CPUCC exists to Listen, to Love, and to Restore Hope & Community to all God’s Children.

Please plan to remain for a special Congregational Meetingtoday, immediately following worship. This meeting is being held to consider an expansion of Scott Siciliano’s position from part-time 30 hours per week to a full-time position. Council unanimously recommended this change to the congregation; this will add a variety of responsibilities to Scott’s position and help provide continuity during this period of transition following Pastor Bonita’s departure. A letter regarding the details about the additional job duties and associated salary increase was mailed to all CPUCC disciples.

Today we are pleased to welcome the Rev. Nora Driver Foustto our pulpit. Rev. Foust is the Assoc. Conf. Minster for Ministerial Congregational Excellence for the Penn Central Conference. She was born and raised in a rural UCC church in Burlington, NC where she began serving in leadership in her teens. She was a summer fixture at Johns River Valley Camp, as a camper, a summer staffer and a program director for more than 30 years. She continues that outdoor ministry passion at Hartman Center. Nora graduated from Elon University in 1998 and taught high school Social Studies and worked in college athletics before entering seminary. She graduated from Duke Divinity School in 2007 and was ordained at First Reformed UCC in Burlington. Rev. Foust served in the Southern Conf. of the UCC as a Minister for Church Affairs where she resourced churches in Search and Call and staffed the Committee on Ministry. Nora loves spending time outside and reading. She lives locally with her husband, Mike and their two children, Mckenzie (20) and Joshua (8).

If you would like to let Tom Bayknow that you are thinking of him, hisnew address is: Manor Care Rehab, 320 South Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. No visits at this time please. A friend of Tom’s, Walter Miller, is spearheading a movement to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest of Tom’s assailant. They do not want any money now just commitments to the fund. You can email him at .

Attention all Parents of Young Children: We love having children in worship! The first several pews on the left side of the sanctuary are designated as a children’s area, and include age appropriate activity bags for infants-toddlers, and children ages 2-4 and 5-8. If you prefer, the Church Nursery is available and staffed by two volunteers. Sign-ins for children are conducted in the preschool room in the hall beside the Sanctuary.

The Altar Flowers today are presented to the Glory of God in loving memory of Roylene Gruber by Bud, Barb, Nancy, and Chip.

Today the Remembrance Book is open to the pages acknowledging the gifts given in memory of William B. Goshorn.

We are promoting church family connections by sending cards for special occasions, illness or injury, and sympathy. Please sign your name or write a note on the cards on the table at the back of the Sanctuary. This week’s cards: Mary Neubold who is celebrating her 90th Birthday, Wayne & BobbeeKarchner who are celebrating their 45th Anniversary, Pat & Henry Greenawald who are celebrating their 62nd Anniversary and Bill & Mary Mensch who are celebrating their 69th Anniversary.

Mary Fraunfelter thanks you all for the beautiful flowers received after her surgery. They really brightened up the room.


The Interim Search Committee had initial phone interviews with the five candidates this week. Applicants for the Interim Pastor position are being accepted through August 30. We’ll keep you posted on our progress.

Even though our Interim Pastor is not yet lined up, we want you to know that you are not alone. Pulpit supply is being handled by Cindy Gnech, Deacon for Worship & Music Arts. Next Sunday, Sept. 3,Rev. Cathy Hubbard will be preaching; the ever-popular Rev. Paul Gehris will be here on Sept. 10 (Rally Day);and Barrett Rhoads (Sept 17) and Thaddeus Sampson (Oct 1) will share their thoughts. We also have volunteers serving as Liturgists and providing Show & Tell talks each Sunday. If you’d like to serve in this capacity, Cindy is working on September and I’m sure she’d love to include you!

Pastoral Calls right now are being taken by Kathy, and the Spiritual Care Deacons, Pat G. & Ruth K, will ensure that the proper care is provided according to each situation. If it’s after hours leave a message on the answering machine and Kathy will be notified.

If you’re finding yourself at a crossroads, consider joining the Women’s Spirituality Group. Women of all ages are welcome. The book for 2017-2018 isDecision Making & Spiritual Discernment: The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way, by Nancy L. Bieber. The back of the book has a guide for groups. There are 6 sessions outlined. Order your copy now. Making a Start – on Wednesday, September 6th at 7pm in the Parlor. Before gathering: Read Introduction (and more if you want). Get a journal for this journey.

Wanted:Crib, changing table, stroller, and high chair. Please call Jenny Gassert 763-4935 if you have any of these items to donate or sell.

Thank you to all who took a gift tag to buy a baby gift for Suad and Anwar. There are two tags left (on the wall by the house outline). If you prefer to make a donation to buy baby furniture, please make check payable to CPUCC w/"To welcome baby" in memo or on the envelope. Also, through September, we are collecting Giant gift cards to give to the new parents to help with diapers and other baby items.

