The Rotary Club
of Anna Maria Island
PO Box 1344, Holmes Beach, Florida 34218
Email President:
Meeting Tuesdays at Noon ~ Beach House Restaurant, Bradenton Beach
MAY 8, 2007
* May 12, Anna Maria Elementary Fundraiser "Spring Fling." We have reserved one table so far. (See related story, Rotary Announcements.)
* June 7, Board of Directors meeting, Holmes Beach Fire Station, 5 p.m.
* June 9-10, Community Service Fundraiser-Island Blood Drive, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
* June 17-20, Rotary International Convention, Salt Lake City (
* July 12, Board of Directors meeting, Holmes Beach Fire Station, 5:15 p.m.
* Aug. 9, Board of Directors meeting, Holmes Beach Fire Station, 5:15 p.m.
* Aug. 18, Rotary Foundation seminar. Information to be announced.
* Aug. 24-25, Rotary International Presidential Conference, Ft. Lauderdale.
* Eleven members of our club attended the May 4 luncheon meeting, which our club co-hosted with the Rotary Club of Longboat Key. Scores of attendees from Rotary Clubs in our district were at the luncheon, which was held at the Colony on Longboat Key.
* Three students and two teachers from the Anna Maria Island Elementary School attended the May 4 luncheon to create awareness for the Rotary Reader Patch program. Students at the school have read a total of 8,990 books. The Rotary Reader Patch program also had a presence via a booth at the House of Friendship at the District Conference, Jim Dunne manned the booth, which was open all day on May 4. A total of 23 requests for detailed information were received, one from an assistant governor for five clubs. Jim's efforts thus resulted in 28 clubs considering our program for their schools. Thanks to Jim for working so hard, so long.
* Camp Florida will receive $530.00, all of the money collected from the 50/50 raffle
at the district conference luncheon on May 4. Thank to sergeant at arms Doug Winton, who organized our group at the luncheon into selling 50/50 tickets to the guests.
* Our Rotary Club once again is second in the district for per capita giving to The Rotary Foundation, according to information released at the recent District Conference in Longboat Key. Our giving was over $500.00 per capita for 2005-2006. Cape Coral North took the top spot for the second year in a row at over $700.00. Many examples were given of how our money is used, including the 50% that comes right back to our district for our clubs to use. Club president Steve Schlueter was asked to bring the district up to date on our ongoing water project in Nigeria, which is an example in progress of matching grant dollars from The Rotary Foundation.
May 15: "Getting to Know You." Three club members will talk about themselves.
May 22: Lance Burchett, Ringling School of Art and Design: How Rotary Clubs in District 6960 Serve Youth In Manatee & Sarasota Counties
May 29: Sylvia Price, president, Manatee County AAUW and Jhana Martinez, scholarship winner
June 5: Rotarian Fred Willett will give our club an orientation on "abuse and harassment." He will also conduct separate orientations for those unable to attend on June 5. The training session is required by Rotary International for all Rotarians: it is about proper procedures and protocol for working with minors/youth and defines what constitutes harassment and abuse. Our district has asked club presidents to have this training at a regular club meeting.
June 12: Steve Schlueter, Club Assembly
June 26: Steve Schlueter, Year In Review
Ed Misner, May 9
* The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island was chartered in 1966 and is in Zone 34, District 6960,
Area 8. This will change on July 1; see Pam Schlueter's report from PETS training in the March 20 issue of our bulletin.
* Our club has 32 members.
* In 2005-2006, the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island donated money to over 19
* We provide and maintain the "Welcome to Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island" on Manatee Ave., on the street side of the Kingfish Boat Ramp.
* Our primary annual fundraiser is the Island Extravaganza and Casino Night, held this year on January 27.
Speaking at the May 4 Rotary luncheon at the District Conference, Past District Governor John T. Capps told those in attendance that "we are here to be givers, not takers."
Capps had particular praise for the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI), saying that he salutes all who are involved with this initiative. RLI in Florida is setting an example for clubs all over the world, he noted, adding that this is the "best $95.00 you'll spend in serving mankind."
"We're all here because we enjoy serving others," he added, urging attendees to "go home to your club and do can make a difference."
Alternating humor and candor, Capps mentioned a number of Rotarians in attendance. Among others, he cited outgoing president Tony Gallo, Rotary Foundation leader John Smart and an 83 year old Rotarian who said he is living proof that "only the good die young."
Capps also had praise for the Rotary Reader Patch program.
Among the comedic situations he engineered was a contest in which five Rotarians were asked to blow up balloons. He said he was using balloons to show much Rotarians will get out of Rotary. "As the balloon in your world gets larger, it makes a greater impact," he noted.
Capps asked his wife, Jane, to say some words as well. She told a story about when her husband was district governor and said he asked her to have a portion on a program. When she declined, he said "if you love me, you would do this."
She said that she and her husband had six wonderful sons--all foreign exchange students, including Muslims, Hindus and Catholics. "We took them all to a Southern Baptist Church," she noted.
She thanked our district for the work we do with youth and noted that "young people today want to be part of the world--the greatest gift is to give them the four way test."
