic Recreation Profession.
“You don’t have to have it all figured out, to move forward”.
All proposal submissions should be emailed as an attachment to . All attachments should be .doc, .docx, or pdf.
Please label your proposal submission as NSRPH Conference 2015; Call for Presentations should be in the subject heading of the e-mail.
Applicants are required to complete the accompanied forms for their proposal.
TITLE OF SESSION: Limit 60 characters typed exactly as it will appear in the pamphletPRESENTATION LENGTH:
60 minutes
75 minutes
90 minutes
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Limit to 50 words (to be included in pamphlet)PROGRAM LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Include 2007 NCTRC Job Analysis Professional Knowledge codes (FLW – Foundational Knowledge, PTR – Practice of TR/RT, ORG – Organization of TR/RT, ADV – Advancement of the Profession). NOTE: Objectives must be measurable or CEUs cannot be earned from attending the presentation.
Code: Objective:
Code: Objective:
Code: Objective:
AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT: Please check all that apply. Other equipment must be provided by the presenter.
Internet Access
Audio for Computer
Computer & LCD Projector
Speaker to provide their own Computer
ADDITIONAL REQUESTS OR SPECIAL NEEDS: (List any special requests you may have for your presentation (ie., set up time, noise volume of presentation, activity space required, etc) Please note: These will be considered by the Conference planning committee but not guaranteed.
Please include information for all speakers who will be presenting your session. Use additional paper if needed. Confirmation of presentation acceptance and all correspondence will be sent to the primary speaker listed below.
SPEAKER(S): Names will be printed in program brochure in order listed here.
Name & Credentials / Job Title/ Agency / Agency Address / Work Phone / Email1
BIOGRAPHY OF PRIMARY SPEAKER: (This biography will be used for the conference program.)
BIOGRAPHY OF ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS: (The biographies will be used for the conference program.)
Please note submission of a PDF file of your presentation must be received 14 days prior to the conference. The planning committee will be in regular communication with you as we prepare the final details.