Obedience and Rally Secretary
341 Sommersby Lane
Troutville, VA 24175
2016623510(O) 2016623516(O) 2016623513(O) 2016623511(R) 2016623512(R) 2016623517(R)
ENTRIES FOR BOTH THE OBEDIENCE AND RALLY TRIALS CLOSE at 5:00 PM, Wednesday, October 19, 2016, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules.
(Unbenched, Indoors)
Entries will be accepted for dogs listed
In the AKC Canine Partners program
(Licensed by the American Kennel Club)
Three Rally Trials
Saturday and Sunday, November 5th & 6th, 2016
Three Obedience Trials
Saturday and Sunday, November 5th & 6th, 2016
Show hours are from 7:30 AM untilone hour after the completion of judging;
judging will begin at 8:30 AM each day
5488 Yellow Mountain Road, Roanoke,Virginia 24014
Mary Wingfield, Trial Secretary
341 Sommersby Lane, Troutville, VA 24175
This premiumcan be downloaded in both Microsoft Word and PDF format from:
/ Permission is granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of these events under American Kennel Club rules and regulations.James Crowley, Secretary
Officers and Directors
Pat Quillen...... President
Anne Marie Green...... Vice President
Vicki Thomas...... Secretary
5406 Medmont Circle, Roanoke, VA 24018
William W. Watson, Jr...... Treasurer
Linda Anderson...... Board Member
Art Hafdelin...... Board Member
Susan Tingley...... Board Member
Show Committee
Sally Craver...... Obedience Trial Chairman
5510 Stearnes Ave., Roanoke VA24018
Lynne Jacoby...... Rally Trial Chairman and Assistant Obedience Trial Chairman
6399 Christie Lane, Roanoke, VA 24018
Mary Wingfield...... Trial Secretary
or 341 Sommersby Lane, Troutville, VA 24175
Ann Hogg, Andrea Martin,Kathy Fitzpatrick, Bob Hogan
Judges and Judging Assignments
Mrs. Betsy Horn Humer(AKC#5156)………………………..……………P.O. Box 226,Pungoteague, VA 23422-0226
Ms. Victoria A. Brown (AKC#4825)……………………………………1514 Dog Kennel Rd., Halifax, NC 27839-8861
Saturday #1 / Saturday #2 / SundayBeginner Novice A / Mrs. Humer / Beginner Novice A / Ms. Brown / Beginner Novice A / Mrs. Humer
Beginner Novice B / Mrs. Humer / Beginner Novice B / Ms. Brown / Beginner Novice B / Mrs. Humer
Preferred Novice / Mrs. Humer / Preferred Novice / Ms. Brown / Preferred Novice / Mrs. Humer
Novice A / Mrs. Humer / Novice A / Ms. Brown / Novice A / Mrs. Humer
Novice B / Mrs. Humer / Novice B / Ms. Brown / Novice B / Mrs. Humer
Preferred Open / Mrs. Humer / Preferred Open / Ms. Brown / Preferred Open / Mrs. Humer
Open A / Mrs. Humer / Open A / Ms. Brown / Open A / Mrs. Humer
Open B / Mrs. Humer / Open B / Ms. Brown / Open B / Mrs. Humer
Preferred Utility / Mrs. Humer / Preferred Utility / Ms. Brown / Preferred Utility / Mrs. Humer
Utility A / Mrs. Humer / Utility A / Ms. Brown / Utility A / Mrs. Humer
Utility B / Mrs. Humer / Utility B / Ms. Brown / Utility B / Mrs. Humer
Saturday / Sunday #1 / Sunday #2Novice A / Mrs. Humer / Novice A / Ms. Brown / Novice A / Ms. Brown
Novice B / Mrs. Humer / Novice B / Ms. Brown / Novice B / Ms. Brown
Advanced A / Mrs. Humer / Advanced A / Ms. Brown / Advanced A / Ms. Brown
Advanced B / Mrs. Humer / Advanced B / Ms. Brown / Advanced B / Ms. Brown
Excellent A / Mrs. Humer / Excellent A / Ms. Brown / Excellent A / Ms. Brown
Excellent B / Mrs. Humer / Excellent B / Ms. Brown / Excellent B / Ms. Brown
Ribbons and Prizes
The following ribbons will be offered to both Obedience and Rally Trials, unless otherwise noted. A qualifying score is required for ribbons in Obedience Classes and Rally Classes:
First Place...... Blue Rosette
Second Place...... Red Rosette
Third Place...... Yellow Rosette
Fourth Place...... White Rosette
Qualifying ...... Dark Green Ribbon
Perfect Score...... Teal and White Ribbon
Blue and Gold Rosette and $25
Blue and Green Rosette and $25
Blue and Gold Rosette and $25
SCCTC will offer a gift bag to each handler for the first entry of a dog in Novice A in either an Obedience or Rally trial. New title ribbons will also be given to those earning a title, and double “Q” ribbons will be given to those exhibitors who qualify in both Utility and Open at an Obedience trial or Excellent and Advanced at a Rally trial.
