Monday, January 11, 2016
John Scully, President
Craig Southerland, Vice President
Tami Stewart, Treasurer
Gala Langley, Secretary
Joe Dworsky, Technology Chair
Shawn Boyd, Community Outreach
Karen Hanley, Concessions
Jennifer Evans, Banquet
Dana Smith, Game Day
John Miller, FSMN
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. A motion was made to approve the Board Meeting Minutes from November 30th. All approved. The Minutes will be posted on the website after tonight’s meeting.
Since the last meeting, via email, the treasurer and secretary requested a budget review meeting before the November 30th meeting and into December of the officers but due to schedules no meeting was scheduled. Also via email, Craig reported that 3 of the 4 $50 gift cards donated by IFratelli Pizza were given to Bart at PPS, the MC of Meet the Player Night and Joe the Photographer. Craig further reported that Bart at PPS would invoice us for printing the program to be submitted to the LISD administration for the $2100.00 Coach Littleton reported available.
Tami and Gala reviewed the current budget and account balances. The Booster club is still waiting for response from the IRS concerning any amounts due to the booster club for the late 990 filing from 2013-2014 season filed late by the new Board in place for 2015-2016. Requests were made for each chair to review their expenses and expected income and to make any cuts possible to the spending.
John suggested an additional fund raiser to supplement income for the current season. A spring 3 on 3 tournament was suggested and John made a call for volunteers to research the benefits, organize and plan the event.
Joe stated that the new website was now complete and was currently working. He further stated he is meeting with the treasurer, secretary and concessions after the parent meeting for a training sessions on uploading forms and files to the new website.
Karen stated concessions was going well and no changes or updates were needed at this time.
John Miller stated that they have run into some problems with FMSN at this time and are unable to broadcast at this time. They are working on a solution.
Shawn reminded everyone of the senior scholarship deadline of January 29th at 4:30 and a reminder would go out to the senior via email. She informed the Board that the Santa Cops toy drive was a success and she hopes that the planning can start earlier next year so that the boys can deliver the toys and see where their donations are being used. Shawn gave information for the Special Olympics Tournament being held on January 30th. She stated that they would love to have concessions open as it has never been opened for their tournament before. Shawn agreed to request the opening of concessions but that funds would go to the Basketball Booster Club. John agreed to have concessions opened for January 30th. She stated that they had reached out to Coach Littleton to have players help with the tournament and that Coach Littleton would decide which players would be asked to help but most likely only Varsity would be invited to help. But they would appreciate any parents that could take photos or be fans in the stands.
Jennifer stated that there is nothing to update on the banquet at this time.
Craig stated that he is still expecting $1950 in sponsorships for the program. He updated the Board on some other fundraising opportunities thru some sponsors such as family nights at some sponsor restaurants and First Choice Emergency Room tours.
Dana gave a quick update on the rest of the season game day planning and entertainment.
No new business was discussed and due to Parent Meeting start time, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm