Revised 3/4/09
Cranford Burns Volleyball Rules
Cranford Burns volleyball players are role models for the student body. All volleyball players are expected to follow all school rules, school system rules, and all state and federal laws. Volleyball players are also expected to conduct themselves in a manner which exemplifies a model Burns student both on and off the campus.
Membership on the team is open to female students who will be entering the seventh or eighth grades.
1. Volleyball players must have a C average for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters prior to tryouts. A student must not have an E or NC as a term grade in any subject for 3 consecutive quarters prior to elections or during her term as a volleyball player. A volleyball player's term begins the day she is selected for the team.
2. These criteria must be met in order to tryout for the team and must be maintained to remain on the team.
a. Should a volleyball player drop below a C average during the quarter she will be placed on probation until her grade is a C or above.
b. Probation because of grades means a volleyball player will not be allowed to participate in scheduled activities ( assemblies, games, etc.) but she is required to attend all practices, and is responsible for all duties.
c. After a second probation period, because of grades, the player will be removed from the team.
d. Members of the team must remain in good standing with the school. No one suspended the prior year will be allowed to tryout. If a player receives any other discipline referral, her record will be reviewed and evaluated by the coach, to determine if the player should remain on the team.
e. Before tryouts, grade checks and discipline records will be made of all contestants.
1. Tryout Process
a. Try-outs will be 4 days long. They will begin Tuesday, April, 20, 2010. They will last from 3 P.M. until 5: P.M. Try-outs will be closed to parents, students, and teachers.
b. The participants will have to demonstrate a variety of skills such as: running, jumping, strength exercises, passing, hitting, setting, and serving.
c. A cut will be made after the second day based on basic passing, setting, and serving abilities.
d. 10-12 players will be picked at the end of day four based on the following areas (grades, discipline, attitude, passing, setting, serving, hitting). Each skill area is worth 5 points and will be judged using a score sheet.
A player may be dismissed or suspended for failure to abide by the following rules:
1. A volleyball player must cooperate with the coach, game officials, and her fellow team members.
2. A volleyball player may not chew gum at practice or a game.
3. It is the responsibility of the volleyball player to promote good sportsmanship on and off the court.
5. The sponsor shall have the power to suspend or drop permanently any volleyball player for possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs.
4. Volleyball players should be prepared to pay for expenses pertaining to uniforms
5. Volleyball players are encouraged to attend summer camp. Dates are provided prior to tryouts so that summer vacations can be arranged around these dates.
6. Players must maintain a 2.0 (C average) and not have more than 2 major discipline referrals once they have made the team.
1. At practice proper attire must be worn. (shorts, t-shirt, socks, tennis shoes, hair in pony tail, appropriate undergarments).
2. Each volleyball player shall be responsible for the care of her own uniform.
3. The uniforms are to be worn on game day with school skirt and school shoes.
4. Uniforms are to be worn only in conjunction with school activities.
5. Hair should be kept clean and out of the face at practice and on game days.
6. No part of a volleyball uniform shall be worn by anyone except a member of the team.
7. No jewelry may be worn by a volleyball player during practice or while in uniform. This is for safety reasons as well as for uniformity of appearance of the team. Watches may be worn at school.
1. A volleyball player shall not miss a game.
2. Each player must report to the gym after school before a game. Players will change into their uniforms and sit on the bleachers until all teammates and coaches are present.
3. All players will ride the team bus to the games.
4. Each volleyball player must be present at school the day of the game, and must attend the last practice before the game or event. (If a volleyball player is unable to attend school the day of practice, then she is not allowed to attend that practice)
5. If a volleyball player is to be tardy or misses an event, she must notify the coach at least 24 hours before the event.
6. On all trips, camps, etc., the volleyball players will be under the supervision of the adult in charge from the time they leave Burns until the time they return.
7. A volleyball player who is too ill to attend practice, school, or a game is too ill to attend any other event occurring at the same time.
1. Players will ride a team bus to the games.
2. Players need to arrange for a ride home from the games.
1. All practices are required.
2. Practices will be 3-5 P.M., M-F until games start.
3. Players need to report to the gym on the second bell and wait in the bleachers for the rest of the team to arrive. Players may NOT use snack machines.
4. If a player is to be tardy for or misses a practice, she must notify the sponsor at least 24 hours before practice is to begin.
5. An unexcused absence for practice during the season will automatically prohibit a player from playing in the following game.
6. The players must dress in proper uniform at all practice sessions.
7. Players must arrange for a ride home at 5 P.M. The coaches will not stay after practice or bring a player home.