Please join us on September 10 for our Rally Day celebration! At the 9:30 worship service, we welcome the Rev. Paul Gehris to our pulpit, and also rejoice for the return of our Sanctuary Choir from their summer hiatus. Following worship, we will enjoy a lunch in Fellowship Hall of hot dogs and hamburgers. Please plan to bring a side dish or dessert, as follows: Last names A-H, drinks; last names I-P, side dishes; last names Q-Z, desserts. After our delicious meal, stay for a variety of fun activities. Please let us know if you’re planning to attend and how many guests you’ll have with you by emailing or calling 545-3782.

New Worship Opportunity - The Charging Station - On September 10, Rally Day, we will inaugurate our new worship service at 5pm! Called “The Charging Station,” this service will meet every week in the Fellowship Hall. Different then our traditional Sunday morning worship, this service will be geared toward those who like a more informal worship setting and prefer more “contemporary” music styles. While we hope that some CPUCC members will attend this service to provide much needed support for this new endeavor, we also hope that you will spread the word to your friends, family members, and coworkers who are unchurched.

Neighborhood demographic studies show us that many unchurched people interviewed in our immediate neighborhood don’t go to church because they think church is “boring”, “irrelevant,” “exclusionary,” and “only concerned with money.” Well, as CPUCC disciples, we know that our church isn’t any of those things! But people in the neighborhood might not know that! With this service, we will strive to create an environment that is less “churchy,” at a time that better suits busy schedules, and that provides a forum where people can talk openly in worship about theological and societal issues.

Why the name “The Charging Station”? Because church is—in a very real sense—a spiritual station in which we come and are “recharged” for the week. In worship we encounter Christ’s community, hear His Word, and are reminded of our place and role in His mission. CPUCC exists to Listen, to Love, and to Restore Hope and Community to all God’s Children. This new worship service will help us to further fulfill our vision by making worship welcoming and accessible to more people in our community. Please pray for this new endeavor, and consider ways in which you might be called to assist or support this new ministry. For more details, please contact Pastor Scott (717-545-3782).


September is Church World Service (CWS) Blanket Month! CWS can provide warm blankets for $5 per blanket. These blankets are not only used for warmth, but for tents and as a way for families to carry their belongings. Most times they are purchased in the region where the disaster has happened, thus stimulating the local economy. We invite you to get together with your family consider a donation of one blanket ($5) per person to the Blanket fund.

The CROP WALK is October 15! Sponsor forms are available from Janice Mountain, Deacon for External Mission. You may also register online at

For the month of August our feature request for the Grocery Cart is cereal or instant oatmeal. In September, we’ll be collecting Peanut Butter and Crackers. Of course, donations of any kind are always appreciated.

Listed below are items that we are collecting during September for the Common Ground Community Center. Please place any donations in the box in the Alcove area.Deodorant, Body Wash, Bar Soap - No Irish Spring please, Lotion, Toothpaste, Tampons/Sanitary Napkins, Diapers (Baby, Toddler), Adult Pull Ups (e.g., Depends)/Incontinent Pads such as Poise/ bed pads, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Tissues, Wash cloths, Socks for men, women, children, Large and extra-large T shirts and Dishwashing detergent.


You are invited to Faith UCC’s Life & Legacy Celebration Worship Service and Luncheon on Sunday, Sept. 24 at Faith UCC, 1120 Drexel Hills Blvd, New Cumberland. Worship is at 10:30am, Hors d’oeuvres at 12:15 followed by Lunch at 1pm. Lunch is free but you must have a ticket. Contact Cathy at 512-0230 no later than Sept. 10 to reserve a seat for lunch.


Acolyte: Owen CrileyGreeter: Priscilla Fledderjohn

Lay Reader: Pat GreenawaldLiturgist: Liz August

Show & Tell:Tom MillerNursery: Cindy Gnech & Cameron Ortiz

Ushers: Larry Porter & Friends

Fellowship Time: Upper Room Sunday School

Sound Volunteers: John Butari, Jeff Karchner, Dave Rogers

Video Technician: Jami Rohland

Lay Support: Cards:Pat Yanchuleff Flowers: Marlene Myers Phone: Vi Bretz

Birthdays (August 27-Sept. 2): Jim Richardson, Dick Mauck, Chris Wilson, Kevin Longenecker, Dave Riedel, Rhonda Harris, AlishGutshall, Mary Neubold, Ted Yanchuleff. Birthdays are in the Messenger each month and at cpucc.org.

This Week’s Schedule

Monday – Womyn’s Chorus-6:30pm; Craft Night @ Todoroffs-7pm

Tuesday- Zumba-6:30pm

Wednesday -

Thursday –Neighborhood Dispute Mtg – 6:30pm; AA Mtg-7pm; Choir-7pm

Friday –TOPS - 10:30 am

Saturday –Barton Party-noon