Veterinary Services
Veterinarian On CallEmergency Veterinary Services of Roanoke
4902 Frontage Road
Roanoke, VA 24019
Hours of Operation:
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Emergency Veterinary Services of Roanoke is approximately 14 miles from the trial site. Maps (including directions) to the facility will be available from the Trial Secretary.
Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians’ recommendations to assure their dogs are free from internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.
Hotel Information
The following hotels are listed as accepting dogs, but restrictions may apply. Please verify their policies of accepting dogs before making your reservations
Ramada Inn (Rivers Edge), 540.343-0121, 1927 Franklin Road, Roanoke, VA24014 (approximately 5 1/2 miles from trial site)
Holiday Inn (Tanglewood); 540.774-4400; 4468 Starkey Road, Roanoke, VA24014 (approximately 5 miles from trial site)
Sleep Inn (Tanglewood); 833.424-6423; 4045 Electric Road, Roanoke, VA24014 (approximately 5 miles from trial site)
All of the above listed hotels are considered to be part of the show/trial site. An event committee hearing will be held for individuals reported by any of these hotels/motels for not respecting motel property. Do not let your dogs destroy or foul rooms. No grooming or bathing of dogs in rooms. Clean up after your dog outside, and limit barking and other noise. Hotel quiet time: 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM. Please respect others.
For additional information on lodging and dining in Salem and Roanoke, go to the website:
Information About the Trial Site; Directions
Trial Site - The trials will be held in the gymnasium at the Icimani Adventure Center, located at 5488 Yellow Mountain Road in Roanoke, Virginia. There will be two rings, each of which will be approximately 40 feet by 50 feet in size. The surface will be StarCity’s obedience matting which is used only for obedience and rally trials. There will be plenty of room for crating and there are grassy areas for walking dogs. For a short video and pictures of the inside of the gymnasium from the November, 2014 trial, please visit Star City’s Facebook page. For general site information please visit the Icimani Adventure Center’s website at
High occupancy X-pens will be allowed in the Icimani Adventure Center.
Please clean up after your dogs and yourselves. Pooper scoopers and trash bags will be available for clean-up. Please be considerate of others. We would like to be invited back.
There will be snacks, soft drinks, and coffee at the trial site for exhibitors. Lunch and some breakfast items will also be available. Donations to offset the cost of providing these items will be appreciated. There is also a selection of restaurants along Route 220 within a short distance from the trial site as you head back into Roanoke.