John Capps has participated in 32 Rotary International Conventions, ten Polio National Immunization Days and numerous Multi-District PETS and Foundation Banquets. Jane Capps is an Honorary Rotarian and chairman of the Salvation Army Morehead City Advisory Board. Both are "Certified On Call Volunteer Salvation Army Disaster Workers."
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Evanston (IL) Lighthouse, Anna Jozwik received an Ambassadorial Scholarship to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that she said opened her eyes to the diversity of a region sometimes simplistically portrayed in the U.S.
Inspired to apply for the scholarship to study Arabic based on the events of Sept. 11, 2001, she became the first Rotary Foundation Scholar to study in the UAE. Saying that the portrayal of the Arab world was "very negative at the time," she said she learned that there is a lot of diversity in the region.
Jozwik, a graduate of Northwestern University in political science, studied at the Berlitz Language School in Dubai for six months in late 2006 and early 2007 and notes that she was struck by the hospitality and generosity of the people she met. "They aren't judgmental, they're very tolerant," she noted of those she met in the UAR. "People were curious as to what brought an American to their part of the world, to their homes," she said, noting that those she met were "very welcoming."
While in Dubai, Jozwik gave updates about her involvement in the community at meetings of the Rotary Club of Dubai. As part of a club project, she also ran in the Dubai Marathon, raising $1,000.00 to help the family of an Iraqi boy who has leukemia.
"There were issues with the paperwork needed to continue his treatment," she notes, adding that "the family was running low on basic necessities." Jozwik said she wanted to make sure they had some money to keep them going until they got the funding for his treatment."
Jozwik also volunteered at the Special Olympics for the Middle East and North Africa and took part in Dubai's Breast Cancer Walkathon.
When she returned to the U.S., Jozwik shared her experience with the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club, where some members also shared with her their experiences working in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East. One Rotarian expressed an interest in collaborating with the Dubai club on Rotary projects in Afghanistan.
What about the future? Jozwik is thinking of going to law school and working in the area of international law, "perhaps in human rights." For the present, she is working on mastering the Arabic language, possibly through continued study in Syria. "My passions are languages and travel," she said, noting that she wants to find a career where she "can really use them."
This past week was a big one in terms of Anna Maria Island Rotarians leading the way.
* In addition to being #2 in our district for per capita giving (see Highlights of May 4 Meeting, this issue), the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island received both the Rotary International Presidential Citation and the Governor's Award at the May 4-6 District Conference in Longboat Key. "Believe me when I say our club membership is highly respected at the district and international level for what we do," said club president Steve Schlueter.
* Steve Schlueter completed Part 1 of the Rotary Leadership Institute on April 28 in Crystal River, FL. He will take Part 2 in May. To sign up for the Rotary Leadership Institute go to Upcoming sessions are as follows: May 19 in Oviedo (near Orlando), August 4 in Orange Park (near Jacksonville), September 8 in Clearwater, and September 15 in Avon Park (about 2 hours from the Island on SR 64). Each session is $95.00 and includes all materials, continental breakfast and lunch. Talk to Pam or Steve if you have any questions.
* Laura McAdams, who with her husband Colin has owned and operated the UPS Store at Beachway Plaza in Bradenton for the last three years, received an award from the Manatee Chamber of Commerce, which gave out its 2007 Small Business of the Year awards May 3 during a luncheon at the Manatee Convention Center. The award was in Category 3, businesses with revenue of $300,001 to $600,00.
* Ned Perkins and David Zaccagnino received The Rotary Foundation District Service Award at the May 4 luncheon. It was also noted that Ned has 54 years of perfect attendance at Rotary meetings.
* Our club has purchased a table of eight for the Anna Maria Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization fundraiser, Spring Fling, on Saturday, May 12 at 6 p.m. At press time, there were still four vacant seats at our table. Tickets at the Rotary table are $32.50 each. Last year, we had 20 people representing our club at this event, so sign up for an evening of fun and good food and have a good Rotary showing. If you wish to attend, contact Pam Schlueter immediately. This is first come, first served and payment ensures your reservation. Payment can be made to Ed Misner or Pam; checks should be made out to Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island. If more than four people want to attend, tickets are $35.00 each for those who won't be at the Rotary table. If we have enough for a second table, Pam will contact the PTO to see if any are still available. The theme is "Beach Bash" and the evening includes food from the area's outstanding restaurants, cash bar, a complimentary glass of champagne and a silent auction. For those of you who have advised Pam that you cannot attend, no need to contact her unless you want to make a reservation.
* A seminar on The Rotary Foundation (TRF) will be held on Saturday, Aug. 18 from 8 a.m. to mid-afternoon at a location to be determined. All club members are urged to attend. More information will be announced at a later date.