Directions from I-81 - Exit 143 onto Interstate 581 towards downtown Roanoke (Interstate 581 will turn into Route 220 as you are passing through downtown Roanoke); travel approximately 14 miles on Interstate 581/Route 220 (you will go under the Blue Ridge Parkway and through the community of Clearbrook, with a large Wal-Mart on your left as you go through Clearbrook); take a left on Yellow Mountain Road (State Route 668 towards Garden City; this left turn is approximately 1.7 miles after you go under the Blue Ridge Parkway, 1.3 miles after you go past the Wal-Mart in Clearbrook, and about 100 yards after you pass a yellow blinking sign warning you to “Watch for Turning Vehicles”); the entrance to the Icimani Adventure Center is approximately ½ mile on the right.
Directions from Route 220 (from Martinsville) - Travel Route 220 North through Rocky Mount and Boones Mill; approximately 6 miles after passing through Boones Mill, take a right on Yellow Mountain Road (State Route 668 towards Garden City); the entrance to the Icimani Adventure Center is approximately ½ mile on the right
Transfers (formerly Move-Ups)
Transfers (including transfers between an “A” and “B” class at the same level) must be made in writing and must be received by the Trial Secretary in accordance with the AKC’s Obedience Regulations, Chapter 1, Section 16a. For transfers made prior to November 5,2016, emails will be accepted as long as the email includes the dog’s call name and AKC registration number, owner’s name, original class entered, and new class requested. For transfers made at or on the days of the shows, the request must be made on AKC approved forms which are available online at the AKC’s website, or , or from the Trial Secretary.
Notice to Exhibitors
The Trial will be held indoors (see information about the Trial Site elsewhere in this premium).
Entry Fees Are As Follows:
Obedience Trial
First Entry of a dog...... $27 ($15 for Junior Handlers)
Second Entry of the same dog in the same trial...... $22 ($15 for Junior Handlers)
Rally Trial
First Entry of a dog...... $27 ($15 for Junior Handlers)
Second Entry of the same dog in the same trial...... $22 ($15 for Junior Handlers)
Entry fees include all applicable AKC event service and recording fees. Please make the checks payable to “Star City Canine Training Club” and be careful when calculating entry fees. Each trial is separate. Entering the same dog in multiple trials on the same day requires a “First Entry” fee for each event. Please contact the Trial Secretary if you have questions.
Please Pre-Pay If You Wish To Purchase A Catalog. The cost of a pre-paid catalog is $5, and you should check the box on the entry form and include payment of $5 per catalog with your entry fees. A limited number of additional catalogs will be available on the trial weekend at a cost of $8 each.
Closing Date For Entries: 5:00 PM, Wednesday, October 19, 2016.
Please Remember to include the dog’s jump height when entering Open or Utility classes in the Obedience Trials, or Advanced or Excellent classes in the Rally Trials. The running order for these classes will be as follows:
Date / Obedience / RallySaturday, November 5,2016 / Small-to-Tall, beginning with those dogs jumping 4 inches / Small-to-Tall, beginning with those dogs jumping 4inches
Sunday, November 6,2016 / Small-to-Tall, beginning with those dogs jumping 4 inches / Small-to-Tall, beginning with those dogs jumping 4 inches
Entries Will Not Be Accepted Without Fees. Entry fees will not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian or Judge or barred from competition by action of the Show Committee, except for bitches who come into season after the closing date, for whom a refund of all but $10 of the applicable entry fee may be obtained by providing a veterinarian’s certificate to the Trial Secretary. The certificate must be postmarked before the date of the trial or given to the Trial Secretary before the start of the trial.
A Preliminary Confirmation of the receipt of an entry will be made as soon as practicable if an exhibitor legibly includes an active e-mail address on the completed entry form. A final confirmation of an entry and the judging schedule will be forwarded to each exhibitor after the closing date. If you have not received a final confirmation within four days of the trial date, please contact the Trial Secretary. The final confirmation and judging schedule will be sent by e-mail unless the exhibitor does not have an active e-mail account or unless the exhibitor specifically requests otherwise, in which case the final confirmation and judging schedule will be sent by US mail.
Entries Must Be Submitted On An Official American Kennel Club Form, signed by the owner or authorized agent. Entries not on an official AKC entry form and photocopies of entry forms without the agreement and rules on the reverse side of the official AKC entry forms are not acceptable. Unsigned entry forms, as well as entry forms that are delivered by e-mail of facsimile transmission, will not be accepted.
No Entry shall be made and no entry shall be accepted which specifies any conditions as to its acceptance. Returned checks do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Trial Secretary will add a collection fee of $25 to the amount of each returned check. Entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, altered, or substituted after entries have closed.
Owners Are Responsible for errors in making out entry forms, whoever make such errors, and no entry fee will be refunded in the event of such error or cancellation of entries after the closing date.
If Because of riot, wars, civil disturbances, extreme weather conditions, national emergencies, health emergencies, or other acts beyond the control of SCCTC, it is not possible, in the sole judgment of the Show Committee, to open or complete the trial, no refund of entry fees will be made. Extreme weather conditions, such as snow storms, ice, hurricanes, lightning, extreme heat, extreme cold, heavy rains, or other conditions that may affect the health and safety of the dogs, exhibitors and spectators, including the condition of the facilities or grounds and/or ingress and egress from the grounds, may be considered by the Show Committee in making any determination to open or complete the trail.
SCCTC Reserves The Right to decline entries for cause and may remove any dog because of aggression.
SCCTC Will Allow the trial secretary to enter dogs owned or co-owned by the secretary in the obedience and rally trial and will allow the secretary to handle dogs in the obedience and rally trial. In addition, dogs owned or co-owned by any member of the trial secretary’s household may be entered in the obedienceor rally trial.
The TrialSite will be open from 7:30 AM on Saturday and Sunday, and will remain open each day until one hour after the conclusion of judging.
Judging for the Obedience and Rally Trials is expected to start at the following times:
Date / Event / TimeSaturday, November 5, 2016 / Rally / 8:30 AM
Obedience #1 / One-half hour following the completion of the above Rally trial
Obedience #2 / 8:30 AM
Sunday, November 6, 2016 / Rally #1
Rally #2 / 8:30 AM
One-half hour following the completion of Rally trial #1
*Judges may take a lunch break at their discretion, and any such break may impact the start time of Obedience Trial #2 on Saturday and Rally Trial #2 on Sunday.
Please consult the judging program for starting time for each class. Handlers should check in at least 15 minutes before their class is to be judged. Judges will not wait for any dog holding up a class. The owner or handler of each dog is solely responsible for having it ready at ringside when its class is to be judged.
Neither SCCTC Nor The Icimani Adventure Center Assume Any Responsibility for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, or spectators, or to any of their dogs or property. Children are the responsibility of their parents and must be under control at all times.
No Dogs under the age of six months may be entered in the trial, and no dogs will be allowed in the trial area except those entered in the trial. No dogs will be allowed in the building prior opening. No dogs will be allowed in the rings unless they are being judged.
At The Trial Site, All Dogs Present Must Be On Leash or confined to their crates except when being judged. SCCTC considers the trial site to be (i) the buildings where the Obedience and Rally Trials are being held, (ii) the area immediately surrounding the buildings, and (iii) the parking lots and parking areas for the IcimaniAdventureCenter. Other portions of the IcimaniAdventureCenter are not considered to be part of the trial site. Subject to any further decision of the Show Committee, dogs may be off-lead in these other areas as long as they are under control and are not bothersome to other dogs and exhibitors. If the Show Committee receives any complaint about, or observes, a dog not under control or being bothersome, then the Show Committee reserves the right to require dogs to be on leash outside in those portions of the IcimaniAdventureCenter not included as part of the trial site.
Exhibitors, Handlers and OthersAttending the Trial waive any claim for damages against SCCTC or its members or agents in the event a motor vehicle must be entered to rescue a dog from overheating or suffocation because of improper ventilation.
Exhibitors and Handlers are responsible for clean conditions in and around their crates, the trial site, and must clean up after their dogs. Exhibitors who are seen not cleaning up after their dogs will be excused from the trial.