* Our club has been honored with a wonderful opportunity to perform community service and raise funds at the same time. An anonymous foundation has linked with Florida Blood Services and will donate $100 to one of five charities per pint of blood donated during the Island Blood Drive on June 9 and June 10, 2007. The best part of this is that our Rotary club will be the recipient of the $100 every time a blood donor selects us as their charity of choice. Blood donors will have five charities from which to choose --- our Rotary club, the AMI Community Center, the AMI Privateers, the Wildlife Rehabilitation & Education Center, and West Manatee Fire and Rescue District. Community Service co-chair Jeff Cappello will be heading this up for the club with PR chair Pam Schlueter taking care of communications within our club as well as to other Rotary Clubs. You’ll be hearing from Jeff soon as we need volunteers to help man the bloodmobiles and to donate blood. Bloodmobiles will be located at the Beach House Restaurant, Publix and Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on both days. A flyer will be created soon that you can send via email to your family and friends urging them to donate blood during this blood drive as well as asking them to select Rotary Club of AMI as their charity of choice for the $100. This is the first year that our club will be a recipient of the funds. Historically, the average take per charity is about $2500. We were selected because the anonymous foundation was impressed by all the good that we do, and it wanted to help. Pat yourselves on the back! The Board has decided that the money we raise will go to local charities and Rotary projects. NOTE: If you plan to donate blood during this fundraiser, you cannot donate between now and then. See you at the Bloodmobile!
* If you have an item you'd like to have included in the club bulletin, please try to get it to Dantia Gould () by the end of the day the Friday preceding the next issue date. Items that come later will be considered but, depending on when the weekly issue is put to bed, cannot be guaranteed.
* Don Dolan, who recovered from mild stroke at Blake Hospital recently and underwent rehab there, is back at home. We hope to see him soon!
* E-mail address update:
Wolfgang Nissen's summer e-mail address is . This will change in the fall when he returns to Florida.
The correct e-mail address for Jack Fleisch is .
Jeff Cappello's e-mail address is .
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build good will and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
1. Club Service
2. Community Service
3. International Service
4. Vocational Service
Rotary International
District 6960
Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island
Rotary Leadership Institute
2006-2007 Rotary International PresidentWilliam Boyd
2006-2007 District 6960 GovernorTony Gallo
2006-2007 Assistant Governor For Area 8Tim Milligan
PresidentSteve Schlueter () (941-746-7517)
President Elect/Vice PresidentPam Schlueter
SecretaryBirgit Sesterhenn
TreasurerEd Misner
Community ServiceLaura McAdams & Jeff Cappello
The Rotary FoundationNed Perkins & David Zaccagnino
International ServicePatti Bishop
Vocational ServiceDoug Winton
Past PresidentBirgit Sesterhenn
Director-at-LargeBarry Gould
Ali Baser MD, SM
Dennis Bello
Patti Bishop PHF + 1, PHS, SM
Win Bishop PHF + 1, SM
Mary Burke SM
Jeff Cappello
Mary Creamer MD, PHF, SM
Rosann Creed PHF
Tom Creed PHF + 1, SM
Don DolanDDS, SM, PHF
Jim Dunne PAG, PP, PHF + 2, SM
Don Fernald PP PHF + 5, PHS,, SM
Jack Fleisch
Barry Gould SM
Dantia Gould
Christriaan Huth
Mike LaPensee
John LuchkowecPP, SM
Laura McAdams
Ed MisnerSM
Wolfgang Nissen
David Pardue
Ned Perkins PHF + 17, SM
Pam Schlueter PHF, PHS, SM
Steve Schlueter PP, PHF +1, PHS, SM
Birgit Sesterhenn PP, PHF, SM
Pieter G.V. Thomassen
David Wilkes
Doug WintonPAG, PP
David Zaccagnino
Member Abbreviations:
PP = Past President
P = President
PAG = Past Assistant Governor
PHF = Paul Harris Fellow
PHS = Paul Harris Society
SM = Sustaining Member
All other abbreviations are the member's professional qualifications.
BradentonMonday, 12:15 PM, Holiday Inn Riverfront
West BradentonWednesday, 7 AM, Iron Skillet Café at 71st W and Cortez Road
South ManateeThursday, 12:15 PM, El Conquistador Country Club
Longboat KeyWednesday, Noon, Hilton Longboat Key
Lakewood RanchThursday, Noon, Lakewood Ranch Country Club
PalmettoTuesday, 12:15, Bradenton Yacht Club, Palmetto
East ManateeThursday, 7:00 AM, Popi’s IV, 3911 US301 North, Ellenton
SarasotaWednesday, 12:15, Marina Jacks
Sarasota A.M.Thursday, 7:00 AM, Denny’s Restaurant , Bee Ridge Rd.
Sarasota BayTuesday, 12:15 PM, Grand Foyer at VanWezel
Sarasota GatewayMonday, 12:15 PM, Sahib Temple, Beneva Rd.
Sarasota Gulf GateTuesday, Noon, Tournament Players Club at Prestancia
Sarasota KeysThursday, 12:00 PM, Sarasota Yacht Club
Sarasota SunriseFriday, 7:15 AM, Dutch Heritage Restaurant on Bahia Vista St.
Sarasota SunsetMonday, 6:15 PM, Café Baci, 4001 S. Tamiami Trail
Bulletin Editor is Dantia Gould
Contact if you no longer wish to receive the bulletin or wish to discuss its contents.
Bulletin printing donated by Barry and Dantia Gould.
The Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island